Jean Lievens: Karl Polanyi – New Economic Thinking — Land is Not a Commodity….

Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Tip of the Hat to Svend Aage Christensen

Learning from Karl Polanyi


So what is the explanation for this disjuncture between theory and empirical results? Krugman's answer is “that workers are not, in fact, commodities.” Unlike soybeans or other commodities, employees know and care about their price, and when they are paid better, they tend to work harder, stay in their jobs longer, and improve the employer's bottom line. Krugman suggests that viewing workers as commodities leads directly to the aggressive attack on wage and benefits that has been dominant in the U.S. for the last forty years. But as soon as we reject the idea of workers as commodities, the road is open to alternative policies that could address skyrocketing income and wealth inequalities. Read full article.

Kosmos: Double Enclosure — the shut down of democratic accountability, participation and transparency

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Access, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Culture, Design, Earth Intelligence, Economics/True Cost

kosmos logo‘Double Enclosure’- the shut down of democratic accountability, participation and transparency

What’s going on is a double-enclosure: a massive privatization and commodification of the physical world – the atmosphere, land, forests, genes, life forms, and more – and a massive privatization and commodification of economic decision making and democracy themselves.

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Mongoose: UNASUR Opens Defense School Focused on Peace and Stability

Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Politics, Resilience, Security

Unasur opens Defense School to elaborate a shared doctrine of peace and stability

The Union of South American Nations, Unasur will celebrate this Friday its eighth anniversary with the official opening of the South American Defense School (Esude) created to instruct on defense and security issues, both at civil and military level, following ‘the principles of a regional strategic vision'.

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Robert Steele: Looking for a Good Conversation about a Non-Partisan Non-Violent Revolution? Like & Join Coffee Party — Engage with Joan — … Please!

Access, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Robert David STEELE
Robert David STEELE

I have finally found two places where intelligent people can come together across all moral and intellectual boundaries — one of them is the Coffee Party, the other is Joan Blades' new initiative, Living Room Conversations.  Below are some links — I encourage anyone who believes in America the Beautiful and the US Constitution to treat the Coffee Party as a non-partisan second home, and to engage as deeply as possible in Joan's new offering.

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Mini-Me: CODE RED Called for US Lack of Electoral Integrity — Jonathan Simon on Computerized Election Theft

09 Justice, 11 Society, Access, Corruption, Government
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


CODE RED: Jonathan Simon's Hail-Mary for Democracy

I have been witness to and participant in more than a decade of strenuous but essentially fruitless efforts to challenge the passivity with which America has collectively accepted an “upgrade” that gave us a concealed, computerized, privatized vote counting process–a Trojan Horse which the forensic evidence we have painstakingly gathered links inextricably to a bewildering political sea change tantamount to a rolling coup.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: CODE RED Called for US Lack of Electoral Integrity — Jonathan Simon on Computerized Election Theft”