2002 Klavans (US) Tomorrow’s Hotspots: Identifying Commercial Opportunities from Science

Analysis, Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Technologies
Maps of Science
Maps of Science

Visit Dick Klavans, the top gun for mapping science & technology across all boundaries.  Below, with Brad Ashton, his co-author for Keeping Abreast of Science and Technology: Technical Intelligence for Business, is the lecture he presented at OSS '02 on this topic:

PDF: OSS2002-02-06 Klavan Hotspots

2019 Website: https://www.scitech-strategies.com

2002 Klavans (US) Technology Mapping: A Workshop on (Open) Sources & Methods for Identifying Commercial Opportunities in Technology

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other)
Maps of Science
Maps of Science

Dick is President and Chief Executive Officer  of Maps of Science, having founded the company in 1991. Between 1991 and 2000, he created maps of science for large pharmaceutical, chemical and physics-based firms. He completely rewrote the computer algorithms in 2000, and continues to modify them in order to generate the most accurate maps possible. Dick, and Chief Technical Officer Kevin Boyack have a strong publication record on mapping science, and are considered world leaders in this area (see bibliography).  We met Dick in the 1990's when we were exploring how best to identify the top 100 experts on anything and everything, and he is still the master, aided by an exclusive total right of access to all citation analysis data owned by and generated by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) founded by Eugene Garfield (a small part of our Aspin-Brown Commission testimony in 1995 that persauded them the US Intelligence Community was “severely deficient” in not being able to do what OSS CEO did with six  telephone calls).

Below is Dick's OSS '02 workshop on Technology Mapping, done with Brad Ashton, his co-author in producing what is still the best book on the subject, Keeping Abreast of Science and Technology: Technical Intelligence for Business.

PDF: OSS2002-02-14 Klavans Technology Mapping

2019 Website: https://www.scitech-strategies.com

2002 Manwaring (US) Asymmetry, Conflict, and the Need to Achieve Both Vertical and Horizonal Integration

Historic Contributions, Military, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Max Manwaring
Max Manwaring

The outline below does not do justice the rich spontaneous presentation that Col Dr. Max Manwaring of the Strategic Studies Institute shared with OSS '02.

Dr. Manwaring may well be America's top authority on both “uncomfortable small wars” and on “gangs against governments.”

He is the originator of the six generations of warfare (the US still fights 4th generation warfare at best) and inspired the definition by Robert Steele of the seventh generation,  Information Peacekeeping at “total war” using information and intelligence as the sole munition.

Click on the photograph to access his rich biography and many publications, most free online.  Click below to read the outline.

Max Manwaring
Max Manwaring

2002 Lee (US) Geospatial Information Sources: A Global Primer

Geospatial, Historic Contributions
Geospatial Everything
Geospatial Everything

Kent Lee, founder and CEO of both East View Cartographic and East View Everything Else came to our attention in the early 1990's when both USSOCOM and the US Marine Corps were trying to deal with the FACT that the US Government did not have combat charts (tactically useful maps at the 1:50,000 level with contour lines vital to infantry and logistics operations.  We discovered that Russia had focused on the wars of national liberation and did have such maps, and that East View could get them, translate them into English, and deliver them in digital forms suitable for existing US military systems.

In more recent years, East View has been our primary source of expert access and production assistance in helping United Nations and other forces that suffer from the fact that other than the Russians, every other Western country never put resources into mapping the Third World.  Below left is a color coded depiction of the 175 sheets needed by MajGen Patrick Cammaert, RN NL, then Eastern Force Commander in the Congo.  With Eastview's help, the Dutch government ultimately funded the satisfaction of this urgent need.

Below right is Kent Lee's presentation to OSS '02.

Congo 1:50 Needs
Congo 1:50 Needs
Kent Lee
Kent Lee

2002 Marshall (US) Tomorrow’s Global Hotspots: Global Systems Analysis–What Can Open Information Contributute to Conflict Managements and the Avoidance of Future Catastrophe?

Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Peace Intelligence
Monty Marshall
Monty Marshall

Professor Monty Marshall came to our attention when his book on the Third World War impressed us so deeply.  Our review of 15 December 2001 is entitled: 

Deeply Important to Our Future, Scholarly, Practical, Urgent

Click on the book cover to reach the Amazon page and also read our review.  we continue to be concerned by the chasm between people like Professor Marshall with deep knowledge, and policy makers who plan, program, and budget without any understanding as to true costs and needed investments.

Below is his contribution to oSS '02.  Much more remains to be done with this important body of work.

Monty Marshall
Monty Marshall

2002 Moore (US) & Krizan (US) Core Competencies for Intelligence Analysts

Analysis, Historic Contributions

David Moore & Lisa Krizan
David Moore & Lisa Krizan

Golden Candle Award: Mr. David Moore and Ms. Lisa Krizan, National Security Agency, USA

OSS '02: For their personal commitment to nurturing intelligence education and the craft of intelligence analysis, in part by studying, defining, and then promulgating “best practices” from both within the government and from the external private sector.

2002 Pinkham (US) Citizen Advocacy in the Information Age

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Historic Contributions

Public AffairsDouglas G. Pinkham is president of the Public Affairs Council, the leading international association for public affairs professionals. The Council is a non-partisan, non-political organization that provides training and development, “best practice” information and benchmarking services to the profession.

His experience is focused primarily on helping very large corporations (some would call them dinosaurs) get agrip on citizen advocacy and the power of the network.  As he has shown so many clients, engaging clients, engaging citizens, makes you stronger.  They are NOT a threat, they are a foundation for transformation.  Below is his contribution to OSS '02.  We strongly recommend all of the publications offered by the Public Affairs Council.  Both slides lead to the same briefing.

Doug Pinkham
Doug Pinkham
Doug Pinkham
Doug Pinkham