Paul Craig Roberts: A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts

A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story

“Conspiracy Theorists” Now A Majority

A 2016 study from Chapman University in California, found more than half of the American people believe the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks. This is in part because, large sections of the official US government report were redacted for years – and is still missing to this day.

The big problem is that the government is withholding crucial evidence. And then there’s other evidence the state and mainstream media refuse to even consider,

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Daniel Pinchbeck: Why We Need Extinction Rebellion

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Daniel Pinchbeck

I want to let you know about a new activist movement I am supporting, Extinction Rebellion. Our movement is using large-scale direct actions to pressure governments to move faster on climate change.

We have three immediate demands. One is that governments tell the truth about the ecological emergency we are facing as a species. The second is we move to carbon neutral by 2025. This is, obviously, an extreme position but it accords with what the hundreds of scientists who compiled the UN's 2018 IPCC Report have told us: Without rapid collective action, global civilization will collapse in the next decades. We may in fact face our extinction as a species. The third demand is for a global citizen's council, a participatory and democratic process that oversees governments in fulfilling the first two goals.

Learn more.

SPECIAL: Is Alex Jones Being Bribed or Blackmailed Into Playing Dead for Sandy Hook False Flag Lawsuit?

Civil Society, Ethics

Families of Sandy Hook shooting victims win legal victory in lawsuit against InfoWars, Alex Jones

Phi Beta Iota: This was not a legal victory at all, merely a rejection of Alex Jone's fluffy legal response seeking to dismiss the lawsuit.The truth is an absolute defense — Jone's lawyers may be working for someone other than Jones and setting him up for a fall. What he should have done is welcomed the lawsuit and immediately sought to depose every family and do discovery on every family going back two years before Sandy Hook occurred, to include every communication and every financial transaction.

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Yoda: HR 24 & HR 25 – End the Fed, End the IRS


House Republicans Submit Bills To Audit The Fed & Abolish IRS

Tim Brown

The Washington Standard

House Republicans have submitted two pieces of legislation for the new session of Congress.  Two of them are vitally important in bringing down the beast of the federal government.  One of the bills is a resubmission to audit the Federal Reserve to pave the way for abolishing it.  The other seeks to completely abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

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Roger Stone: WikiLeaks’ Assange issues official denial of Trump election contacts

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Images shot natural light

WikiLeaks' Assange issues official denial of Trump election contacts

WikiLeaks director Julian Assange said on Monday that his anti-secrecy organization never provided election information to Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone or to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author and conspiracy advocate.

He made the claims in a paper posted on his official Twitter account.

James Perloff: 9/11 Simplified — The Zionists Did It with Dick Cheney’s Active Advance Complicity & Cover-Up

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call

9/11 Simplified

Yes, Virginia, there really were hijackers on the 9/11 planes—but not the ones we were told

(Updated with an addendum on 7-28-17)

9/11 was an outside job, done by Israeli operatives, but with consent and cooperation at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

Continue reading “James Perloff: 9/11 Simplified — The Zionists Did It with Dick Cheney's Active Advance Complicity & Cover-Up”