DefDog: Rise of Turkey, Decline of Israel

Peace Intelligence

Below article is weak signal of massive change in the Middle Eastern theater. Saudis are worried about Turkey and Erdogen as the new Islamic Mahdi. They are going to try to support the Kurds as a counterforce. Look for an end of US assistance to Turkey, Saudi Arabia (now selling oil to China for Renminbis), and Israel. The collapse of the NATO GLADIO network and — we dare hope — the departure of the US from NATO could reset the entire region with China – Saudi Arabia and Russia-Turkey-Iran the clear winners.

Saudi Arabia and UAE sending troops to help Kurds in Syria

Yoda: Truth, Trust, and Transparency Commission

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader has suggested that President Donald Trump should create a Truth, Trust, and Transparency Commission.

It's purpose would be to assure Presidential-level protection — to include pardons as needed — for whistleblowers and others who have vital contributions  to make toward rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse.

Continue reading “Yoda: Truth, Trust, and Transparency Commission”

Berto Jongman: Tipping Point Domino Effect Risks Greater

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Risks of ‘domino effect' of tipping points greater than thought, study says

Scientists warn policymakers not to ignore links, and stress that ‘every action counts’

Policymakers have severely underestimated the risks of ecological tipping points, according to a study that shows 45% of all potential environmental collapses are interrelated and could amplify one another.

Read full article with additional high-value links.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: This awareness is not new, it is just not being repressed now. Changes to the Earth that used  to take 10,000 years now take three years or less.  We have known this for over a decade. What is changing is the gradual liberation of knowledge from the Cabal that seeks to repress all science as well as news that interferes with profits for the 1%. “True Cost Economics,” broader than the Ecological Economics pioneered by my colleague Herman Daly, is neither taught nor welcomed by any government or any corporation or any university or any intelligence community, anywhere. Ecuador, the one country where such ideas might flourish, has decided not to pay for adequate Internet access for its best intelligence analysts, so there is no prospect for leadership there.

See Especially:

Ecological Economics @ Phi Beta Iota

True Cost @ Phi Beta Iota

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Climate Change

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disease

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Environmental Degradation (Other than Emissions)

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Peak Oil

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Water

DefDog: Blow to morale: Afghan forces worry about US withdrawal – Bullshit (should not have been there, never understood how to train, equip, and organize Afghans)

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Military

Blow to morale: Afghan forces worry about US withdrawal

Several high ranking Afghan military officials, who spoke on condition they not be identified because they were not authorised to speak to the media, said the morale of Afghanistan’s under-trained and poorly
equipped security forces was already at a dangerously low ebb.

Continue reading “DefDog: Blow to morale: Afghan forces worry about US withdrawal – Bullshit (should not have been there, never understood how to train, equip, and organize Afghans)”

Worth a Look: You Know Something Is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause Against the Deep State and Shadow (Corrupt) Government by Anna Riezinger & James Belcher

Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

In twelve parts, 276 pages, this book is an earnest attempt to define with precision how the US government — at both state and federal levels — is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Crown and a completely corrupt criminal network that is using fake law and fake names to suck the bone marrow from both individual citizens and the country as a whole. The authors have tried to make this digestable with large print and cartoons but it is still a very tough read.  Recommended for every citizen.

Summary by Anna Below the Fold

Continue reading “Worth a Look: You Know Something Is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause Against the Deep State and Shadow (Corrupt) Government by Anna Riezinger & James Belcher”