Worth a Look: Empathetic Smart Civilization

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Reform, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Phi Beta Iota: this specific book is rocketing around Reuniting America, Transpartisan (Left) and Post-Partisan (Right) circles, the 50 million or so Americans–possibly more now–that consider themselves Cultural Creatives.  This book will be reviewed here in a week or two.  Below are related books with links to their review page and from there to their Amazon page.  Put simply, conscious evolution is an information-sharing problem, nothing more or less.  You liberate and enrich people in the aggregate by connecting them (cell phones) and then empowering them (access to free information).

See also:

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Worth a Look: Mind-Sets, Marriage, & Multi-Cultural

Worth A Look

The Terrorist Mind: An Update

Despite the lack of a single terrorist profile, researchers have largely agreed on the risk factors for involvement. They include what Jerrold M. Post, a professor of psychiatry, political psychology and international affairs at George Washington University, calls “generational transmission” of extremist beliefs, which begins early in life; a strong sense of victimization and alienation; the belief that moral violations by the enemy justify violence in pursuit of a “higher moral condition;” the belief that the terrorists’ ethnic, religious or nationalist group is special and in danger of extinction, and that they lack the political power to effect change without violence.

Bleak Marriage Prospects: Skewed China birth rate to leave 24 mln men single

More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses in 2020, state media reported on Monday, citing a study that blamed sex-specific abortions as a major factor.

Phi Beta Iota: China is waging peace across the Southern Hemisphere, exporting single men is part of the deal.

Multicultural Critical Theory. At B-School?

That insight led Mr. Martin to begin advocating what was then a radical idea in business education: that students needed to learn how to think critically and creatively every bit as much as they needed to learn finance or accounting. More specifically, they needed to learn how to approach problems from many perspectives and to combine various approaches to find innovative solutions.

Worth a Look: Open Design

Collaboration Zones, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, True Cost, Worth A Look

Wikipedia Page

Open design is the development of physical products, machines and systems through use of publicly shared design information. The process is generally facilitated by the Internet and often performed without monetary compensation. The goals and philosophy are identical to open source, but reside in a different paradigm.

Phi Beta Iota: The emergent Open Design community is a bit too focused on products, i.e. open source hardware.  Open Design can and should apply to all processes, all services, all products.  Unlike the assembly line focus on the Industrial Era, Open Design would integrate 360 degree cultural values (e.g. organic food to slow food to food-based dialog) and fully integrate the humanities with the mechanics to achieve Consilience.

Worth a Look: Citizen Science

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats, Worth A Look

Wikipedia Page

Citizen science is a term used for projects or ongoing program of scientific work in which individual volunteers or networks of volunteers, many of whom may have no specific scientific training, perform or manage research-related tasks such as observation, measurement or computation.

The use of citizen-science networks often allows scientists to accomplish research objectives more feasibly than would otherwise be possible. In addition, these projects aim to promote public engagement with the research, as well as with science in general. Some programs provide materials specifically for use by primary or secondary school students. As such, citizen science is one approach to informal science education.

Phi Beta Iota: Citizen Science is in its infancy, but with the emergence of open source software and open source intelligence combinations such as represented by SourceMap.org, Citizen Intelligence and Citizen Counterintelligence are sure to be coming along soon….and if combined with multi-lingual networks such as provided by Telelanguage, a global multinational citizen information-sharing and sense-making grid can be created that implements the Swedish vision of M4IS2: Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making.  This has enormous implications for both real-time science and real-time warning as well as real-time Emergency Action.

Worth a Look: SourceMap (Supply Chain)

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
SourceMap Home Page

Sourcemap is a platform that enables users to contribute to and share ideas about sustainability. Whether you are inviting people to an event, buying ingredients for a recipe, or designing a product, your choices have a significant impact. Some decisions have impacts that stretch across the world, whereas others are entirely regional. Understanding the reach of our actions and facilitating positive change is fundamental to improving economic, social, and environmental conditions.

