James Fetzer: Still No Obituaries for Parkland False Flag

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
Jim Fetzer

Dr. Eowny: Florida Obituaries show No Parkland School Shooting Deaths (Updated)

[Editor's note: For the background of how they faked the Parkland shooting, check out “The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces fit Together”:

According to Florida Obituaries:

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CounterPunch: Why Young Americans Do Not Revolt Despite Knowing They Are Being Royally Screwed by a Rigged System

Cultural Intelligence

Another Reason Young Americans Don’t Revolt Against Being Screwed

Bruce E. Levine

8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance” was originally published in 2011, then republished on several Internet sites, and has become one of my most viewed articles. The eight reasons include: student-loan debt; various pacifying effects of standard schooling; the psychopathologizing and medicating of noncompliance; surveillance; television; and fundamentalist religion and fundamentalist consumerism. Over the last seven years, many young people have told me that they appreciate that article, but they have urged me to detail a hugely important pacifying source which I had not included.

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Mel Gibson: Hollywood is Institutionalized Pedophilia Drenched in the Blood of Innocent Children UPDATE 1 Debunked?

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’

Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.

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Owl: Epic Success by US Department of Justice, 2,300 Pedophilia Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement
Who? Who?

Nothing about this in MSM on this splendid news. MSM completely lacking in integrity and totally subservient to the Deep State that embraces pedophilia. Below is official DoJ press release MSM is ignoring.

More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

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Rebecca Campbell: Sony EMI Music Caters to Pedophilia Networks That Snuff (Murder) Children

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption
Rebecca Campbell

EMI Music Publishing Owned By Sony/ATV Largest Music Publishing Corporation In The World Is a Pedophile Ring

It’s time for ALL consumers to boycott Sony/ATV and EMI. The proof is in Bizarre’s lyrics. 

Phi Beta Iota: Lyrics at above link are explicit.

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Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Will Palantir Follow Cambridge Analytica Over the Facebook Cliff?

Commerce, Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Phrase of the Day: Collateral Damage

The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal has rightly been scrutinized by everyone from individual users to entire government bodies. As could be expected when the players are this large, what people are finding links together unlikely suspects and victims in this data breach. One such surprise popped up this week when we read a Gizmodo report, “Facebook ‘Looking Into’ Palantir’s Access to User Data.”

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Will Palantir Follow Cambridge Analytica Over the Facebook Cliff?”