SchwartzReport: US Venerial Disease Outpaces New Jobs or College Grads

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

schwartz reportWhen I saw this story this morning I could hardly believe it was real. But I have checked and it is. You can click through to download the CDC .pdf report.

I find it highly ironic that this story is appearing in a conservative religious website, because much of this enormous spread of venereal disease is arising because the Theocratic Right has done everything it can to stop useful sex education in the U.S. leaving teens, particularly teens in Red value states, completely unprepared to practice safe sex. Not surprisingly, the incidence of unintended pregnancies and STDs in those states are much higher than in Blue value states.

CDC: 110,197,000 Venereal Infections in U.S.; Nation Creating New STIs Faster Than New Jobs or College Grads

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Koko: Idiot Humans – Creating Mutant Viruses? Eugenics Play?

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption

Deadly GM flu research that could ‘wipe out significant portion of humanity' set to restart

Flu experts overturn self-imposed ban on creating mutant firms of the H5N1 bird flu virus
They claim the risky research is needed to prepare in case it naturally mutates to human transmissible form
But leading experts condemn decision to restart research into genetically modified versions of the virus
Humans can only currently catch H5N1 from infected birds, but when they do it is usually fatal

By Damien Gayle

MailOnline, 24 January 2013

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  “Who benefits?”  The “precautionary principle” is well established, and anyone who violates it generally has come combination of moral disengagement and financial corruption attendant to their decision.  The “good guys club” that includes Bill Gates and Warren Buffet is known to have a eugenics agenda.  Could it be that these researchers have been offered a financial incentive of such proportions as to overcome their intellectual appreciation for the risks?  As with nuclear proliferation, and small arms proliferation, the weakness of human ethics is the weak link — once created, such viruses will inevitably be “leaked.”  This is a good time for the public to ask: what is government doing on this issue that is or is not in the public interest?

Berto Jongman: Western-Imperial Violence — Detailed Dismantling of Steven Pinker’s Apologetics

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Reality Denial : Steven Pinker's Apologetics for Western-Imperial Volence

By Edward S Herman and David Peterson

ZNET, Wednesday, 25 July 2012

It is amusing to see how eagerly the establishment media have welcomed Steven Pinker’s 2011 tome, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined,[1] which explains not only that “violence has been in decline for long stretches of time,” but that “we may be living in the most peaceful era in our species' existence.”[2] A professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University since 2002 and a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist in the general nonfiction category,[3] Pinker’s lovable theme coincides with the Nobel Peace Laureate’s current engagement in wars on at least four separate continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America); his regretful partial withdrawal from invaded and occupied Iraq; his victorious termination of the 2011 war in Libya; his buildup and threats to engage in even larger wars with Syria and Iran, both already underway with aggressive sanctions and an array of covert actions;[4] his semi-secret and ever-widening use of remote-controlled aerial gunships and death squads in global killing operations;[5] and his declaration of the right to kill any person anywhere for “national security” reasons—officially making the entire world a U.S. free-fire-zone.[6] The Barack Obama regime, and before it the Bush-Cheney regime, have also supported and protected Israel’s escalated ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and the hostile U.S. actions and threats involving Iran and Syria are closely geared with those of Israel.

Read full article with detailed notes.

Berto Jongman: Two Weak Signals on Infectious Disease

02 Infectious Disease
Berto Jongman

New fatal disease, and new contamination within US laboratory.

Arabian Coronavirus: Plot Thickens But Virus Lies Low


“It is likely that the patient's infection was acquired in Qatar, as he was in Qatar for the 16 days prior to the onset of his most recent respiratory illness in September,” write researchers from the U.K.'s Health Protection Agency and co-workers.

The man remains on life support in a London hospital after he got infected last month by the previously unknown coronavirus. He can't breathe on his own, so requires treatment called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, basically an artificial lung. He has also suffered kidney failure.

Read full article.

Rare Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Spreads To Six States


It's a troubling story authorities think will unfold over the next month or so. An untold number of Americans who got steroid injections in their spine to relieve back pain may end up with a rare fungal meningitis. The drug was contaminated with the spores of a common leaf mold — nobody knows how.

