Search: military intelligence from open sources


This is a classic, and it bears mention that the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution began in the US military.  Here is the human in the loop essence that no computer can create. USDI and D/DIA have chosen to ignore their responsibility for OSINT despite General Tony Zinni's clear cut statement that all that they do now provides “at best” 4% of a commander's needs; General Mike Flynn's documentation of the “irrelevance” of US intelligence in Afghanistan, and the still standing requirements from the Aspin-Brown Commission and others to make OSINT a “top priority” for funding and a “top priority” for DCI (today DNI) attention.

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Most-Wanted List for Health Care Fraud

07 Health, Corruption, Law Enforcement

Government Launches Health Care Fraud Most-Wanted List

WASHINGTON — Health care fraud used to be a faceless crime — until now.

Medicare and Medicaid scams cost taxpayers more than $60 billion a year, but the average bank holdup is likely to get more attention. Seeking the public's help to catch more than 170 fugitive fraudsters, the government has launched a new health care most-wanted list, with its own website.  Read more…

Phi Beta Iota: What the government does in terms of fraud, waste, and abuse is VASTLY greater, resulting from a mix of ignorance and corruption.  It's a good idea–achieving full transparency for all records would put all citizen eyeballs on the mix and produce more corruption leads faster, better, cheaper.  What the government is not telling us is that the Connelly law firm has created a 15 company team led by Booz Allen that is about to take over “profit recovery” for the US Government across the entire health care industry–privateers with with civil and criminal authorities.  BAD IDEA and the natural outcome of the government not being able to do the right thing–competent employees and trusted information–so instead it does the wrong thing righter–gets bigger, more expensive, outsources more.

Barbara McNamara–Subversion from Within

Commissions, Corruption, Hill Letters & Testimony
Richard Wright

Behind Closed Doors

On 31 January 2011 Secrecy News returned to a subject that had been discussed earlier: the federal investigations of former NSA employee Thomas Drake for revealing classified information and of a former congressional intelligence committee staffer, Diane Roark, for assisting him. This latest article essentially quotes former NSA Deputy Director Barbara McNamara as saying Roark fell into the category of staffers that were, “overly intrusive and vindictive” and employed NSA employees as her personal informants. Since I personally know something of this business, I would like to add my own observations on the subject.

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Who Needs Enemies When We Have Us?

Corruption, Government, Methods & Process, Policies, Threats
Retire the Clown

Obesity Has Nearly Doubled Worldwide Since 1980: Report

FRIDAY, Feb. 4 (HealthDay News) — New research shows that obesity is on the rise worldwide — it's doubled since 1980 — but people in the wealthiest nations are managing to reduce their blood pressure and cholesterol level.

Moms’ Work Schedule Is Making Kids Fat

Childhood obesity has been steadily rising in the U.S. in the past 30 years, and a new study from American University in Washington, D.C. has found that a child’s weight may depend on how much their mothers were away at work growing up.

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extraterrestrial Readings….

08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, History

Phi Beta Iota: Below the line are a number of books with links to their Amazon pages.  The most interesting point we drew from creating this list is that  the intersection of religion and science that is now occurring is coincident with the intersection of consciousness and extraterrestrial convergence.  The Mayans foretold a return or “first disclosure” of extraterrestrials in 2012–some religions believe 2012 will be a year of apocalypse.  We believe it will be a year of Awakening, enabling global public consciousness across all boundaries, in a manner never before achieved.

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Underground world hints at China’s coming crisis

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Key Players, Peace Intelligence

Underground world hints at China's coming crisis

To understand how far ordinary Chinese have been priced out of their country's property market, you need to look not upwards at the Beijing's shimmering high-rise skyline, but down, far below the bustling streets where nearly 20m people live and work.

There, in the city's vast network of unused air defence bunkers, as many as a million people live in small, windowless rooms that rent for £30 to £50 a month, which is as much as many of the city's army of migrant labourers can afford.

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