Mongoose: The Deep State and False Flag Operations — Empire, Gladio, Death of the West

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio

The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility.  They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve. 

The assassinations of the entire elite level of progressive leadership in the United States during the 1960s (JFK, Malcolm X (image right), MLK & RFK within a 5 year period).  In Europe this includes the later assassinations of Aldo Moro and Olaf Palme.

Following is but a partial list of the crimes of the U.S. empire (with the routine complicity of many Western European governments) over the decades since the end of WWII.  It is important to briefly review them as the intersection of these orchestrated criminal actions casts light on the lack of legitimacy of Western governments and institutions:

Read full list with commentary.

Ahmet Yayla: Assassination in Turkey – A Few Thoughts

09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
Ahmet Sait Yayla

Anxiety in Ankara: Assassination, Geopolitics, and Democracy in Turkey

The assassination itself still has many unanswered questions: was the assassin acting alone or on someone’s behalf or with the assistance of others; why did Turkish intelligence and law enforcement forces not provide sufficient security for the ambassador; what was the motive behind the attack and why was the assassin killed rather than captured? Additionally, a Turkish judge issued a media ban on the attack, making it more difficult to understand and reveal facts about the assassination. In order to inform the international community and reduce the chances of such an attack happening against other diplomatic dignitaries in Turkey, the Turkish government needs to be transparent about the findings of the investigation, demonstrating it has solid, objective evidence provided in a timely manner.

Phi Beta Iota: A blockbuster of a read from a PhD former counterterrorism officer in Turkey.

Berto Jongman: Berlin False Flag Faked — Video Hoax

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media
Berto Jongman

Best reconstruction video that illustrates that the truck never crossed the market taking into consideration the speed, the space and the angle that had to be made. Possible it was moved backwards through the fence to give the impression that it had crossed the market. But that causes all kinds of anomalies given the so-called damage on other footage. 

Nori Huddle: Assassination of NATO Chief Auditor to Conceal €250 Black Budget for NATO-Sponsored Terrorism — Media Black-Out Occurring by Design

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military
Norie Huddle

Media blackout on death of NATO auditor – was he assassinated to cover-up NATO’s black budget?

In the weeks leading up to his assassination, at the hands of top NATO officials themselves who ordered the job, Chandelon reportedly came in possession of additional dossiers that document supplementary details for the previously assumed €250 billion black hole in NATO’s books. It is believed that the data included therein would also have enabled Chandelon to be at the basis of corruption charges being brought against NATO’s top officials and the Belgian government, who hosts the dubious NATO headquarters in its capital district, and enough incriminating evidence concerning NATO’s secret funding of real terror cells both in the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Palestine) AND in Europe, including in Turkey.

Continue reading “Nori Huddle: Assassination of NATO Chief Auditor to Conceal €250 Black Budget for NATO-Sponsored Terrorism — Media Black-Out Occurring by Design”

Marcus Aurelius: Mike Flynn on Winning Wars

04 Inter-State Conflict, 09 Terrorism, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius

Read what the President-elect's National Security Advisor had to say about winning wars a couple of months ago. Military Review is the professional journal of the Army's intermediate-level professional school, the Command and General Staff College.

How about Winning Our Nation’s Wars Instead of Just Participating in Them?

Extracts Below the Fold

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