Veterans Today: Rothschilds (and Freemasons) Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

The Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

The House of Rothschild recognized that sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money would break their power. Continue reading “Veterans Today: Rothschilds (and Freemasons) Murdered at least Seven US Presidents”

James Fetzer: Democrats To Implode in 2020, Trump to Win Landslide Victory

Cultural Intelligence
Jim Fetzer

‘It Looks Like the Democrats Will Go Down Hard in 2020' & Impeachment Won't Save Them – Prof

Four reasons up front:

  1. Democrats do not have viable candidate
  2. 31 Democrats from swing states fear defeat
  3. Public is fed up with both Democrats and CNN
  4. Trump's numbers keep climbing

Continue reading “James Fetzer: Democrats To Implode in 2020, Trump to Win Landslide Victory”

Stephen E. Arnold: Micosoft Azure Better Than Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Robert Steele: Amazon Will Lose the Lawsuit

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Azure Is Better at Hybrid Computing Because AWS Is an Orchid

There’s an interesting explanation of the DoD’s JEDI award in “Opinion: Microsoft Fairly and Squarely Beat Amazon in $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Contract.” The reason is:

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Micosoft Azure Better Than Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Robert Steele: Amazon Will Lose the Lawsuit”

Unz Review: The Criminalization of Masculinity – Review of Baskerville’s The New Politics of Sex

Cultural Intelligence

The Criminalization of Masculinity

The New Politics of Sex:
The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Government Power (pdf download; Amazon)
By Stephen Baskerville
Kettering, OH: Angelico Press, 2017

Triumphant feminism is re-creating the “combination of political corruption, economic stagnation, swollen prison populations, and politicized criminal justice” familiar to us from Soviet communism.

Read full review.

Michael Krieger: Three Major Imbalances (Financial, Trust, Geopolitical)

Cultural Intelligence

Three Major Imbalances – Financial, Trust and Geopolitical

The trust imbalance between rulers and the ruled has become so massive it’s all but guaranteed to detonate in a variety of unexpected and consequential ways in the years ahead. The election of Donald Trump was just the first pubic manifestation of this well deserved lack of trust.

Read full article.