Tom Dietrich: Monetary Reform Plan Pays Off $22 Trillion (Robert Steele: Or Just Wipe It Out By Taking Away $22 Trillion Stolen by Banks)

03 Economy, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government
Tom Dietrich

Monetary Reform Plan to Pay Off the $22 Trillion Debt Over the Next 30 years.

The Government has the Constitutional right to issue the US currency.  This has been affirmed three times by the US Supreme Court.  The Government issued the currency from 1776 to 1790 and again from 1836 to 1912 and the country prospered.

US Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. The Congress shall have the Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.  Coin is used as a verb.  To coin money is to make money.

Continue reading “Tom Dietrich: Monetary Reform Plan Pays Off $22 Trillion (Robert Steele: Or Just Wipe It Out By Taking Away $22 Trillion Stolen by Banks)”

Ellen Brown: Fed’s Dramatic About-Face [Robert Steele: Nationalize the Fed, Announce a $3 Trillion Domestic Debt Jubilee, & Carry On…]

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Ethics, Government
Ellen Brown

The Fed's Dramatic About-Face

The Fed is realizing that it cannot bring its balance sheet back to “normal.” It must keep pumping new money into the banking system to avoid a recession.

Extracts, Comment, Links below the fold.

Continue reading “Ellen Brown: Fed's Dramatic About-Face [Robert Steele: Nationalize the Fed, Announce a $3 Trillion Domestic Debt Jubilee, & Carry On…]”

Wayne Jett: Making the Great Depression (Banks & White House Contrived to Make It, This is Real History)

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government


Planning, Actions and Objectives

The Great Depression produced such extreme hardship that starvation took the lives of millions of people in America and millions more around the world. This essay offers a concise summary of the actions taken by and through two U. S. presidents, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, to impose the Great Depression upon Americans and other nations around the world.

Continue reading “Wayne Jett: Making the Great Depression (Banks & White House Contrived to Make It, This is Real History)”

Penguin: Real vs Fake Open Source

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency, Software

The battle between real open source vs. faux open source heats up

With all this pushback, why is Redis taking this approach? It's largely because AWS ElastiCache provides Redis services without Redis getting paid for it. Redis is combating this by placing new code modules under Common Clause. As Salil Deshpand, a venture capitalist with BaenCapital, explained, “Amazon takes Redis, gives very little back, and runs it as a service, re-branded as AWS Elasticache. … To be clear, this is not illegal. But we think it is wrong, and not conducive to sustainable open-source communities.” Thus, “Common Clause stops open-source abuse.”

Read full article with many links.

Berto Jongman: DARPA Working on Memory Enhancement & Manipulation

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Ethics, Government
Berto Jongman

Hackers Hijacking Your Memories Threatening To Erase Them If You Don't Pay a Ransom

Cyber Security Company Kaspersky Lab and University of Oxford researchers have teamed up on a new project which outlines the potential dangers and methods for attack concerning these developing technologies. Their report pertaining to the matter says that,“Even at today's level of development – which is more advanced than many people realise – there is a clear tension between patient safety and patient security.”

Read full article.

BREAKING: Ed Jewett: YouTube Collapsing — Advertisers Fleeing From Pedophilia Networks [Robert Steele: YouTube Has a SYSTEM-WIDE Failure That ENCOURAGES Pedophilia and STOLEN IDENTITIES and COPYRIGHT violations] UPDATE 1: Soooeeeeee

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency

YouTube loses advertisers over “wormhole into pedophilia ring”

Epic Games and Disney pull ads over pedophiles' comments on videos of children.

“Videos of children showing their exposed buttocks, underwear and genitals are racking up millions of views on YouTube—with the site displaying advertising from major cosmetics and car brands alongside the content,” Wired UK wrote. “Comments beneath scores of videos appear to show pedophiles sharing timestamps for parts of the videos where exposed genitals can be seen, or when a child does the splits or lifts up their top to show their nipples… The videos are also being monetized by YouTube, including pre-roll adverts from Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Fortnite, Grammarly, L'Oreal, Maybelline, Metro: Exodus, Peloton and Banner advertising for Google and the World Business Forum also appeared alongside some of the videos.”

Continue reading “BREAKING: Ed Jewett: YouTube Collapsing — Advertisers Fleeing From Pedophilia Networks [Robert Steele: YouTube Has a SYSTEM-WIDE Failure That ENCOURAGES Pedophilia and STOLEN IDENTITIES and COPYRIGHT violations] UPDATE 1: Soooeeeeee”