Revolution 2.0: Global Strike Proposed

08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Reform, Tools

Time:  Friday, July 1 at 6:00am – July 8 at 11:00pm

Location:  GLOBAL

Created ByAwake And United: International Seekers Of Truth United!, Suzanne Az McHenry, Nelson Legacy, Justin Cooke, Chris Freedom Flowers III, Christopher R Flowers, Chris Freedom Flowers II, Mark A Jones, Fedge ‘Dnb' No, Gerry Hood, Huxley Steven Anderson, Wearechange Montreal

More Info GLOBAL STRIKE! 2011  ..  1.  Boycott  ..  2.  Strike  ..  3.  Prepare

Facebook Page

Phi Beta Iota: A one-day global block party or a one-day sick-out would make much more sense.  This is however an important example of both the scale that is possible and the seeding that is emergent.  The times they are a-changing.


Search: slide designs corruption + RECAP

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Searches

Corruption works better, or Graphic: Corruption.

Graphic: Corruption Slide 1 Nine Zones of Concern

Graphic: Corruption Slide 2 Empire as Terrorism

Graphic: Corruption Slide 3 Holistic Analysis

There is also the category in the directory:

JOURNAL:  Corruption (280)

REVIEWS:  Corruption (125)

See Also (Review: Corruption):

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The Real “National Security Budget: $1.2 Trillion

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Military
Click on Image to Enlarge

Tomgram: Chris Hellman, $1.2 Trillion for National Security

Here’s the thing: the House Republicans are going after their version of unsightly pimples on the body politic — the programs they and their billionaire sponsors find ideologically unpalatable — without seriously considering where our money really flows.  We at TomDispatch thought we might lend a hand to Congress’s deliberations this week by offering something new: the first real figure on what American taxpayers actually pay for the Pentagon, the U.S. military, homeland security, our distant wars, the care of veterans, intelligence, and every other aspect of our national security and war state.

. . . . . . .

$1.2 Trillion: The Real U.S. National Security Budget No One Wants You to Know About

by Chris Hellman  •  March 1, 2011

What if you went to a restaurant and found it rather pricey? Still, you ordered your meal and, when done, picked up the check only to discover that it was almost twice the menu price.

Continue reading “The Real “National Security Budget: $1.2 Trillion”

Director of National Intelligence Self-Destructs…Again

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Intelligence (government), Reform
Dead on Arrival

Senator: Remarks about Libya ‘should be the final straw' for Clapper (CNN)

Clapper lambastes Russia; wait, isn’t Joe Biden in Russia? (The Hill)

U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict (NYT)

US should keep up Lebanon military aid: intel chief (AFP)

Losing Libya III (PajamasMedia)

Phi Beta Iota: We used to admire Jim Clapper, so much so that a member of our collective issued a press release in his defense when Donald Rumsfeld fired him for telling the truth.  General Clapper appears to have forgotten how to tell the truth, and he is not leading the US Intelligence Community, he is administering it with cronies assigned to administer the various agencies.   There is no longer intelligence at the top of the intelligence community.  It is time for a full-spectrum house cleaning, to include the conversion of the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, which is not needed, into the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Peace Operations, which IS needed.  Mike Vickers is not qualified for either position.

Media Spin: Clapper told the truth.  Reality: Clapper is out of touch with reality–he cannot even outline the ten high-level threats to humanity or explain why continued fragmentation of the US Government is the greatest threat to our near term as well as a long term stability and prosperity.  Russia and China are not military threats to the US but rather economic threats, and in the case of China, a demographic and scientific & technology threat.  The Old Guard is dead, may they rest in peace.  Sadly, there is no bench within the US Intelligence Community OR the contractor world.  We anticipate nothing beneficial for our $90 billion a year.

See Also:

Obama to Clapper: “Disappointed.” Duh.

Journal: Reflections on Integrity

Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both

Review: Ideas and Integrities–A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure

What’s Right with America? Let Me List the Books…

Reference: Open Source Insurgency

Articles & Chapters, Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence

2010-12-04 How WikiLeaks builds a global open source insurgency

2010-11-21 Global Guerrillas (John Robb) on Open Source Jihad

2010-03-12 JOURNAL: OSW Standing Orders (11 of them)

2010-02-16 dkgreenroots: oil addiction,  open source insurgency & black swans: Part II

2009-11-17 Open Source Insurgency through Software Tools

2009-09-14  An Early Plan for Open Source Peaceful Evolution

2008-03-23 Starting an Open Source Insurgency

2005-10-15 Original NYC Op Ed: The Open-Source War

Reference: The Global Democratic Revolution Anew

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence, Reform

The great events in tthe Arab world are part of a wider hidtorical process of worldwide democrativ advance.But the distrous events of the post-9/11 decade have made it far slower and more conflictual than needed, says Martin Shaw*

EXTRACT:  “…everywhere, the unifying thread is opposition to authoritarianism and aspiration to democratic rule; and the sense of a psychological break with the dictatorial past is unmistakable.”

* Martin Shaw is professorial fellow in international relations and human rights at Roehampton University, London, and an honorary research professor of international relations at the University of Sussex. His books include War and Genocide: Organised Killing in Modern Society (Polity, 2003); The New Western Way of War: Risk-Transfer War and its Crisis in Iraq (Polity, 2005); and What is Genocide? (Polity, 2007).

Read complete analytic offering….

Phi Beta Iota: One of the most concise, thoughtful, and inspiring summaries of both the present prospects and the recent failed past, all in the context of the past half century.