Journal: Google “Privacy” the New Oxymoron


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Google Dashboard: A Closer Look

Ian Paul, PC World

Nov 5, 2009 1:42 pm

Google showed Thursday it's getting more serious about privacy when it launched a tool called Google Dashboard that aims to give you more control over your personal data stored on Google's servers. From your Google Dashboard you can view the company's privacy policies, easily access your most recent activity for each Google service you use, and manage settings for those services.

Phi Beta Iota: Google has never provided privacy and it never well.  Google Enterprise devices are Trojan Horses, and anything Google touches goes into the Google Cloud forevermore.  This is why Phi Beta Iota believes that we must move to bottom-up clouds in which the individual and their device are both infrastructure-independent (localized clouds) and able to control all rules for content they create at the point of creation.  John Chambers refuses to offer Application Oriented Network services in this fashion, so perhaps Nokia will steal a march on him and recognize that a cell phone CPU AON and Haggle would be totally cool and *very* disruptive.

Worth a Look: Berto Jongman Recommends Current Trends in al-Qaeda and Global Jihad Activity

09 Terrorism, Worth A Look
Type : Report
Title : Current Trends in al-Qaeda and Global Jihad Activity
Source : Institute for National Security Studies
Date Added: 17-Aug-2009
Publication Date : 1-Jul-2008
Abstract : In recent years, a serious academic discussion about the al-Qaeda (or AQC – al Qaeda Central) organization has been underway, once that has also found its way into the popular media. It has focused on whether AQC has ceased functioning as an active organization and turned into an icon only, and whether its role as leader of the global jihad has been assumed by a mass movement run by a network of people, groups, and organizations whose members have undergone a process of self-radicalization. A response to this question may be found in an analysis of the activities of al-Qaeda and its affiliates, but also depends on understanding the concept of struggle according to al-Qaeda and its relationship with its affiliates.

Worth a Look: Big Think Experts

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With a tip of the hat to Berto Jongman, we have added Big Think Experts to our Professional Sites, and recommend them.

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Journal: Out of Touch with Reality I

03 Economy, 04 Education, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process, Mobile

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Lifestyle Hackers

Jim Routh and Gary McGraw examine why twenty-somethings skateboard  right past security controls, and what it means for employers (i.e.  you!)

November 02, 2009

The insider threat, the bane of computer security and a topic of  worried conversation among CSOs, is undergoing significant change.  Over the years, the majority of insider threats have carried out  attacks in order to line their pockets, punish their colleagues, spy  for the enemy or wreak havoc from within. Today's insider threats may
have something much less insidious in mind—multitasking and social  networking to get their jobs done.

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Journal: Out of Touch with Reality II

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Immigration, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Methods & Process

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The Elephant in the Room: A war of ideas within Islam

Backward views hold sway in much of the Muslim world. And yet there is hope.

By Rick Santorum    Thu, Nov. 5, 2009

The students, one man and two women, wore Western-style clothes and spoke English with little or no accent. They disputed my description of Islam as it's practiced in the Middle East, maintaining that al-Qaeda's version of Islam in no way reflects the Islam that is practiced around the world.

So I asked them a question: Should apostates – Muslims who convert to another religion – be subject to execution?

One of the women quickly said no. She insisted that she was free to leave Islam if she wanted to, and that she knew other people who had done so without a problem – in the United States.

I said I wasn't talking about her and others' freedom of religion in this country. What if they lived in a Muslim-majority country?

Silence. Eventually, the young man blurted out, “That's different.”

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Journal: Out of Touch with Reality III

02 Diplomacy, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Government, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Chuck Spinney Sends… America's diplomatic recipe for winning the hearts and minds of “furriners” in the 21st Century:

Mix –  Blind unreasoning fear with the
Domestic politics of privatizing embassy protection and the
Domestic politics of huge construction contracts

into neat grand-strategic soufflé, then bake it in the domestic political-economic oven of heated by the coals of the  MICC's Long War Against Terrorism and serve hot to a world that hungers for American values.

For those readers who question the political relevance of such a tasty dish, I offer the following op-ed by Simon Tisdall of the Guardian

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