Review: Identity Cartography Maps and Symbols for the Heterarchy

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ

5 Stars — Heart, Humanity, Soul, Space — Art as Educator and Healer

In this first book of “The Heterarchy” series, we are introduced to the concept of what comes after the matriarchy and patriarchy – the Heterarchy, the balance and integration of male and female principles – to power our selves, our communities, nation and planet. Based on the essay and exhibit on view at The Woman's National Democratic Club Museum from Sept 6 – Nov 27, 2018.

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Review: The Intelligence by Nora Maccoby

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ
Amazon Page

5 Star — A Novel that Inspires Reflection

In this one book, Nora Maccoby has brought together some of the most important ideas related to extra-terrestrial intelligence, human intelligence, and cosmic intelligence – everything is a form of energy with inherent intelligence. As a former spy who is also a top Amazon non-fiction reviewer, reading in 98 categories, it has taken me decades to achieve a diversified understanding that this one book offers any reader. The author has melded a vast potpourri of nested concepts of intelligence, consciousness, and universalism. I found this book gripping, enchanting, and uplifting. Have you ever wanted your own personal Star Gate? You have it in your hands.

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Review: The Cost of Loyalty – Dishonest, Hubris, and Failure in the US Military by Tim Bakken

3 Star, Military & Pentagon Power

3 Stars for Deep Whining,  Makes 1 Point Over and Over and Over Again

I finished the book and wrote the following:

  • 30% grudge
  • 30% shortfalls generally citing others
  • 30% over-the-top misrepresentation
  • 10% outright whining

The further I got into this book the more annoying I found the author, to the point that I would fire him rather than let him poison more young officers with his combination of grievances and ignorance.

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Review: Hitler’s War by David Irving

6 Star Top 10%, History
Amazon Page

David Irving

6 Star — Truthful History That Exposes Zionist-Controlled Lies Across Academia & Publishing

I “woke up” to the reality of my government lying about everything when 9/11 went down and it was immediately obvious to me that this was a false flag event, no airplanes, all pre-planned.

Then I encountered the work of Ernst Zundel and found his work — including his legal victory against Zionists defamers and liars in Canada — to be totally compelling. I added to my already extensive reading a new thread, seeking the truth on Zionism, Palestine, and — after reading Peter Dale Scott and David Ray Griffin — the Deep State.

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Review: Being a Dog – Following the Dog Into a World of Smell by Alexandra Horowitz

5 Star, Information Operations, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design

Alexandra Horowitz

5 Star NOSE Opener — Will Change How You Relate to Dogs and to Life

Review by Robert David Steele

“To smell is  to live” is the inscription on the inside cover of the book as given to my wife by our mostly Labrador dog Zoey.

The author teaches at Barnard College, where she runs the Dog Cognition Lab and is the author of  Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know and On Looking: A Walker’s Guide to the Art of Observation. This is a SERIOUS book, with a 17-page index and 29 pages of notes.

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Review: We Will Not Be Silenced – The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics Edited by William Robinson & Maryam Griffin

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Atrocities & Genocide, Censorship & Denial of Access
Amazon Page

5 Star – Documents Zionist Control of USA

With a Foreword by Dr. Cynthia McKinney, who was run out of office by the Zionists (it took them seven tries), this extraordinary book published in 2017 is clearly being repressed — despite very favorable reviews from open-minded reviewers.

The book also enjoys a preface from Dr. Richard Falk, whose efforts to achieve peace in Palestine were sabotaged by the Zionists who favor apartheid and genocide over peace and prosperity.

This book is remarkable for two things:

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