Robert Steele: Boycott Major Baseball League! They Folded to Agents of a Foreign Power (Israel) and Are Discriminating Against Roger Waters, National Musician, Because He Is Critical of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel…

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call

This is Strike 54 Against the Zionist Apartheid Genocidal State of Israel and its foreign agents (B'Nai Brith, AIPAC, ADL) in the USA. They should all lose their non-profit status and be forced to register as foreign agents. And we should all boycott anything sponsored by the Major Baseball League. The Zionists (not to be confused with Jews who condemn Zionism) represent all that is wrong with our rigged system, where anyone who stands up for  justice is labeled a criminal. Go figure.

MLB to Cancel Roger Waters' Tour Promotions Over BDS Support

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Tucker Carlson: Trump Must Pardon Roger Stone or Commute His Sentence

09 Justice, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Tucker Carlson: Trump must ‘pardon Roger Stone or commute his sentence'

“The typical rapist in this country spends four years in prison. Armed robbers, three years. Thugs who commit violent assault, less than a year and a half,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “But Roger Stone must do [up to] nine years, until he's 76 years old, for lying.”

“This is a pure political hit. Roger Stone is facing prison because he's a high-profile Donald Trump supporter. It's that simple,” Carlson said. “You want proof? Here it is. [Former CIA Director] John Brennan and [former Director of National Intelligence] James Clapper will sleep at home tonight. Both have been caught lying under oath, on camera, about matters of national importance. And yet neither is in jail. Neither has been indicted. Neither ever will be.”

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NYT on Amazon Censorship — Epic!

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

In Amazon’s Bookstore, No Second Chances for the Third Reich

The retailer once said it would sell “the good, the bad and the ugly.” Now it has banished objectionable volumes — and agreed to erasing the swastikas from a photo book about a Nazi takeover.

Phi Beta Iota: Amazon's censorship should be — along with the deplatforming of conservatives by Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube — the subject of a Class Action lawsuit as well as a RICO investigation. President Trump has let us all down in failing to defend the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

ITNJ: French Elites & Pedophile Writer on Trial — Pedophilia No Longer “Okay”!

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Cultural Intelligence

A Pedophile Writer Is on Trial. So Are the French Elites.

For decades, Gabriel Matzneff wrote openly of his pedophilia, protected by powerful people in publishing, journalism, politics and business. Now cast out, he attacks their “cowardice” in a rare interview.

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Zero Hedge: The Pornification of America — Online Predation on the Young in Full Swing…

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

The Pornification Of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed By Sexual Predators

There are usually six stages to grooming by a sexual predator: friendship (targeting and gaining trust); relationship (filling the child’s needs); gauging the level of protection surrounding the child; exclusivity (isolating the child from others); sexualization (desensitizing the child to sex talk and activities); and abuse.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: The Pornification of America — Online Predation on the Young in Full Swing…”

James Fetzer: Impeachment Over — Manafort, Flynn, Stone to Be Exonerated — Brennan, Comey, McCabe Headed for Jail. Game, Set, and Match!

09 Justice, Corruption, Law Enforcement
Jim Fetzer

Impeachment Nearing Conclusion: Recent Developments Point to Outcome

Phi Beta Iota: This is the single best summary of Democratic crimes to date, and why Trump, Manafort, Flynn, and Stone will all be exonerated and why Brennan, Comey, and McCabe are headed for jail. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will not be re-elected.  Game, Set, and Match.

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