So far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded 35 cases of the fungal meningitis in six states: Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Maryland and Indiana. Five patients have died.

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The contaminated drug came from New England Compounding Center, a company based in Framingham, Mass., that abruptly suspended operations this week, took its main website offline and stopped answering phone calls.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: SARS-Like Virus Moves to Europe

02 Infectious Disease
Berto Jongman

Five in Denmark contract SARS-linked virus

Five people have been isolated in a hospital in Denmark with symptoms of a new viral respiratory illness from the same family as the deadly SARS virus.


Petersen said those admitted were a family of four where the father had been to Saudi Arabia, and an unrelated person who had been to Qatar. Two of those with symptoms were under the age of five.

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SARS swept out of China in 2003, killing more than 800 people worldwide.

Read full article.

Steven Aftergood: New Policy on Mitigation Risks of Bio Research

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Steven Aftergood


Certain types of life science research involving “high consequence pathogens and toxins” would be subject to new review and risk mitigation procedures which might include classification of the research or termination of the funding, according to a U.S. government policy issued yesterday by the National Institutes of Health.

The policy applies to research involving 15 specified biological agents and toxins which “pose the greatest risks of deliberate misuse with most significant potential for mass casualties or devastating effects to the economy, critical infrastructure or public confidence.”

Research that increases the lethality or transmissibility of the agent or toxin, or otherwise enhances its harmful consequences, will be subject to the new review procedures.

Based on the outcome of the review, a risk mitigation plan may be developed.  If less restrictive measures were deemed inadequate, the new policy would allow for national security classification of the research or termination of government funding.

See “United States Government Policy for Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern,” March 29, 2012.

See also “U.S. Requires New Dual-Use Biological Research Reviews” by David Malakoff, Science Insider, March 29.

Phi Beta Iota:  Nice but inadequate.  The government is paying lip service to this necessary precautionary principle.  If they were really serious, such a policy would encompass all agricultural and industrial processes without exception.

See Also:

Charles Perrow,  The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011)

Mini-Me: 15+ Potentially Massive Threats to US Economy

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, Blog Wisdom, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Who? Mini-Me?

Huh?  Here are Mini-Me's post-November 2012 nightmare events:

01  End of all federal grants to all universities

02  By law, all option years on all federal contracts eliminated.

03  30% federal employee Reduction in Force (RIF)

04  Industrial chemical accident of historic proportions (e.g. the really really big rusted chlorine tank above the NJ Turnpike right outside NYC blows)

05  One of NYC's two 1920's water mains blows, followed by a firestorm

06  Our own biological agent used (Forced Population Reduction) across the poorest sectors of the south (“useless eaters” according to Henry Kissinger).

07  Radiological event (dirty bomb) closes down a major transit hub for the next 20 years.  Having fun yet?

15 Potentially Massive Threats To The U.S. Economy Over The Next 12 Months

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and the potential for an event that could cause “sudden change” to the U.S. economy is greater than ever.

There are dozens of potentially massive threats that could easily push the U.S. economy over the edge during the next 12 months.  A war in the Middle East, a financial collapse in Europe, a major derivatives crisis or a horrific natural disaster could all change our economic situation very rapidly.

In the list below, you will find some “sudden change” events that are somewhat likely and some that are quite unlikely.  I have tried to include a broad range of potential “black swan events”, but there are certainly dozens more massive threats that could potentially be listed. (List only — links and text at the article.

01  War with Syria
02  War with Iran
03  Disorderly Greek Debt Default
04  Economic Collapse in Spain
05  Price of Gasoline
06  Student Loan Debt Bubble
07  State and Local Debt Crisis
08  Collapse of a Major US Bank
09  Derivatives Crisis (Credit Swaps Collapse)
10  Fall of the Japanese Economy (and government)
11  A Solar Megastorm (1 in 8 chance)
12  Major West Coast Earthquake and/or Volcanic Eruption
13  Tornado Damage to Major US Cities
14  Severe Drought in the United States
15  Asteroid Strike in February 2013