SchwartzReport: Lies & Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

schwartzreport newHere is a really good assessment of what is happening to the world's fisheries. It will all be pretty familiar if you read SR regularly. But it is particularly thorough, and well grounded. For the most part it is not a happy story. (See: Healing the Seas – Acknowledging the Impact of Humans on the World Ocean).

Just How Badly Are We Overfishing the Oceans?
The Washington Post

Further evidence of the effect of big corporate money using science as a disinformation tool to serve its purposes.

Leaked Documents Reveal the Secret Finances of a Pro-Industry Science Group

Although too polemic this essay mirrors my thinking. Obamacare will be better than what proceeded it. But it is still profit based, it is an illness profit system, not a wellness based system. A single payer system that places wellness first will be much cheaper and simpler. The French have the best healthcare in the world and pay about 11.4 per cent of GNP. We are 37th, and spent about 17 per cent.

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History

Here is more on Schism Trend. I am doing stories on this trend because I am surprised how quickly it is developing.

Survey | 2013 American Values Survey: In Search of Libertarians in America
Public Religion Research Institute

I think it is very important to understand what this story is saying. As we approach becoming a majority minority nation, there is a certain part of the white community for whom that reality is unacceptable. This is big part of the Theocratic Right. And it is going to go into the next generation, as this report makes clear.

‘We Want to Change the World”: Inside a White Supremacist Conference Aimed at Millennials


Gordon Duff: Energy Used to Create and Dissipate Typhoons

Advanced Cyber/IO, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Gordon Duff
Gordon Duff

Mysterious Energy Pulse Threatens Typhoon “Business”

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

This week, one typhoon and one tropical storm simply vanished while heading toward Japan.  They were abruptly turned northward, sparing Japan and then simply vanished.

The MSM has responded with a news blackout.  There are no explanations.
YouTube – Veterans Today –

Days before, the events were predicted in an article on Veterans Today, citing plans by a defense group to use a Tesla based energy system to disrupt the storms.

Majestic Super Typhoon LEKIMA. SW-IR satellite image recorded at 14:30UTC on October 24, 2013. Temperature of the patch located to the right of the typhoon’s eye measures about 150ºK (< minus 123ºC) making it the coldest place on or near planet Earth. Image sourced from: CIMSS/SSEC/WISC.
Majestic Super Typhoon LEKIMA. SW-IR satellite image recorded at 14:30UTC on October 24, 2013. Temperature of the patch located to the right of the typhoon’s eye measures about 150ºK (< minus 123ºC) making it the coldest place on or near planet Earth. Image sourced from: CIMSS/SSEC/WISC.

The website announced in advance when they were beginning operations and reported results as things transpired.

As to whether they were successful or that the two storms mysteriously disappeared, a freak of nature, will never be proven.

The group announced they are willing and able to cause another mysterious freak of nature when needed.

SchwartzReport: Good News and Bad

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

schwartzreport newBAD NEWS:

Democrats and Republicans alike, for different reasons, have conspired to corrupt the safety of America's food system. Here is some truth about this subject.

Analysis of Impact of Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production Finds Administration and Congress Have Exacerb
John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Here is even more about Fukushima. Click through to see the very important animated maps. Also click through to see the hot links that will take you to the research sites that support the claims made in this report. Ronlyn and I are going to get a geiger counter, and we will have to stop eating locally sourced fish, mussels, and clams.

Arctic Temperatures at 44,000-year High Because of Greenhouse Gases
Aljazeera America


Here is some good news that speaks directly to our failing educational system. There are alternatives that work.

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses

This is very good news, but also an example of what I have been predicting for five years: the rise of bi-region collaborations, in the face of the failure of the Federal government to address climate change, and an example of the growing Schism Trend. As I said, this is good news for the West Coast, and it is going to result in another growing dif! ference between the Red value states and the Blue value states, with the former falling further and further behind. In Virginia and North Carolina Theocratic Rightist politicians have literally outlawed even the use of words like climate change in state government documents.

Climate Change Pact Signed by California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia
PAUL ROGERS – San Jose Mecury News

SchwartzReport: Fukushima Fries the West Coast 28 Ways — US Map & Links — Deeply Frightening, Pity There Is No One Attending to the Public Interest….

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Lessons, Media, Officers Call

schwartzreport newThis is the latest on Fukushima and the impact it is making on the U.S. West Coast. This directly affects me, as well as tens of millions of other Americans, and there doesn't seem to be a thing we can do about it.

28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima
MICHAEL SNYDER – Global Research – Centre for Research and Globilization

The map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center.  It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated.  As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. 

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean.  That means that the total amouont of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.  Ultimately, all of this nuclear radiation will outlive all of us by a very wide margin.  They are saying that it could take up to 40 years to clean up the Fukushima disaster, and meanwhile countless innocent people will develop cancer and other health problems as a result of exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation.  We are talking about a nuclear disaster that is absolutely unprecedented, and it is constantly getting worse.  The following are 28 signs that the west coast of North America is being absolutely fried with nuclear radiation from Fukushima.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Fukushima Fries the West Coast 28 Ways — US Map & Links — Deeply Frightening, Pity There Is No One Attending to the Public Interest….”

SmartPlanet: Global wind power expected to skyrocket

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence

smartplanet logoGlobal wind power expected to skyrocket

You might have seen more wind farms popping up over the last few years, but wind energy still only accounts for a small percentage of global electricity production. According to a new report from the International Energy Agency, wind power generates only 2.6 percent of the world’s electricity, but that number is expected to grow significantly over the next few decades.

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SchwartzReport: 7 Billion Minds, or One?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

schwartzreport newHere is another really excellent essay by SR reader and best selling author Larry Dossey. It provides a guide map to how in the domain of nonlocal consciousness we are all linked, all life is interdependent, and inter-connected.

7 Billion Minds, or One?
LARRY DOSSEY, MD – The Huffington Post

“I felt there was no separation between anything. I felt as if I were united with everything, and it was wonderful!” This recent report from a reader is a universal experience of people who are concerned with psychological and spiritual growth. This sense of connectedness is not fantasy, but is being affirmed by recent advances in consciousness research.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: 7 Billion Minds, or One?”

SmartPlanet: The Switching Economy Puts $5.9 Trillion Up For Grabs

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

smartplanet logoThe ’switching economy’ puts $5.9 trillion up for grabs

By | October 23, 2013

For companies around the world there are literally trillions of dollars worth of revenue up for grabs in what Accenture calls, in a new report, the “switching economy.”

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

According to the ninth annual Accenture Global Consumer Pulse Survey, which surveys consumer attitudes toward marketing, sales and customer service in 32 countries around the world, consumers are feeling more empowered to stop doing business with, say, a mobile phone provider or any other company if the customer service isn’t meeting their expectations.

Last year, there was a four percent jump — from 62 percent to 66 percent — in the number of people switching a company globally because of poor customer service. That’s a big increase from the 49 percent of people who switched in 2005 when the first survey was conducted.

The top five industries which see the most changes by customers are: consumer goods retailers (28 percent), retail banks (20 percent), Internet service providers (18 percent), wireless phone companies (17 percent), and landline phone companies (14 percent).

Those are the industries that have the best opportunity for taking advantage of the estimated $5.9 trillion worth of revenue that’s available worldwide from consumers switching companies.

Continue reading “SmartPlanet: The Switching Economy Puts $5.9 Trillion Up For Grabs”