NIGHTWATCH: US “Leaders” Do Not Know Squat About War or Afghanistan

Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Military

AFGHANISTAN COMMENT: The photos published by the Los Angeles Times have been covered extensively by the US press, except for a few minor issues not mentioned by any news services.

First of all, an Islamic suicide bomber is not someone who has abused his body, as some pundits opined today. On the contrary, he is a martyr, in fundamentalist theology. The American soldiers were not just defacing a dead human being; they were insulting an Islamic warrior.

But that is not a big deal for Muslims. They do the same and understand fighting and death. Fighters die. Winners gloat.

Even suicide bombers ought to be respected as warriors, but that means little, even to Afghans. Above all, they understand that death is an occupational hazard for a warrior. Plus they believe he gets his reward in heaven.

No American leader should apologize. An apology betrays a complete ignorance of the culture because the Afghans understand war: national and regional; tribal and clan; and village and family. Afghans consider an apology by a stronger power to be a sign of  weakness.

For example, the bombers were most likely kids taken from a madrasah in Pakistan, given rudimentary training, doped up and sent to die by their religious teachers and elders. In which case, no Afghans will lament the deaths. The US does not even know the nationality of the bombers. To whom should the US apologize?

The cultural and religious differences are valid. Fundamentalist Islamic values that encourage children to sacrifice themselves as suicide bombers do not represent the mainstream of Muslim theology. Suicide bombings are denounced regularly in every meeting of Pakistani and Afghan Islamic scholars. However, they have never denounced the killing of  Americans, Jews and Christians. A US apologiy to people whom even Muslims consider extremists serves no point.

It might be some kind of epiphany for some news reporters that American soldiers are soldiers, who are not so different from Roman legionnaires. But in most of the world, including in the US outside of San Francisco or Los Angeles, everybody in every culture understands that gloating is part of winning after a battle, along with mourning the dead. So in a war,  a US apology for the death of an enemy fighter by his own hand also serves no point.

The Taliban have shown no special reverence for their suicide bombers in the past 11 years, unless they kill lots of Americans or unless an incident could be turned to some propaganda advantage.

US soldiers in Afghanistan are not placed in increased risk because of this incident. Most Afghans most likely will consider taking pictures of the lower half of a dissected body bewildering, if not sick. Any protests will be perfunctory. Protests over the dead never last more than a day or two, if they occur at all.

Defacing the Koran is a vastly more incendiary offense. These protests last for weeks.

After 11 years of US troops in a country and culture, Readers and citizens have a right to expect a deeper official understanding and better handling of these incidents. It did not happen in Vietnam and it is no better in Afghanistan.

Thanks to Brilliant and extremely well-informed Readers for Feedback about Afghan attitudes towards death and towards defacing the Koran.


Phi Beta Iota:  Too many flag officers.  Too many political appointees.  Very limited intelligence and zero integrity.

Greg Palast: Kickstarter Fund-Raiser for Billionaires and Ballots Investigative Project

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Greg Palast


The top elections-heist investigators in the USA need your donation, here today, to complete our comic book, our elections guide book and our film exposing the attempt to Steal 2012 by a combination of billionaire’s hidden cash and vote heists.

In 1996, Greg Palast filmed the first investigation of The Koch Brothers.

In 2000, Palast uncovered how Katherine Harris purged 56,000 African-Americans from Florida voter rolls.

In 2008, Palast, with Bobby Kennedy, busted the Karl Rove attack on ballots – from ID games to firing US prosecutors.

And now, in 2012, there’s once again a full-scale attack on the right to vote.

Click on Image to Enlarge

If we can get $15,000 right now, we can just make our May 3rd deadline to draw and print our BILLIONAIRES AND BANDITS comic book with genius pen man Ted Rall.

The funds will also allow us to edit and broadcast our film shot over the past four years from all over the USA on Karl Rove’s $200 million game to suppress the vote.

Learn more.

