Trump, Tesla, US Navy & Secret Super Rich Anti-Zionists — A Hypothesis


Trump the greatest actor of all time — A hypothesis

Phi Beta Iota: Utterly fascinating and very much iin the realm of the possible. Strongly recommended as a full read, amply illustrated with embedded videos. Honor the original by clicking on title above.

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Penguin: 26 States Forbid Community Broadband — Corrupt Legislators, Pathetic Voters, Aggressive Bribery & Blackmail by Telcom Sector

Commerce, Corruption, Government

Report: 26 States Now Ban or Restrict Community Broadband

Frustrated by slow speeds, limited availability, high prices and terrible customer service, more than 750 communities across the country have built their own broadband ISPs or cooperatives. Studies have shown these locally owned and operated networks tend to offer lower prices, faster speeds, and better customer service than their private-sector counterparts.

Instead of competing by offering better service—private sector telecom giants like Comcast and AT&T have routinely turned to a cheaper alternative: easily corrupted state lawmakers. In exchange for campaign contributions, lawmakers frequently and uncritically pass on model legislation written by industry and distributed by organizations like ALEC.

Read full report.

Phi Beta Iota: At some point #UNRIG — or violent civil war — are inevitable.

VIDEO: Something Strange is Being Done with Our DNA – 5G Assassination by Profile?

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

SHORT SUMMARY: DNA  being correlated with social media and dissident or “potential domestic terrorist” personalities and behaviors on the one hand, and to plan for culling the herd on the other. Combine precision DNA with 5G and you can suicide “by name” from a remote computer. What fun.

Caitlin Johnstone: Prosecuting Assange Sets Stage for Silencing All Journalists Comment by Robert Steele on National Security Warrants Compelling Lies

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Prosecution Of Julian Assange Is Infinitely Bigger Than Assange

As we’ve discussed previously, the prosecution of Assange is really designed to set a legal precedent which will enable the US government to imprison journalists for trying to hold it to account using journalism.

Continue reading “Caitlin Johnstone: Prosecuting Assange Sets Stage for Silencing All Journalists Comment by Robert Steele on National Security Warrants Compelling Lies”

Pepe Escobar: The Deep State vs. WikiLeaks / Julian Assange

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Pepe Escobar

The Deep State vs. WikiLeaks

The Made by FBI indictment of Julian Assange does look like a dead man walking. No evidence. No documents. No surefire testimony. Just a crossfire of conditionals.

But never underestimate the legalese contortionism of US government (USG) functionaries. As much as Assange may not be characterized as a journalist and publisher, the thrust of the affidavit is to accuse him of conspiring to commit espionage.

Read full analysis.