Ed Jewett: Yemenis Kick Saudi Ass — The End….

Peace Intelligence

[Yemeni] Armed Forces spokesman: Saudi Brigades Destroyed, Scores of Mercs Captured in Najran Offensive – TTG

The spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces says three Saudi military brigades were completely destroyed after Yemeni Army troops, backed by allied fighters from Popular Committees, mounted a large-scale military offensive in the kingdom’s southern border region of Najran.

the Saudi forces were not only out-fought by the plucky little hill people, but they were out-witted, out-planned and out-campaigned by the Houthis.

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Anthony Hall: Case Studies in Zionist Censorship – Zionist Strike 51

04 Education, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

The Israel Lobby and University Governance: The Case of Dr. Steven Salaita

In their introduction to a volume published in 2017, We Will Not Be Silenced: The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics, Prof. Robinson joined with Maryam S. Griffin to report,

The [Israel] lobby has drastically stepped up its campaign to silence and repress those who have spoken out for Palestinian freedom.

Continue reading “Anthony Hall: Case Studies in Zionist Censorship – Zionist Strike 51”

Gordon Duff: Israel Is Dying – Can Middle East Survive the Death of Israel?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Can the Middle East Survive With Israel Gone?

Israel is dying. It has nothing to do with Hamas or Hezbollah, no rain of missiles will destroy Israel. Israel is in a cycle of self-destruction that began in the 1990s with the advent of the Likudist party.

The writing is on the wall, Israel is destroying herself. It wasn’t a foreign enemy, no armies of Arabs marched Jews into the sea. Benny and Sara Netanyahu killed Israel. The flag hasn’t come down yet, but that time is close, so very close, and as with other changes of late, the world is unprepared.

In the balance is the state of Israel, leaderless, inherently unjust, a nation that tossed aside any normal role in the world community the day the Likudists took over.

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Owl: Andrew Joyce, PhD: How Zionists Subvert Everyone Else

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

This article matters because it is the single best summary of the four ways in which Zionists, always using Jews as cod pieces, subvert everyone else:

  • Culture of Critique — silence everyone else
  • Culture of Tolerance — demoralize everyone else
  • Culture of Sterility — sterilize and poison everyone else
  • Culture of Usury — steal from everyone else (including intellectual property and tangible property purchased with invented wealth)

“The Necessity of Anti-Semitism”

Continue reading “Owl: Andrew Joyce, PhD: How Zionists Subvert Everyone Else”

Mongoose: Alain Soral Framed by Deep State and Zionists — Anti-Semitic “Trick” Used to Jail Critic of Grand Theft

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Anti-capitalism as the new Antisemitism? Alain Soral faces two years in prison for criticizing Capitalists

Phi Beta Iota: This particular extremist has a track record and has demonstrated that he is a slow learner.  What jumps out however is the degree to which judges are controlled and facts can be “interpreted” to arrive at conclusions that in essence frame someone for something they did not do.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Alain Soral Framed by Deep State and Zionists — Anti-Semitic “Trick” Used to Jail Critic of Grand Theft”

Berto Jongman: Brynjar Lia on Middle East Taboos & Blindspots

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Phi Beta Iota: Most of what we are told and taught is a lie. Below is a classic example, before the Zionists controlled the New York Times but after they had bribed the President of the United States of America on the matter of the invented state of Israel that destroyed the Middle East forevermore.

King-Crane Publication on Truth in Middle East