Ed Jewitt: Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering Fueling Super Wildfires According to Author

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Military

Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering Fueling  Super Wildfires According to Author

“Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. “Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It's near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ̶ ‘firenados,' ” he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed.”

Richard Sauder: Overview of Secret Deep Underground and Underwater Bases Connected by Mag-Lev Trains & Tunnels

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government

Richard Sauder, PhD Biography Page

There are a great many underground and underwater tunnels and facilities. They can be impressively large and deep. Depths can easily
range to one vertical mile underground, which is comparative child's play for the technology in the Black Budget world, and even deeper.

Installations can also sprawl for miles, with many levels. The massive facility beneath the Catoctin Mountains in Maryland is just one example of many. People have no idea what kind of deep labyrinth is beneath Camp David and under the surrounding region. I have informally been told that some bases are miles deep.

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Koko: Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence

Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation

Phi Beta Iota: Scientifically-sound public opposition to 5G is beginning to take effect. Mindful of the FACT that Lloyd's will not insure 5G specifically and wireless generally, we should all treat 5G the way asbestos and tobacco and anything made by Monsanto should be treated: toxic to humanity.

See Also:

5G @ Phi Beta Iota