UPDATE 4 Friday 20 November 2015
Nafeez Ahmed: NATO is Harbouring ISIS
Anthony Judge: Dying to Live, Living to Die, Lying to Live, and Living a Lie
Chuck Spinney: Open Letter to Obama by Drone Operators Denounces Drone Assassination
Robert Parry: Tangled False US Narratives
Phi Beta Iota: We are moderately certain Paris was a contrived false flag — people died, but they died to serve the neoconservative and state-sponsored terrorism narrative.

UPDATE 3 Thursday 19 November 2015
10 Reasons Why The Paris Terrorist Attack Could Be A False Flag Operation
Another France’s False Flag Attack (Intifada-Palestine.com)
France Declares War on Syria (thepeoplesvoice.org)
Video shows woman escape point-blank shooting by gunman in Paris attacks
Washington Bears Full Responsibility for Paris Attacks (thepeoplesvoice.org)
UPDATE 2 Wednesday 18 November 2015
The Paris Tragedy and the End of Strategic Thinking
ISIS Announces 6-Month Terror Campaign, NAMES 5 Targets — CA, VA, MD, IL, MI
Former “al-Qaeda/CIA Double Agent” Says US Will Be Hit With Terror Within Two Weeks
Marcus Aurelius: ISIS-Related Headlines

UPDATE 1 Tuesday 17 November 2015
Open Democracy: Nafeez Ahmed on How ISIS Wants to Destroy the “Gray Zone” — And How to Defend It
ISIS Round-Up — The Best of the Rest
YouTube (8:58) Paris Attacks False Flag Jewish Owners sold Bataclan Theater JUST BEFORE ATTACK!

Phi Beta Iota: The Charlie Hebdo attack, almost certainly a false flag, was intended to punish France for supporting Palestine and frighten more Jews into leaving France for Israel (as happened in the case of the owners). There is no proof, yet, this was a false flag operation, but many indicators are emergent. Anyone doubting the mendacity of the Zionists need only remember the USS Liberty. This does not excuse what the US and NATO have done in creating the new swath of destruction since 9/11 was orchestrated by Dick Cheney in the guise of a national counter-terrorism exercise, it merely provides necessary clarity.

Coleen Rowley: Another Illegal War is Insane
Berto Jongman: Dutch View on ISIS in Paris
ISIS is a Saudi Project (Atlantic)
Michel Onfray: French Joined the Americans in War on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali…Reap As Ye Sow…
NOW Will You Listen? Paris Attacks Bring Home Need for a Grand Strategy Based on the Truth…

Antechinus: Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s Apologists
Graphic: Media Filtering Reality
Greater Israel — Oded Yinon Zionist Plan for Destabilizing and Fracturing the Middle East
How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam
How To Beat ISIS: Quarantine Them

Mongoose: Veterans for Peace at White House: National Security Compromised by Support for Netanyahu

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
Robert Steele: Qatar Buys French Presidents
Robert Steele: Should Christian Amanpour of CNN Be Fired, Investigated, or Both?
The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag
The ISIS Twitter census: Making sense of ISIS's use of Twitter
The Saudi Prince and Two Tons of Narcotics
What ISIS Really Wants [Carefully Ignores State Sponsors]
YouTube Takes on Paris False Flag

Phi Beta Iota: There is a possibility that elements of various governments are complicit in the Paris atrocities. Setting that aside, there is no grand strategy, no deep understanding of the complexities and contradictions. A strategic pause is needed, as well as a very strong counterintelligence campaign within France and within the USA. Attacks on Berlin similar to those in Paris are anticipated by the capture in Kurdistan of a rebel with a map — armories (e.g. small police stations and US National Guard armories) are a prime preliminary target, perhaps to draw suspicion away from the use of the Saudi diplomatic pouch to introduce arms into Europe or the US. ISIS cannot be defeated unless we first stop Saudi, Israeli, and Turkish support for ISIS and clean our own stables.

See Especially:
Weapons stolen from U.S. Army Reserve armory in Massachusetts
See Also: