Zero Hedge: Trump to Regulate or Close Social Media? “Everything About This Is Insane” – #GoogleGestapo

09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency

Trump Threatens To “Close Down” Twitter, Other Social Media To Stop Them From ‘Rigging' 2020 Vote

“Everything About This Is Insane” – Begging Big Tech To Be Arbiters Of Truth Will Ultimately Backfire

As Liberty Bltizkrieg's Mike Krieger noted so perfectly, “everything about this is insane.”

“The tech giants are out of control, actively laundering national security state talking points via mass media “fact checker” censorship. It's only gonna get worse.”

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Mongoose: Joe Biden, the “Hang the Blacks” Senator?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society

Authentic black leaders appear to consider Joe Biden to be a senile sanctimoneous sack of shit who hates  blacks on the one hand, and fronts for Wall Street criminals on  the other.  What's not to like?

2019-08-05 Reward offered for stolen historical marker in memory of lynching victim

2019-06-27 Historians say Prices Corner not sole Delaware lynching, aim to document others

2019-03-24 Some suspected lynchings in Joe Biden's home state, status in 2019, official explanations.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Joe Biden, the “Hang the Blacks” Senator?”

DefDog: Judge Sullivan Hires A Defense Attorney; FBI Investigates Itself; Could the Deep State be Imploding Over Mike Flynn?

09 Justice, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Judge Emmet Sullivan Hires “High-Powered” DC Lawyer to Represent His Interests in Flynn Case…

The Washington Post headline reads (emphasis mine): “Federal judge hires high-powered D.C. attorney to defend his actions in Flynn case.” Which gives some insight into the framework and purpose of this event, and how it reached the WaPo narrative engineers.

Continue reading “DefDog: Judge Sullivan Hires A Defense Attorney; FBI Investigates Itself; Could the Deep State be Imploding Over Mike Flynn?”