Jeff Stein: CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Blaming Russia – PBI: Lies & Fake News…

Corruption, Government, Media

CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Saying Russia's Putin Tried to Get Trump Elected

Jeff Stein in Newsweek


“OK, then let’s assume there is solid proof that Russian intelligence directed hackers passed the information to WikiLeaks/Assange. Even if all that is true, how would the CIA determine the Russian motivation for passing the information? That would presumably require a human agent behind the curtain with certain knowledge of Putin’s thinking and intentions.”

Some critics fingered CIA Director John Brennan for leaking the agency’s briefing to damage Trump, or even deny him the White House. “Either we need a new election or hang Brennan for putting out disinformation,” former CIA operative Robert Baer told Newsweek.

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Owl: Are Koch Brothers Behind the PropOrNot Campaign to Discredit Those Skeptical of the Fake News and Lies from the Mainstream Media, Wall Street, and the US Government?

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Who? Who?

Who is Behind Prop or Not?

The backers of the mysterious web site “prop or not,” which lists hundreds of allegedly fake news web sites, have appeared to be identified by the investigatory web site, “Wall Street on Parade,” according Paul Craig Roberts:

The Martens find PropOrNot background ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, to the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, to the Sarah Scaife Foundation (the Mellon fortune), ExxonMobil, US Senators Chris Murphy and Rob Portman, who tie into Citigroup d Goldman Sachs, “two Wall Street behemoths that would very much like to pivot the national debate to anything other than Wall Street power and corruption.”

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Berto Jongman: US Mainstream Media Censoring News of Massive Pedophilia Ring Busted in Norway

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Berto Jongman

Mainstream Media Ignore Largest Child Porn Bust In History

One of the largest child sex abuse cases in modern history uncovered by Norwegian police has been shamelessly ignored and covered up by Western media outlets.

The year-long investigation named “Operation Darkroom,” has so far resulted in the seizure of 150 terabytes of child porn involving young children and babies, with top politicians, lawyers and authorities implicated in the scandal. Amid the rush to cover-up the p*zzagate scandal in the West, media outlets have conducted a co-ordinated coverup of the Norwegian case by refusing to publish any details of it in their newspapers.

Yoda: Open Source DIY Drinking Water at 10% Cost of Industrial Era Proprietary Water Filter

12 Water

Standard savings now, this is.

Non-profit creates open-source drinking water filter for 1/10th of the cost

Non-profit organization OHorizons recently created an innovative BioSand Filter that can deliver clean water at 1/10th of the cost of traditional methods. The filter hinges upon an open-source Wood Mold that can be easily built by anyone using the construction manual, which is available for free online.

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Luke K. C. Leighton: The Open Source Way

#OSE Open Source Everything
Luke K. C. Leighton

The proposed Open Source (Technologies) Agency outlines an innovative coordination of nine open technology groups, the simultaneous funding of which is intended to improve the quality of life for all world citizens, thus completely eliminating the root cause of criminal and terrorist behavioral development: poverty in all its forms. The United States is the de-facto world leader in creative innovation: where the United States leads, other countries follow. Right now however, driven primarily by dangerously-pathological Corporate lobbying, the United States acts without thinking of the consequences, in an Isolationist and Imperialistic fashion, seeking to “protect” its “interests”, hoarding and outright stealing world resources, then acting utterly surprised and puzzled when state-sponsored attacks occur on a regular and ongoing basis.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Censoring Reality — From China to Europe, Facebook & Google Are Lead Censors…

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold

When Censorship Means More Money, Facebook Leans In

The article on Vanity Fair titled Facebook Is Reportedly Building a Censorship Tool to Win Over China suggests that the people nervous about what it will mean to address the fake news proliferation are correct. The fear that Facebook managing fake news stories might lead to actual censorship of the news is not so far-fetched after all.   . . .   Zuckerberg’s interest in capturing China’s 700M+ internet users has led to the creation of a censorship tool that can “automatically suppress content in specific geographic areas.”

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Glenn Greenwald: Anonymous Leaks Are Not Evidence — A Sharp Critique of Fake News from the Washington Post

Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Glenn Greenwald

Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence

The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is classic American journalism of the worst sort: the key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims about what the CIA purportedly believes, all based on evidence that remains completely secret.

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