About Greg Palast

Continue reading “Greg Palast: Kickstarter Fund-Raiser for Billionaires and Ballots Investigative Project”

Jonah Lehrer: How NOT to Kill Creativity

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
Johan Lehrer

How Not to Kill Creativity – Jonah Lehrer LIVE on Big Think

Jonathan Fowler and Elizabeth Rodd on April 17, 2012

Jonah Lehrer has been described as a kind of “one man third culture” – after training in Neuroscience at Columbia with Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel, he studied literature and philosophy on a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford. Since then, he has written three books that examine and blur the boundaries between science and art, reason and imagination. His latest: IMAGINE: How Creativity Works, looks at the neuroscience and the real-world phenomenon of creativity in case studies ranging from the emotional and spiritual burnout that led to Bob Dylan's brilliant album Highway 61 Revisited  to the invention of the Swiffer.

Amazon Page

Here, Lehrer talks with Big Think's Jason Gots about failure as an integral, essential part of the creative process, and why American schools are so good at killing creativity.

VIDEO (16: 29)

Phi Beta Iota:  Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman for this find.  Lehrer is an M4IS2 master — “the brain is a category buster.”  Honorably priced to begin with, Amazon has taken another $10 off, this book is a major bargain in hardcover at $15.00.

See Also:

DefDog: Nurturing Innovation in Spite of Really Rotten Rote Education + RECAP

Review: A First-Rate Madness – Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness

Review: Redesigning Society

Sean Eaton: Reflections on Education

Search: global brain human brain + RECAP

What Presidents Don’t Know About Education Plus RECAP of 6 Star Plus Books Relevant to Creating a Smart Nation with a Strategic Narrative that WORKS

INDEPENDENT VOTER NETWORK: Steele on Electoral Reform – 16 Part Series

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Government
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Direct Links to IVN

Introduction of a New Series
Part 1: Process
Part 2: Ballot Access
Part 3: Voting for People
Part 4: Voting for Issues
Part 5: Debates
Part 6: Cabinet
Part 7: Representation
Part 8: Districts
Part 9: Funding
Part 10: Legislation
Part 11: Constitutional Amendment
Part 12: The Stakeholders
Part 13: Overview of The Ethics
Part 14: Overview of the Action Plan
Part 15: The Pledge
Part 16: The Statement of Demand

Back-Up Posts @ Phi Beta Iota

Introduction of a New Series
Part 1: Process
Part 2: Ballot Access
Part 3: Voting for People
Part 4: Voting for Issues
Part 5: Debates
Part 6: Cabinet
Part 7: Representation
Part 8: Districts
Part 9: Funding
Part 10: Legislation
Part 11: Constitutional Amendment
Part 12: The Stakeholders
Part 13: Overview of The Ethics
Part 14: Overview of the Action Plan
Part 15: The Pledge
Part 16: The Statement of Demand

Eagle: Mitt Romney Almost Certainly Committed Voter Fraud in 2008 – Could This Be Ron Paul’s Ticket to the High Table?

Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...

Mitt faces up to 5 years in jail & $10,000 fine if he did not live in his son’s unfinished basement

Last edited Tue Apr 17, 2012, 02:30 PM USA/ET – Edit history (3)

Mitt Romney, guilty of voter fraud?
Posted on April 17, 2012

Mitt Romney faces up to five years in jail and a $10,000 fine if he did not live in his son’s unfinished basement in 2010

In January 2010 the former Massachusetts governor proudly cast a ballot for Republican Scott Brown in the special election to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. He didn’t own property in the state at the time, and had registered to vote listing his son’s unfinished basement as his residence. Massachusetts law defines a residence for voter registration purposes as “where a person dwells and which is the center of his domestic, social, and civil life.” Anyone found guilty of committing voter fraud faces up to five years behind bars and a fine of $10,000.  See Romney Voter Fraud Liability?

Is this exactly like that ‘voter fraud‘ thing that the Republicans are always trying to pretend the Democrats participate in? Except that the Democrats don’t?

Mitt Romney’s motto: vote early and vote often!


If that’s true, Romney showed a true commitment to voting for Republican Senator Scott Brown in last year’s special election, since he owns a $12.5 million home in La Jolla, Calif. and a $10 million home in New Hampshire’s Lake Winnipesaukee – but no home in the state he was once governor.

