Bin Laden Show 50: Loose Ends (Arab View)

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military
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Counterpoint: Loose ends about Osama Bin Laden’s death

Special to Al Arabiya

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

There are many loose ends about the last days, and death, of Osama Bin Laden.

The loose ends continue to pile up as time passes. There was an alleged firefight at the compound; so where are the signs of flash grenades? Even the room in which Bin Laden made his last stand had no bullet holes in the wall! As daily videos pour out from the now most famous house in Pakistan one cannot help notice the lack of signs of a firefight at the compound.

The plot thickens when one considers that according to intelligence, Bin Laden needed two dialysis treatments a day for his failing kidneys. There was no evidence of medical equipment in the compound that would suggest such an ill man was being treated for a kidney condition as bad as alleged for Osama Bin Laden. Was he cured through a kidney transplant? When? Who performed the operation and where?

Read complete article….

Phi Beta Iota: The US Government generally, and the US Intelligence Community specifically, really do not understand “crowd sourcing” or collective intelligence as it has evolved in accelerated fashion just in pasts two years.  The Bin Laden Show is important because it has–no doubt to the surprise of its producers–focused massive distributed eyes and brains on every detail from 9-11 forward.  There is no other thing the US Government could have done to mobilize the rest of the world into paying attention to “loose ends.”  We pray this is the beginning of transparency, truth, and trust as we go into the future.

See Also (All Images):

<bin laden>  ..  <bin laden dead>  ..  <bin laden deception>  ..  <bin laden fake>  ..  <bin laden meme>

Bin Laden Show 49: Lawsuits Multiply

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

Bin Laden’s Son Reportedly Announces Possible Lawsuit Against United States Over Killing and Burial of His Father

Jonathan Turley Blog, May 11, 2011

Omar bin Laden, bin Laden’s fourth eldest son, has allegedly issued a statement that calls the killing of his father as a “criminal” act and a humiliation for his family. Notably, he indicated the possibility of a lawsuit against the United States.

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JW Fights for Release of bin Laden Photos

The controversy over the release of the post-mortem photos of Osama bin Laden has exploded in the news. At last check, there were more than 77,000 news stories worldwide related to this issue. And Judicial Watch, as usual, is right in the middle of this debate on government transparency.

Paul J. Muckle Law Suit

9/11 as a set-up and distractor to unite country while multiple looting campaigns were carried out (Afghanistan/Iraq, Sub-prime mortgages, Wall Street bail out).

Phi Beta Iota: The last one is convoluted but morally and intellectually on target.  Patience is rewarded.


Bin Laden Show 48: PK ISI Chief Hamid Gul: Theater

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Military
General Hamid Gul

Former Pakistani intelligence chief Hamid Gul went on the Alex Jones Show today and characterized the unverified assassination of Osama bin Laden as symbolic theater.

Kurt Nimmo, May 2, 2011

Gul said the event was a “make believe drama” designed to be used for Obama’s upcoming re-election campaign.

The supposed hit as described by the government and the corporate media is the “stuff of folk lore, for legend-making and the ballad,” Gull explained.

Hamid Gull went on to cite the late Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, who told David Frost in late 2007 that Osama bin Laden was murdered by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who is also one of the men convicted of kidnapping and killing journalist Daniel Pearl.

The BBC had excised Bhutto’s comment but was forced to reinsert the footage in its version after the unedited version appeared on YouTube.

She was assassinated on December 27, 2007, after a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Source article with embedded 14:06 video of interview with former Pakistan intelligence chief Hamid Gul

Phi Beta Iota: Pakistani officers, whether active or retired, do not break ranks or they get assassinated.  This could well be an early Pakistani counter-attack on being “caught out” with Bin Laden, but all evidence that we have seen points toward this being the correct view:  CIA theater with JSOG as unwitting dupes.

See Also:

Original Alex Jones YouTube “Hoax” Broadcast (7:59)

Infowar menu of related articles (below YouTube box)

Bin Laden Show 47: Eye, Ear, Nose Forensics

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

Osama bin Laden’s Nose and Left Ear

by Joe Quinn May 10, 2011

I’m sure we’re all very tired by now of the Osama bin Laden nonsense, I know I am, and I really wish it would just go away. Sadly, that seems an unlikely prospect in the near future.

I’ve already provided more than enough evidence for all rational people to seriously doubt the authenticity of the “Osama bin Laden is dead” story. I’ve also exposed the many faked images and videos of the alleged terrorist mastermind that were released over the past 10 years. But the US government and CIA aren’t ready to quit just yet. It would appear that they’re determined to push the boundaries of belief and exploit public credulousness to the max (and perhaps beyond).

Full report with numerous photographs and links…

Phi Beta Iota: Over 15 individuals are contributing to the Bin Laden Show series.  This one wishes to remain anonymous but observes that the reported details all defy credibility, and that forensics is a science that is not being applied by the gullible (or co-opted) mainstream media.

Bin Laden Show 46: Blackwater Blown in Abottabad in January 2010

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
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PDF 1 Page

Phi Beta Iota: We like the presentation format, and we respect the fact that this was posted in 2010, over a year ago.  This should be an orchestrated “open web” rather than a closed  limited dissemination offering.  It is an accurate representation of something the CIA clandestine culture–and even less so the Blackwater and contractor culture–refuse to acknowledge: indigenous counter-intelligence is inherent, intuitive, and impossible to avoid.  As Reuel Gerecht, a former clandestine case officer now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has noted, CIA just does not do operations where diarrhea is the daily norm.  This lends added credence to the likelihood that the Bin Laden Show was a fully joint operation with the Pakistanis, and that Bin Laden was NOT there–with this kind of counterintelligence at his service, it is certain the Pakistanis responsible for protecting him if he were alive would have moved him.

Bin Laden Show 44: French Muslim Account of Fake

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media, Military

Fake Hollywood-style US killing of long dead Usama bin Laden

Usama bin Laden was not a Muslim leader although, as a Muslim himself, he had his own views about Islam just like Christians George Bush and Tony Blair had their views on Christianity when they ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, spilling Muslim blood.  Bin Laden was a CIA agent financed by them, together with his troops, mainly Muslims drawn from various countries, to fight the Soviet occupiers of Afghanistan.  For the Soviets, Usama bin Laden was a terrorist but for the US and other European countries he was a war-hero who turned against them. His crime was that he wanted the US out of his homeland, Arabia, and wanted Israel punished for her crimes and terrorism against the Palestinians whose country is still under occupation. He described the US as having a government within a government working for the benefit of Israel and not for the Americans.  He also said that 9/11 was the work of Israel.

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