Stephen E. Arnold: Smart Software No Data?

Academia, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Smart Software Is Changing Work: But What about Actual Facts? Maybe the Pandemic? Maybe Revenue Misses?

AI Is Changing Work and Leaders need to Adapt” is a remarkable analysis of what seems to be taking place IRL (in real life) as opposed to the Ivory Tower world of a university business school. Just as economic departments missed the boat on certain economic developments, the business schools are doing their best to make statements oddly out of step with what’s shakin’ and bakin’ here and now.

Read full article.

George Webb: Are Peter Strzok and Edge Bio Innovations Behind Five Levels of Virus Blackmail and Final Coup Against Donald Trump? Has Defense Threat Reduction Agency Gone Rogue?

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

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Sacha Stone: Tear Off the Mask & Dream Wisely!

Earth Intelligence


The Great 2020 Corona theatrical production is a holocaust scenario of the imagination. It is the unholy alliance of maniacal rogue bureacracy (all bureacracy is rogue), coupled to endemic stupidity of the herd. It depends on abnegated life-force to thrive and survive. Until or unless you and I determine otherwise.

Fear is the key….ensouled humans the prize.

Graphic and balance of manifesto below the fold.

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Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Direct Testimony on Google Perfidy (Zach Vorhies)

Commerce, Corruption, Media

NOTE: The source is sporadically blicked and often at risk to total deplatforming. Below the fold is a partial backup copy of testimony.  Good news: Google/Yahoo may have accepted Trump threat/offer and are now playing straight.  This remains to be proven over time.

We're in a Full-Blown War

Zach Vorhies on

Partial copy below the fold.

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