Not that he was exactly roughing it. Romney’s son Tagg and his wife greatly improved the property in recent years adding an in-ground pool and a jacuzzi to the rebuilt property that spans three old lots, bumping its assessed value up to $3.8 million.

Still, as Belmont, Mass. property assessment records I dug up show, the basement is unfinished – hardly the standard the former investment banker would be used to. Here’s a portion of the property record (Belmont Property View). I have edited the image to highlight the basement description. Here is the full record:  Belmont Property View Full. As a public record you can find the full report also through the town of Belmont here. The property was last inspected by the town on June 21, 2010, well after the state’s January special election that filled Ted Kennedy’s old seat.

Of course, as Karger argues to the Massachusetts Secretary of State, Romney likely didn’t live in the basement, so it appears like voter fraud, a crime punishable by up to five years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

Forbes on Potential Romney Voter Fraud

Phi Beta Iota:  Combined with the wife's statement that they lived in California, and a careful examination of Romney's actual travels during the year, it is easily determined if he committed voter fraud.  If he did, he should be ineligible to be the Republican nominee for president.  We certainly hope someone with integrity in Massachusetts runs this down fast — perhaps the Ron Paul contingent could help?   Investigating, indicting, and convicting Romney for voter fraud in the next six months would be a study in the resurrection of democracy.

Steven Aftergood: Secret Systems Cluttering the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Corruption, IO Impotency, Military
Steven Aftergood


The difficulty that the military has in allocating the efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum for military operations is aggravated by the fact that some of those uses — involving intelligence platforms and sensors — are secret even from military planners themselves, a new Pentagon doctrinal publication notes.

“Coordination with intelligence units and agencies can be challenging for many reasons, to include classification issues, disparate data formats, and separate technical control or reporting channels,” the publication states.

“In many cases, the JSME [joint spectrum management element] does not have adequate visibility or knowledge of intelligence sensors, platforms, or systems in order to accomplish accurate deconfliction.”

“In order to capture all aspects of intelligence spectrum use, the JSME must understand that intelligence platforms such as UAS/unmanned ground system will have spectrum requirements for both a payload (e.g., imagery or data) and control frequencies to operate the platform.”

“Intelligence is a heavy user of sensors that employ both active and passive techniques. Active sensors are usually accounted for, but the passive sensors will also require spectrum consideration so they perform properly.”

See Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, Joint Publication 6-01, Joint Chiefs of Staff, March 20, 2012 (at page V-12).

Phi Beta Iota:  The US has never been serious about spectrum–one of the dirty little secrets of Afghanistan is how often drones, artillery, and aviation as well as C4I messed each other up.  Adding remote disengaged drone video games made it much worse (news flash for DoD “leaders”: pilots are cheaper than bandwidth and much, much better at situational awareness).  The Soviet standards for emissions control have always been 10 to 100 times more serious than US standards.  However, the bottom line is that Open Spectrum is here to stay, and the US military is the last to know or accept this.

See Also:

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Secret Systems Cluttering the Electromagnetic Spectrum”

Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

How to Perfect Real-Time Crowdsourcing

The new techniques behind instant crowdsourcing makes human intelligence available on demand for the first time.

One of the great goals of computer science is to embed human-like intelligence in common applications like image processing, robotic control and so on. Until recently the focus has been to develop an artificial intelligence that can do these jobs.

But there's another option: using real humans via some kind of crowdsourcing process. One well known example involves the CAPTCHA test which can identify humans from machines by asking them to identify words so badly distorted that automated systems cannot read them.

However, spammers are known to farm out these tasks to humans via crowdsourcing systems that pay in the region of 0.5 cents per 1000 words solved.

Might not a similar process work for legitimate tasks such as building human intelligence into real world applications?

The problem, of course, is latency. Nobody wants to sit around for 20 minutes while a worker with the skills to steer your robotic waiter is crowdsourced from the other side of the world.

So how quickly can a crowd be put into action.?That's the question tackled today by Michael Bernstein at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and a few pals.

Continue reading “Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP”