Eric Zuesse: Catholic Sexual Pathologies and War Against Women

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

The basic message in my CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS was the opening sentence of the Introduction, on page 25: “Methodology is even more important than findings, because it determines the findings.” Everybody ignores it. But any authentic scientist, in any field, practices it constantly in that field. I practice it in everything that I write about. To me, it is the cardinal principle.

By the way, you might find of interest the following, which I discovered just today:

Continue reading “Eric Zuesse: Catholic Sexual Pathologies and War Against Women”

Mongoose: CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government

CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

Table of Contents

What is MKULTRA?
– The Black Vault and the 2004 FOIA Document Release
– The Missing Pages
– MKULTRA Documents Released October 2018
– “Behavioral Modification” Documents Released November 2018
– Additional Documents Declassified About MKULTRA


David Icke: How MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control Might Work

Unz Review: “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance”: the Anti-Defamation League’s Latest Attempt to Increase Jewish Influence Over the Black Community

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence

“Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance”: the Anti-Defamation League's Latest Attempt to Increase Jewish Influence Over the Black Community

On February 1st, a new organization called the “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance” announced its existence to the world.

Their press release, timed to coincide with the first day of black history month, states that Jews are equally as oppressed as blacks and both groups must work together against “anti-Semitism” and “institutional racism.”

The group has all the fingerprints of an Anti-Defamation League operation. The ADL is featured on its resources page and the Zionist group’s CEO quickly endorsed the “alliance.”

Read full article.

Mongoose: Chinese Control of US Power Grid, Trump Ended, Biden Reinstating?

03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

Alert Reader has sent this in:


Something is not sitting right with me with  Texas and it’s not just the weather. I mean it really bothers me these millions of Texas families are suffering. I couldn’t sleep actually…So I woke up this morning, made coffee and got to researching.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Chinese Control of US Power Grid, Trump Ended, Biden Reinstating?”