TRUMPET: Presidential Successes Against Human Trafficking

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Ethics, Government

President Donald J. Trump Is Taking Action to End Human Trafficking


My Administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking.

President Donald J. Trump

ENDING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: President Donald J. Trump and his Administration are working to end the scourge of human trafficking, also known as modern slavery.

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Preston James: Frequency Wars — False Flag Mind Control and More

07 Other Atrocities, Advanced Cyber/IO, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Officers Call
Preston James

Secret and Silent Frequency Wars

It all started with Nikola Tesla and his miraculous discoveries and inventions. We now have AC electrical current in our homes instead of the inefficient DC because of Tesla’s genius.

Some of his most important discoveries regarding Zero Point energy (aka Cosmic electromagnetic wind) and scalar frequency weapons were seized and kept secret.

Later on due to research on telegraph and radio as communication devices and the advent of world wars 1 & 2, major discoveries on electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emerged on several fronts.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Google is Dying

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

A Reasonable Assertion: Google Is Dying

Nope, this is not the view in Harrod’s Creek. The idea that “Google Is Dying” comes from a write up in Vortex by Lauren, whom I assume is a real, living entity and not an avatar, construct, or VR thing.

You can find the analysis at this link.

I am not going to push back against the entity Lauren’s ideas.

I want to point out that:

Read full analysis by author of The Google Trilogy.

David Smith of The Guardian: Trump Will Be Re-Elected — Scaramucci “The Whisper is Up” Plus Robert Steele 3 Things President Can Do To Get a Mid-Term Bump

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

‘He'll be re-elected': Trump and allies tout the sweet smell of 2020 success

Anthony Scaramucci, who spent an ill-fated 11 days at the White House last year as communications director, has written a book lionising the president.

Scaramucci believes the mood on the ground is quietly shifting in the president’s favour despite the attached social stigma.

“I’m a sales guy,” he said, “I returned to my company and I’ve travelled the entire country over the last 12 months, and what I can tell you is that the whisper is up.

Continue reading “David Smith of The Guardian: Trump Will Be Re-Elected — Scaramucci “The Whisper is Up” Plus Robert Steele 3 Things President Can Do To Get a Mid-Term Bump”