Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo Funded by Soros (PBI: Powered by Zionist Troll Armies)

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Media
Berto Jongman

Google & Soros-backed ‘fact-checkers’ join forces to control news search results

Breitbart: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Join Forces With ADL to Create ‘Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab’

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Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo Includes Linux and Mozilla Firefox

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO Impotency
Rebecca Campbell

Something is very wrong with the new Linux Mint, Android 7, and Google

Additionally, if I access Google even once with the latest Linux Mint on the new laptop, Google then owns the computer even after the tab it was on is closed and seems to provide a gateway through which windows start opening or closing or switching over to their own private browsers by themselves, and text I type starts vanishing. Bandwidth usage goes through the roof, and starts getting burned off at least 3 times as fast as it has ever vanished before.

See Also:

How Mozilla Firefox Plans to Combat “Fake News”-August 22, 2017

Zero Hedge: DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November

Civil Society, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November

Phi Beta Iota: Coincides with Antify roll-out. Coincides with alleged threat from North Korea of an EMP explosion. Not discussed is the need to literally shut down all electronics to survive either an EMP or a solar pump. Coordinating that is the hard part. Being able to reach ham radio operators in every country across the country is way cool.

Mongoose: President Trump Is Being Lied to About Africa and Everything Else….

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime

Phi Beta Iota: Niger is about Western looting backed by US force. Our President is being lied to by everyone from across the military-intelligence-industrial-financial complex. Closing all our bases overseas, bringing back all our troops without exception, is the fastest way to achieve world peace and prosperity for the 99%. To do that he must take down the two-party tyranny that enabled endless war.

See Also:

Robert Steele: Concept for Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 1

Berto Jongman: PhD defense Jaron Harambam: ‘The Truth is Out There’ (October 26, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

#Events, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman

PhD defense Jaron Harambam: ‘The Truth is Out There’ (October 26, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

For more information about Jaron and his research, please find his Google Scholar profile here and an interview about conspiracy culture (in Dutch) here.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: PhD defense Jaron Harambam: ‘The Truth is Out There’ (October 26, Erasmus University Rotterdam)”

Berto Jongman: GAO on Economic Effects of Climate Change

Earth Intelligence

Climate Change:
Information on Potential Economic Effects Could Help Guide Federal Efforts to Reduce Fiscal Exposure

GAO-17-720: Published: Sep 28, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 24, 2017.

Phi Beta Iota: What they do not talk about is the weaponization of weather, the export of virtual water (alfalfa export to Saudi Arabia) and more.  No one in the US Government does holistic analytics or true cost ecomics, but this is a fine report for a conventional system that thinks in the old stove-piped manner.