YouTube: Dr. Paul Ray New Political Compass (Green)

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Movies, YouTube
Paul Ray (Green)

Posted 31 August 2008 this actually dates back to 2004 coincident with the Democratic Convention.  Paul Ray is introduced by Jim Garrison, and presents new information with respect to 87% of the US electorate believing Earth should be treated as a living system.

See Also:

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US Army prepares to invade US….

Worth A Look, YouTube

U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S. Absolutely worth a full viewing.  Cut the conspiracy meme by half, and then add back in the civil detention centers built by Halliburton and still active under Obama; the FEMA plans to federalize state and local police;  the handful of “secret” allegedly UN bases full of men without a country; the triage of US Army personnel on the basis of whether they answer yes or no to a question about disarming US citizens on US soil….

Phi Beta Iota: Assigning a brigade to NORTHCOM is not grounds for assuming that the brigade will be used against US citizens, but it is a reasonable basis for carefully contemplating all that has happened and all that could happen in  the near term.

Muslim Demographics–Dominant by 2050)

06 Family, 07 Health, 08 Immigration, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, YouTube

Muslim Demographics (7:31)

2.11 children per family required to maintain a culture.

Muslims births outpacing Christians including Catholics

Muslim immigration plus immigrant birthrate swamping West

Phi Beta Iota: When governments lack a strategic analytic model and a holistic as well as honest planning, programming, and policy process, they fail to provide for culture and education as well as water and other essentials.  The era of governments being “in charge” appears to be winding down.  The era of hybrid  networks leveraging shared information to achieve consensus on “who are we and who do we want to be” appears emergent.  This is advanced cyber/information operations in gestation.

See Also:

2 Roosters Can't Make an Egg (2:46)

Phi Beta Iota: Lesbians and Gays are biological way stations between female (the default for everyone) and male.  The Industrial Era impact on agriculture, family, food, health, and bio-economics is still not understood.  The reality is that between dropping sperm counts and bio-cultural changes including growing industrial-based diseases, the West is committing cultural suicide.

Short Videos – Eye-opening, heart-opening, mind-opening, amazing

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Reviews (DVD Only), TED Videos, YouTube
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

Sometimes when this work seems too hard, someone will send me a video link… and I'll suddenly find myself bathed in one more reason why it is worth pouring so much of life into creating a decent, joyful, healthy society.

There is so much going on in the world that is worth preserving, so much worth celebrating, so much worth nurturing.  And, of course, most of it is not on videos.

But a lot of it is…

I thought I'd take a moment to share some of my favorites.  Most of them are 2-10 minutes long.  I've marked the longer ones.


All Links with Descriptions Below the Line

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BLOG WISDOM: Chance Favors the Connected Mind…

Blog Wisdom, Movies, YouTube
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

Chance favors the connected mind.

by jonl on January 14, 2011

Steve Johnson in an animated conversation (literally) derived from the juices flowing through his book, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. Ideas grow from slow hunches in collision with each other, and depend on great nurturing ground: coffee houses, salons, etc. I love his conclusion: “Chance favors the connected mind.”

Phi Beta Iota: Simply extraordinary.  Worth watching (4:07) more than once.

YouTube 4:07 Minutes