Gordon Duff: New False Flag Sarin Gas Videos Coming from White Helmet Covert Action Media Influence Group

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Peace Intelligence, Uncategorized

Witnesses: White Helmets Finish Filming New Fake Gas Attack for Trump, Russia Will Retaliate…Against US

The White Helmets have finished filming a staged provocation implicating the Syrian army in the use of chemical agents, according to the Russian Centre for Syria reconciliation. The group’s video will show fake casualties allegedly caused by a “chemical attack” by the Syrian government, the centre reported.

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Mongoose: Zionists Erasing History to Cover Up Long Standing Plans to Genocide Palestinians

05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plan to Keep Arabs Off Their Lands

A document unsealed after 60 years reveals the Israeli government’s secret intentions behind the imposition of a military government on the country’s Arab citizens in 1948: not to enhance security but to ensure Jewish control of the land

Safety copy below the fold, we expect Ha'aretz to be censored soon.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Zionists Erasing History to Cover Up Long Standing Plans to Genocide Palestinians”

Robert Foley: Free E-Book, UNRAVELED – 9/11 and the Plot to Rule the World

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government
Free Online

People in the 9/11Truth community don't believe the government's account of the events of September 11, 2001. But just what did happen? Using eyewitness testimony and enhanced stills from videos, the author has been able to ascertain how the 9/11 event was carried out. He further explains the motives for the operation and how it was hijacked by a more sinister group that was watching and waiting with aims of its own.

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Robert Steele: Obama Weaponized CIA, DoJ, FBI Against Mike Flynn – Gulen Appears to be a Terrorist Supported by US Taxpayers Still Laundering Cash Back to the Clintons

09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

While I have no direct knowledge I find the below write-up from Joe Holt at Gateway Pundit to be compelling.

MUST VIEW: New Documentary Details How General Flynn Was Targeted and Set Up by Obama White House For Calling Out Clinton and Obama Supported Terrorist Cabal in the US

Five points in the article, which draws heavily on Sibel Edmonds whom I trust,  jump out for me:

01 Gulen is a self-avowed terrorist able to order violence in Turkey at will

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Obama Weaponized CIA, DoJ, FBI Against Mike Flynn – Gulen Appears to be a Terrorist Supported by US Taxpayers Still Laundering Cash Back to the Clintons”