Mark Skidmore with Greg Hunter: Found $21 Trillion in Money Stolen from Federal Budget, Entire Budget is Now a National Security Secret (Authorized to Lie)

03 Economy, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Officers Call

Text Intro with Links:

Entire Federal Budget Now National Security Secret – Dr. Mark Skidmore

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Anthony Judge: Cognitive Embodiment of Nature “Re-cognized” Systemically

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Cognitive Embodiment of Nature “Re-cognized” Systemically

Radical engagement with an increasingly surreal reality

Indications in place of reasoned argument
Nature as a cognitive exoskeleton for humanity?
Renaissance of the environment and psychology of sustainability
Potential cognitive embodiment of other species: “re-cognized” in a global context?
Intercourse with the environment as cognitive “shapeshifting”
Potential cognitive speciation understood otherwise
Embodying the universe as a strategic opportunity

Robert Steele: #GoogleGestapo – Facebook Meddling in 2018 Election

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Facebook Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections

On October 11, Facebook announced the removal of 559 pages and 251 accounts from its service, accusing the account holders of “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.” In other words, Facebook's administrators are meddling in politics — including the 2018 US midterm elections — in the name of preventing meddling in politics.

Who benefits from the meddling? It doesn't seem to fall along “left/right” lines in particular. The victims come from across the political spectrum — from Reverb Press on the left, to Right Wing News on the right, to the libertarian Free Thought Project — some with millions of Facebook followers.

The primary thread connecting victims of the purge seems to be that they are critics and/or opponents of the American political “mainstream” or “establishment.”

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Worth a Look: Red Pill Directory

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look

Have You Been Red Pilled?

Get woke and learn what MSM is NOT reporting!

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme representing the choice between:

– Knowledge, freedom, adversity and the brutal truth of reality (red pill)
– Falsehood, security, happiness and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)

Visit RedPillDirectory.

Mongoose: Fake News Legalized Lying – Thanks to Supreme Court Ruling in 1964

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

Supreme Court Ruled The Media Can Lie With Impunity

So, the Court held that the First Amendment protects the publication of all statements, even false ones, about the conduct of public officials, except when statements are made with actual malice (with knowledge that they are false or in reckless disregard of their truth or falsity).  Under this new standard, Sullivan’s original case collapsed, and this is why today, lies are told by media and public officials with impunity.

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