Worth a Look: Radical Middle Newsletter

11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look
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Radical Middle Newsletter

Thoughtful Idealism, Informed Hope

The recent closing of this five year award-winning newsletter by Mark Satin, author of the book  Radical Middle: The Politics We Need Now has yielded a marvelous “best of the best” series of links on a single page that we strongly recommend to anyone with a brain interested in democracy and the creation of a prosperous world at peace.

Worth a Look: Key Leader Engagement

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 10 Security, Analysis, DoD, Key Players, Methods & Process, Military, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Free Monograph Online
Free Monograph Online

Phi Beta Iota: Blessed commons sense from a Captain and intelligence professional in the U.S. Army.  When we first entered Iraq we were told to avoid the immams and tribal chiefs, and this wasted at least four years of key leader engagement.  Neither the secret world nor the military “Human Terrain Team” program have gotten a grip on cultural intelligence or a coherent holistic matrix for strategic, operational, and tactical exploitation of political-legal, socio-economic, ideo-cultural, techno-demographic, and natural-geographic Essential Elements of Information (EEI).  We still have not integrated provincial team civil reporting with military tactical reporting, and still have both hugh gaps and costly overlaps.  This monograph, this captain, are the tip of the spear not just in leadership engagement, but in reconcilation–there is a reason why “truth” is included “Truth & Reconciliation Commission.”  BRAVO ZULU.

Worth a Look: Selections on Terrorism

09 Terrorism, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Berto Jongman recommends….

New jihad code threatens al Qaeda

Radicalisation Processes Leading to Acts of Terrorism

CSCP Papers:The evolution of Al-Qaedaism: Ideology, terrorists, and appeal

CSCP Papers: Jihadi terrorists in Europe, their characteristics and the circumstances in which they joined the jihad: an exploratory study

Other CSCP publications:  Jihadi terrorists in Europe and Global Salafi Jihadis

Worth a Look: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Earth Intelligence, Media, Worth A Look
Home Page
Home Page

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) is a collaboration of some of the world's top investigative reporters. Launched in 1997 as a project of the Center for Public Integrity, ICIJ globally extends the Center's style of watchdog journalism, working with 100 journalists in 50 countries to produce long-term, transnational investigations.

  1. Tobacco Underground Tobacco Underground

    The illicit trafficking of tobacco is a multibillion-dollar business today, fueling organized crime and corruption, robbing governments of needed tax money, and spurring addiction to a deadly product. Drawn by profits rivaling those of narcotics, smugglers move cigarettes by the billion, making tobacco the world's most widely smuggled legal substance.

  2. Collateral Damage Collateral Damage

    Post-9/11 U.S. foreign policy and military aid and assistance had a huge impact in nations around the world — and at home. This award-winning project includes 20 articles from four continents.

  3. Divine Intervention, U.S. AIDS Policy Abroad Divine Intervention, U.S. AIDS Policy Abroad

    A year-long investigation of President Bush’s initiative to fight AIDS abroad finds that conservative ideology hinders its real benefits by insisting on abstinence-only programs over promoting condom use.

  4. Windfalls of War, U.S. Contractors in Afghanistan & Iraq Windfalls of War, U.S. Contractors in Afghanistan & Iraq

    A comprehensive examination of companies that won contracts for work in Iraq and Afghanistan — and of their campaign contributions, led by General Electric and Vinnell Corporation (the former Northrup Grumman).

Worth a Look: UFO’s Known & Obscured

Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Worth A Look

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973

Amazon Reviewer M. Packo: Mr. Dolan's perspective on how a better understanding of UFOs has been obfuscated and frustrated by agencies within our government, as well as much of our national media, conjoined of course, is presented efficiently and without distortion or cant. His summary of 25 years' worth of global UFO sightings alone makes this a valuable reference book. Combined with other developments related to the elaboration of our national security apparatus – domestic and international – this study achieves truly authoritative status. This is a book that every student of American history should read, regardless of their opinion about UFOs.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State, Vol. 2)

Amazon Reviewer Juan Ordonez: The second volume of the planned trilogy of “Ufo's & The National Security State” follows the methodical coverage of the UFO events in America and other parts of the world between 1973 to 1991. As in the first volume, the narrative is fluid and well organized, making it a page turner. The cases and reports exposed are not just interesting but also well referenced. Dolan clearly delineates when a case is fully supported or is just unproven (but suggestive). In addition, Dolan presents a parallel account of world wide events that might have been affected by the narrative of the UFO cases covered by the book. Although the book follows the chronological account of cases as in the first volume, this volume hints at a possible evolution of the UFO narrative (or folklore, depending on the reader) in consonance with the rise of corporate power as the main factor of power in the developed world. This second volume, as the first does not look for a direct and simple answer to a multifaceted issue such as the UFO's, instead presents the existing evidence about the most relevant cases and allows the reader to shape an informed opinion.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: UFO's Known & Obscured”