“… Facebook has filed a patent for a system that hides audio clips in TV commercials. These sounds would be so high-pitched that they are inaudible to human beings. They would then trigger your phone to record all the background noises in your home. The patent application is called “broadcast content view analysis based on ambient audio recording.”….”
If accurate, Germany is moving ahead of the Five Eyes’ group in terms of access to online data. “New German Law Would Force ISPs to Allow Secret Service to Install Trojans on User Devices” reports:
A new law being proposed in Germany would see all 19 federal state intelligence agencies in Germany granted the power to spy on German citizens through the use of Trojans. The new law would force internet service providers (ISPs) to install government hardware at their data centers which would reroute data to law enforcement, and then on to its intended destination so the target is blissfully unaware that their communications and even software updates are being proxied.
I saw this morning Parscale being hammered on Twitter, about all the Trump family “you haven’t been donating” emails, and he said “it ain’t my fault.” Yeah, he’s just the grifting “Campaign Manager.” If it’s not his fault, what does this flunky do as “Campaign Manager” other than enjoy his exotic car and three houses and hundreds of thousands of dollars in yearly compensation?
Wed. night I was on a Zoom call for our monthly Legislative District 18 Republican Committee. The “Trump Victory” kids were giving a presentation about what they are doing to help GOTV. They made about 750 door visits in the last month and made a few thousand phone calls. I asked, via chat, which voters they were targeting, the “higher propensity & ‘perfect’” voters or the “lower-information, lower-propensity” voters (the ones they ought to be contacting). They dodged the question and said they were contact the “Republican voters our models say are ‘center right’”. In other words, they are contacting Republicans who are inclined to vote for Trump. In other words, it’s all “eye wash” “make work” to show “Trump Victory” is “doing something” when in reality all they are doing does nothing.
Agree with everything EXCEPT the end as I consider Tom Bearden to be a flake … he is a planted CIA supported street “scientist” on “free energy” and actually
is a diversion from real science … but your point is well taken with respect to how we in the West are light years behind Russia and other countries regarding real science … a LOT of the space science NASA misinformation comes from a clown named Tony Phillips whose job at NASA has been for decades to filter any real science upwards to the mil level Jesuit-controlled science and then bequeath on the general public a bunch of tier 2-bullshit science …
“What we are actually seeing is the systematic implementation of the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Corporation of the United States. Every major event is a step on the ladder to achieve that end; COVID is just another rung on the ladder, which is why there is a deliberate mixing of all the word play.
We should stop calling it quarantine; that’s the term designed for people who are verified sick; this is house arrest, mandated by the state. We should stop call it “social distancing”; there is nothing social about forced isolation. Continue reading “Ed Jewitt: Transcription of Scamdemic (Video at End)”