#1 Best Seller in Child Advocacy Family Law
Best Sellers Rank: #404 in Books (20210110)
- #1 in Child Advocacy Family Law
- #2 in Human Rights Law (Books)
- #6 in Human Rights (Books)
When Lin Wood, one of the top defamation lawyers in America talks openly about the possibility that both Mike Pence and Chief Justice John Roberts may be pedophiles who have been blackmailed by foreign powers, the world has changed. Pedophilia, child abuse including torture, and murderous pedophilia have been the most “taboo” topic in the civilized world.
This book, Book 4 in the series, focuses on North America. The United Kingdom, covered in Book 2 and the Rothchilds covered in Book 3, remain the center of the Satanic Ritual Abuse ((SRA) and murderous pedophilia regime, but the “colonies” have been deeply corrupted by the UK and the Rothchilds. Book 5 will focus on the rest of the world including Australia, where the Prime Ministers at the national and provincial levels are richly deserving of measured public scrutiny.
Additional Description and Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold
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