Review: Positive Populism by Steve Hilton

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation)

5 Star — Not Complete but a Wonderful Starting Point

This is a serious book, very well put together, and it can be read quickly or slowly. The author sums up his core ideas at the end of each chapter.

The book boils down to three implementation ideas each for a populist economy characterized by security, opportunity, and fairness; a populist society characterized by a restored emphasis on family, on community, and on country; and a populist government that gets back to local, entrepreneurial, and accountable.

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Review: Mary L. Trump, a Cheater in a Cheating Culture, Betrays Her Family & The Republic

2 Star, Biography & Memoirs

2 Star – Cheater Trashes President

Reviewed without Reading by RDS

I am so tired of bottom feeders being bribed or blackmailed to attack our President. Mary L. Trump is such a bottom feeder, and despite her PhD, also myopic, hateful, and uneducated.

President Donald J. Trump matters precisely because he is taking on the Deep State and the Shadow Government that have sold us all out.  He is a pragmatist and a transactional figure who did what he did to get a long within a long-established cheating culture where you cheat or you die.

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Yoda: Is 5G Genociding Elephants?

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

Alert Reader sent in orginal story.  5G expert Mark Steele (no relation to Robert Steele) comments.

It will be easily confirmed if they do post mortem and find coagulated bloods, fibrosis of the lung, pneumonia type symptoms including edema of the cardiovascular system.

Mark Steele

Have the Elephants had any vaccinations?  This will increase risk and they could have had a pathogen triggered by a set of frequencies.  There is always an increased risk as happens with the 900MHz frequency that increases the Growth rate of Klebesiella Pneumoniae .   Increasing radiation footprint from 5G is the likely cause, lets see if they do any lab testing. Elephants in possibly clean radiation environment exposed to long range Sub GHz 5G are going to suffer significant problems.

Original alarm with many links below the fold.

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State of the Nation: Hoax Alert – Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Story Does Not Pass the Smell Test

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Story
Does Not Pass the Smell Test

*So, why would a woman born in France, domiciled in the UK, and with deep connections throughout Israel, situate herself so close to the New York jurisdiction that has had her under serious investigation at least since the time that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself?

Now we are all witnessing Act II of the most captivating crime series since Bonnie and Clyde — “Jeffrey & Ghislaine”. It’s apparently time for Ghislaine to skate.

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Mongoose: 9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner’s Laptop Are Dead

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime

9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop Are Dead

NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

• Money laundering
• Child exploitation
• Sex crimes with minors (children)
• Perjury
• Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
• Obstruction of justice
• Other felony crimes

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James Fetzer: Dr. Eowyn, African-American professor finds more than 2 in 3 hate crimes are fake

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Cultural Intelligence
Jim Fetzer

Dr. Eowyn, African-American professor finds more than 2 in 3 hate crimes are fake

When the mainstream media publishes nothing but “fake news” and frequently cites phony statistics and pseudo-science, it is refreshing to have an academician–and a black scholar, to boot!–publish an expose of what’s really going on, because virtually none of these “hate crimes” is real and the looting, rioting and unprecedented vandalism of statues and monuments has no warrant but appears to be part and parcel of an effort to destroy icons of our history and thereby our national identity.

Continue reading “James Fetzer: Dr. Eowyn, African-American professor finds more than 2 in 3 hate crimes are fake”