Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Afternoon

Earth Intelligence

UN climate conference faces four obstacles: Chinese official

This conference cannot end with hollow commitments of developed countries, which cannot be fulfilled like its predecessors.

“China's position on this issue is very clear — the Bali Roadmap must be fully respected,” said Xie. Therefore, it is not necessary for the voluntary emission reduction actions taken by developing countries to be “measurable, reportable and verifiable.”

(US) Treason at Copenhagen

Under the Treaty Clause in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is only empowered to make treaties with other nations only after obtaining the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the United States Senate. This has not yet happened, nor will it before Obama goes to Copenhagen with the EPA declaration. Yet the Obama administration has indicated that the President will sign a binding treaty which will force the U.S. to commit to a twenty percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2020.

Kill the IPCC

I grimace at the thought, because the study of climate change, under the aegis of “dangerous global warming caused by human carbon dioxide emissions,” has long since been captured by the small group of well connected, well networked and well funded atmospheric scientists and computer modellers who advise the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and whose nearly every utterance confirms their ignorance of the true course of climate history and change on our planet – a topic that is the domain of geologists, not meteorologists and computer jockeys.

Time Spins Again On Climategate

Time magazine’s Bryan Walsh has once again produced a piece of obfuscatory prose about Climategate, re-spinning the line that those scientists whose emails were leaked did nothing wrong, except perhaps being too harsh to critics.

Continue reading “Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Afternoon”

Worth a Look: Ecology of Mass Balance

Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
Mass Balance
Mass Balance

What is Mass Balance?

The mass balance concept is based on the fundamental physical principle that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore, the mass of inputs to a process, industry or region balances the mass of outputs as products, emissions and wastes, plus any change in stocks, hence the term ‘mass balance' is used to describe this type of analysis. When applied in a systematic manner this simple and straightforward concept of balancing resource use with outputs can provide a robust methodology for analysing resource flows.

Journal: Dumb Crowd Sourcing–Good Start

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats
Full Story and Video Online
Full Story and Video Online

Pyramid scheme lets audience vote for climate solutions

A worldwide audience will decide the planet's fate in game-show format during the Copenhagen climate summit by suggesting and voting on climate solutions and how they will be funded.

Phi Beta Iota: This is exactly the right idea in the wrong venue with the wrong frame of reference.   We love it, it is a good start.  What they should be doing is creating a Global Range of Need Table that spans all ten high level threats to humanity, across all twelve core policy areas, with preference given to the eight major humanities.  See  Strategic Analytic Model and also Earth Intelligence Network.  Below is the two-pager circulating in United Nations and BRIC circles.

UN World Brain Institute and Global Game Talking Points (2 pages)

Worth a Look:–Open Cost Wiki Pilot

Worth A Look

The Wall Street Journal Story:

Six Products, Six Carbon Footprints
Everybody's talking about it. But what exactly is a carbon footprint? And how is it calculated?

The Web Site

Estimated carbon footprint, loss of natural habitat potential, loss of plant and animal life potential, and extinction potential from producing, packaging, shipping and using a product.

Continue reading “Worth a Look:–Open Cost Wiki Pilot”

Journal: HP After Real-Time Mix and Match

Methods & Process, Real Time

PRESS RELEASE:  New Breadth of Data Virtualization Middleware and Services Now Available to Global Enterprises Facing Complex Information Challenges

Organizations today need the flexibility to break down existing information silos with both virtual and physical access to more timely and accurate information. This collaboration combines Composite’s data virtualization middleware and services with HP Business Intelligence Solutions to accelerate delivery of real-time intelligence for complicated supply chain, risk and customer environments.

Composite Software, with its Composite Information Server™, will provide customers with a means to virtually integrate critical enterprise data that resides outside their HP Neoview Advantage enterprise data warehouses. In combination, the two approaches—virtual data integration and physical data consolidation—enable enterprises to achieve significant cost reductions across their entire information infrastructure.

Worth a Look: Life Cycle Assessment Made Simple

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool used to evaluate the potential environmental impact of a product, process or activity throughout its entire life cycle by quantifying the use of resources (“inputs” such as energy, raw materials, water) and environmental emissions (“outputs” to air, water and soil) associated with the system that is being evaluated.

LCA is Not Risk Assessment. This is because LCA does not consider exposure, which is critical for assessing risk. LCA quantifies emissions, but the actual impacts of those emissions depend on when, where and how they are released into the environment.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Life Cycle Assessment Made Simple”

Journal: Fight Over the Green North Ramps Up

Earth Intelligence
What's In a Name?
What's In a Name?

Arctic sea route to be renamed ‘Canadian Northwest Passage'

The Northeast Passage opens for business

In Greenland, warming fuels dream of hidden wealth

Greenland Takes a Step Towards Autonomy

TrendLines Poll: Should The Yukon Secede from Canada?

Toward North Corps: Nurturing the Spirit of Inuit Independence while Pre-empting a Movement for Inuit Secession

Continue reading “Journal: Fight Over the Green North Ramps Up”