in a world of constant flux a person who is not curious is screwed.
John Seeley Brown
In the past eight weeks as I have become more familiar with Internet2’s award to build a backbone to connect upwards of 200,000 unified community anchor institutions into a national network and have put this knowledge alongside that of the peer to peer open knowledge resource Commons represented by Michel Bauwens, I had a gut feeling that somehow someway there is a connection yearning to be made between these two very disparate groups. There is nothing overly obvious in my construct. It is just a tacit feeling that there is a huge potential here.
One thing that I observed from listening to the lecture that I did not get out of the book is that there are ever evolving ways of interpreting one’s surroundings and what is happening. JSB used the same two examples of self-taught surfers in Hawaii and World of Warcraft generation of knowledge that he did in his April 2010 Power of Pull lecture. But by late June 2010 he had evolved these concepts in new interesting and refreshing ways. One point in the lecture that was quite critical indeed was the concept of study groups in the learning 21st-century terms as opposed to education the 19th century term. Success now is found to be dependent to a very large extent on one’s ability to form study groups and that these groups could enable a self-motivated socialized learning experience that a more solitary approach to some rigid curriculum could not. And of course in the world of constant technology change the idea of a rigid curriculum is found wanting.
See Also:
CONNECT First, the Collective Intelligence Will Happen Naturally
Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
Reference: Diversity of Voices & Values'
Reference: Our Choice–Changing the Game
Participatory Budgeting Practices, Games, Resources
Review (Guest): Program or be Programmed–Ten Commands for a Digital Age
Journal: The Open Tri-Fecta–Open Spectrum Next
2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)
Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World