Journal: Social Web Cannot Be Censored or Gated
Reference: How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence
Review: Ambient Findability–What We Find Changes Who We Become (Paperback)
Review: Smart Mobs–The Next Social Revolution
Review: Tools for Thought–The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technolog
Review: The Virtual Community–Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Howard Rheingold
Worth a Look: Pierre Levy Interviewed by Howard Rheingold on Collective Intelligence
1993 Shumpei Kumon (JP) From Wealth to Wisdom: A Change in the Social Paradigm
1992 Rheingold (US) Migrating Intelligence to the Public
1992 Barlow (US) Information Wants to Be Free
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (An Alternative Paradigm)