Reference: Citation Analytics 201

About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Augmented Reality, Balance, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, History, ICT-IT, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Maps, Methods & Process, Multinational Plus, Policies, Policies-Harmonization, Policy, Political, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Processing, Real Time, Research resources, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tools, Tribes

Phi Beta Iota: Most serious analysts now understand Citation Analytics 101.  It's time to move to Citation Analytics 202, and there is no better way to introduce the art of the possible than by pointing to Kevin W. Boyack, Katy Borner, and Richard Klavans (2007), “Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Chemistry Research (11th International Conference of Scientometrics and Infometrics, pp. 112-123.

Full Article with Color Graphics
Graphic as Printable Single Page PPT

There are several take-aways from this article, which is more or less the “coming out” of the Klavens-inspired infometrics field now that he has won his law-suit and has unchallenged access to all Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) access [this was one of the sources we used to win the Burundi Exercise before the Aspin-Brown Commission in 1995].

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Reference: 2010 U.S. Army Operating Concept

Full Document Online

Marcus Aurelius Comments:

The Army Operating Concept, describes how future Army forces conduct operations as part of the joint force to deter conflict, prevail in war, and succeed in a wide range of contingencies in the future operational environment. It describes the employment of Army forces in the 2016-2028 timeframe with emphasis on the operational and tactical levels of war.  The Army Operating Concept (AOC) explains how the Army will comply with and execute guidance derived from the Army Capstone Concept (ACC) released in January 2009. The AOC will guide revisions in Army doctrine, organizations, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF). It also serves as a bridge between the ACC and war fighting functional concepts, and enhances integration of Army forces with a wide array of domestic and international partners.

A major theme in the ACC which the AOC seeks to implement is Operational Adaptability – defined as operating under conditions of uncertainty and complexity. Key to this concept is the Army's ability to simultaneously execute multiple variations of operations such as conducting combined arms maneuver and wide area security within the context of full spectrum operations.

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Reference: SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets
Berto Jongman Recommends...

Multilateral peace operations: Africa, 2009
Multilateral peace operations: Asia, 2009
Multilateral peace operations: Europe, 2009
Multilateral peace operations: personnel, 2009
Kirsten Soder
SIPRI Fact Sheets [Click for Download Options]

These SIPRI Fact Sheets present data from the SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database to illuminate some of the most significant developments in peace operations around the world in 2009 as well as trends over the decade since 2000. They include statistical data on numbers and type of peacekeeping personnel, the organizations and countries mounting operations and deploying personnel, along with maps of peace operations that were active in Africa, Asia and Europe during 2009.

About the author

Kirsten Soder (Germany) was a Researcher with the SIPRI Armed Conflict and Conflict Management Programme. She managed the SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database between 2006 and 2010.

Reference: Sustainable World by 2050

About the Idea, Briefings (Core)
Full Briefing Online

Phi Beta Iota: Professor Robert Horn of Stanford is one of the co-founders and continuing intellects unified by Earth Intelligence Network, and a true genius at sustainability design and visualization.  His original term of continuing value is  “information mapping.”  This, his latest briefing, is a most helpful offering in relation to creating global strategies for education, intelligence, and research.  Visit Professor Horn at his HOME PAGE.

See Also:

Bite-Size View of Full Wall Mural (Fast but Still 17MB)

Full Size Wall Mural is offered for sale, laminated, C$945.  Order from RubenNelson at

Book on Mapping Hypertext (1989)

Reference: Seth Grimes on Public Intelligence

Blog Wisdom

Seth Grimes Profile

Public Intelligence: How It Can Work

Written by Seth Grimes


I’ve been contemplating the notion of “public intelligence” in the context of government transparency.

Public documents and data play a lead role for both government and non-governmental organizations alike. They create an Internet data space that offers information about public concerns, while at the same time providing this information for public use with added analytical capabilities that transform documents and data into public business intelligence.

See many links and explicit suggestions at Full Article Online.

Free Republic: US Grand Strategy? List of 11 No-Nos

Articles & Chapters, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Strategy

Phi Beta Iota: Free Republic came to our attention today, as a good example of the common sense of We the People.  We have added  them to Righteous Sites.  Below found there on Grand Strategy.

FPRI-Temple University Consortium on Grand Strategy • The Telegram No. 3

Can the United States Do Grand Strategy?

April 2010

By Walter A. McDougall

Excerpt: Angelo Codevilla, who says that what passes for strategy in the U.S. government is mostly wishful or sloppy thinking, made the same point in operational terms. “Because doing the right thing is important to Americans as to no other people, American politics is like politics nowhere else…. Basing statecraft on the American people’s penchant for trying to do the right thing, as did Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, brings forth awesome energy…. But using the American people’s righteousness as a propellant for private dreams, as did [Woodrow] Wilson, or as cover for tergiversation, as did George W. Bush, is ruinous.”

Related piece same title, with bibliography, by McDougall in Orbis, Journal of World Affairs:

Excerpt: “So whatever buzz words become the shorthand for a new American strategy, I expect the most we can hope for is that our national security agencies and their consulting firms just post on their walls the business strategist Richard Rumelt’s list of ten strategic blunders and meditate on them every day.[32] They are:

Continue reading “Free Republic: US Grand Strategy? List of 11 No-Nos”

The 19 most influential cybersecurity organizations in the world (GAO)

02 China, 06 Russia, Computer/online security, General Accountability Office
see the report

The Government Accountability Office identified 19 global organizations “whose international activities significantly influence the security and governance of cyberspace.”

The organizations range from information-sharing forums that are non-decision-making gatherings of experts to private organizations to treaty-based, decision-making bodies founded by countries. The groups address a variety of topics from incident response,  the development of technical standards, the facilitation of criminal investigations to the creation of international policies related to information technology and critical infrastructure, the GAO stated.

From the GAO report:

  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a cooperative economic and trade forum designed to promote economic growth and cooperation among 21 countries from the Asia-Pacific region. APEC's Telecommunication and Information Working Group supports security efforts associated with the information infrastructure of member countries through activities designed to strengthen effective incident response capabilities, develop information security guidelines, combat cybercrime, monitor security implications of emerging technologies, and foster international cybersecurity cooperation.
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an economic and security cooperative comprised of 10 member nations from Southeast Asia. According to the 2009-2015 Roadmap for an ASEAN Community, it looks to combat transnational cybercrime by fostering cooperation among member-nations' law enforcement agencies and promoting the adoption of cybercrime legislation. In addition, the road map calls for activities to develop information infrastructure and expand computer emergency response teams (CERT) and associated drills to all ASEAN partners.

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