With a tip of the hat toleonardo bonanni doctoral candidate at the MIT Media Lab, a designer and an artist. He teaches the MIT class Future Craft: Radical Sustainability in Product Design on the social aspects of mass design. You can also find his blog, photos, and videos. To find out more and for contact information, download his resume.

Worth a Look: Free Credit Reports

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Worth A Look

Free Credit Reports for Virginia Residents (and some others).

Consumers, it’s time to get your free annual credit reports. You can order a free report annually from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies.

“Basically, Congress gave you the right to look at your credit report for two reasons,” said Ed Mierzwinski of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group in Washington. “First, to see if you’ve been the victim of identity theft and, second, to see if mistakes are dragging down your credit score and causing you to pay more for, or be denied, credit opportunities,” he said. “So look at your free credit reports and avoid the trap of paying the credit bureaus for extra credit-monitoring services, which no consumer advocate recommends.”

Here are three ways to do it:

Order by phone. Call (877) 322-8228 and follow the prompts. Be prepared to say your Social Security number and other personal information, so be sure no stranger is around to overhear.

Order by mail. Print out the form online at < www.annualcreditreport.com > — the only official site to obtain the
free reports. Click “request form.” Fill it out and mail it back. It will be processed within a few weeks.

View it instantly online. Go to www.annualcreditreport.com. Select and click your state from the drop-down menu (Virginia, for us) and follow the instructions. You can buy your credit score, too.

Once you get your free report, dispute any errors that you can identify.

Also, instead of ordering three reports now, consider ordering one from a different agency each quarter.

It’s a way of monitoring your credit for free throughout the year.

Worth a Look: Economic Intelligence for the Public

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Policies, Worth A Look

Chris Martinsen's Free Crash Course on Economics

# Chapter Duration Translations
Introduction (on this page, above) 1:47 Español, Français
1 Three Beliefs 1:46 Español, Français
2 The Three “E”s 1:38 Español, Français
3 Exponential Growth 6:20 Español, Français
4 Compounding is the Problem 3:06 Español, Français
5 Growth vs. Prosperity 3:40 Español, Français
6 What is Money? 5:55 Español, Français
7 Money Creation 4:19 Español, Français
8 The Fed – Money Creation 7:13 Español, Français
9 A Brief History of US Money 7:14 Español, Français
10 Inflation 11:48 Español, Français
11 How Much Is A Trillion? 3:28 Español, Français
12 Debt 12:32 Español, Français
13 A National Failure To Save 12:06 Español, Français
14 Assets & Demographics 13:41 Español, Français
15 Bubbles 14:10 Español, Français
16 Fuzzy Numbers 15:52 Español, Français
17a Part A: Peak Oil 17:52 Español, Français
17b Part B: Energy Budgeting 12:15 Español, Français
17c Part C: Energy And The Economy 7:05 Español, Français
18 Environmental Data 16:22 Español, Français
19 Future Shock 8:02 Español, Français
20 What Should I Do? 19:48 Español, Français

Tip of the Hat to pinecarr, who provided this comment at  Book: INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH–Chapter 7 Loaded.

Retired Reader states “Identifying what he [Robert D. Steele] conceives as the ten major threats to humanity as the bases for designing a global intelligence system is exactly the way to begin.” I couldn’t agree more.

Given that, and as someone who greatly admires your ability to digest huge amounts of information in your pursuit of truth, I would like to bring “The Crash Course”, by Dr. Chris Martenson, to your attention. It is available free on-line..

I think Chris’s 5 year search for the truth -relating to interacting problems in the economy, energy, and environment- complements your search for larger truths, just starting from a different perspective. I also think the knowledge he conveys may contribute additional insights for your assessment of the top threats to humanity.

For an independent review of the Crash Course by the Huffington Post, see “The Perfect Crash Course on the Economy”.

EXTRACT from Huffington Post (a great review) on the author's three core points:

“The first is that the next twenty years are going to be completely unlike the last twenty years. Second, I believe that its possible that the pace and/or scope of change could overwhelm the ability of our key social and support institutions to adapt. Third, I believe we do not lack any technology or understanding necessary to build ourselves a better future.”