SchwartzReport: Lies, More Lies, Still More Lies, Then Some More Lies…

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government

When your government lies to you over and over, as is the case in the U.S. today, the result is a loss of faith in the institutions of the state. I saw this happening in the old Soviet Union. People openly talked about how nothing the government said could be trusted. At the time it struck me as a very dangerous trend. Now it is happening here. This statement by the National Institute on Drug Abuse is an exa! mple. It is deceitful and dishonest in intent, and in fact, and the Obama Administration should be ashamed of itself. The lying that is coming out of the administration on in everything from national security to Marijuana is a disgrace. Click through to see some a very good compendium of actual facts.

Federal Drug Agency Denies Marijuana Is Less Toxic Than Alcohol
ROBIN WILKEY – The Huffington Post

This is a very serious issue that is getting almost no coverage in corporate media. Given its implications this is quite revealing of the state of American media. I have been digging into this for the past couple of weeks, and I am still unclear whether articles like this are alarmist, or an accurate representation of! what is going on. But one thing is clear, this is a major issue and appears to be a critical step in the rise of the Non-geographical corporate State's acquisition of power.   A world without democracy, ruled by a technocratic elite serving the interests of US and global capital – protecting “investor rights” against national laws and regulations – is now being created in secret negotiations over free-trade treaties, one of which, the TransPacific Parnership (TPP), may be sewn up this fall. Can popular will stop it?

NAFTA on Steroids: The TransPacific Partnership and Global Neoliberalism
CLIFF DURAND, Research Associate, Center for Global Justice and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Morgan State – Truthout

One of the more interesting trends going on right now as the decision by the Millenials to abandon Christianity. I think this is happening because the Theocratic Right lives in a realm of fantasy that Millenials can see is utterly bogus — 6,000 year old Earth, inerrant Bible, Creationism, and Clima! te Denierism.

Hemant Mehta on Rising Atheism Among Millenials: ‘It’s not That Christianity Is Unpopular, It’s That It’s Untrue
GEORGE CHIDI – The Raw Story

Here is some good news about the anti-GMO movement with which I am in complete agreement (See my esssay, The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness.)

Big Food Stocks and Anti-GMO Sentiment: The Right to Choose Movement Gains Strength

Berto Jongman: Cover-Up on Iraqui Birth Defects Continues — World Health Organization Under Scrutiny

07 Health, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Non-Governmental
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The WHO must release report on Iraqi birth defects now

The indefinite postponement of the World Health Organisation's report is alarming scientists and activists

Al Jazeera, 11 Aug 2013 13:28

Mozhgan Savabieasfahani

Dr Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, a native of Iran, is an environmental toxicologist based in Michigan. She is the author of over two dozen peer reviewed articles and the book, Pollution and Reproductive Damage (DVM 2009).

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Large parts of the Middle East are now contaminated with war pollutants.

In Iraq, war debris continues to wear away and erode populated cities. Such debris includes the wreckage of tanks and armoured vehicles, trucks and abandoned military ammunitions, as well as the remains of bombs and bullets. Left unabated, the debris will act as dangerous toxic reservoirs; releasing harmful chemicals into the environment and poisoning people who live nearby.

Today, increasing numbers of birth defects are surfacing in many Iraqi cities, including Mosul, Najaf, Fallujah, Basra, Hawijah, Nineveh, and Baghdad. In some provinces, the rate of cancers is also increasing. Sterility, repeated miscarriages, stillbirths and severe birth defects – some never described in any medical books – are weighing heavily on Iraqi families.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Cover-Up on Iraqui Birth Defects Continues — World Health Organization Under Scrutiny”

Jean Lievens: Selfish Win Short-Term Only

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

New game theory research: Does evolution favour jerks?

So you believe in winning at all costs, even screwing fellow colleagues to get ahead in life? Well you may be in a bit of shock. An article in says although the selfish can survive for a while, but according to new game theory research, long-term survival requires cooperation.

Read full article.

Penguin: Fukushima and the Pacific Ocean

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

Water leaks at Fukushima could contaminate entire Pacific Ocean

Two and a half years after the Fukashima tragedy Japan does not want to admit how serious it is, but it is obvious the drastic environmental implications are to follow, Harvey Wasserman, journalist and advocate for renewable energy, told RT.


RT: Japanese officials have admitted a leak at Fukushima has been happening for two years and is worse than earlier thought. Why did it take so long to evaluate the actual repercussions of the tragedy and take decisive measures to tackle them?

HW: The Japanese authorities have been covering up the true depth of the disaster because they don’t want to embarrass themselves and the global nuclear industry and they are trying to open up another nuclear plant in Japan. When the Japanese people now find out that the accident is worse than we thought and they have been leaking many tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean for almost two and a half years, this is a catastrophe. Tokyo Electric has no idea how to control this accident. This is absolutely terrifying after two and a half years. To find out that these reactors have been out of control, now that they can’t control this they don’t know what’s going on. This is not a primitive backward country; this is Japan with advanced technology. It has very serious implications for nuclear power all over the world.

RT: Why the plant's operator failed to contain the leak?

HW: Because they don’t know what to do. This has never happened before. You have three explosions; you have four nuclear reactors that are severely compromised. No one ever planned for this. This is an apocalyptic event. This is something that could contaminate the entire Pacific Ocean. It is extremely serious. The reality is that Tokyo Electric does not know what is happening and does not know how to control what is going on. Our entire planet is at risk here. This is two and a half years after these explosions and they are still in the dark. It’s terrifying.

Read full interview.

SchwartzReport: Blue Death (Poisoned Tap Water) + Radioactive Wastewter from Natural Gas Drilling

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

schwartz reportWhen I first began to travel professionally, when I started working for National Geographic, we used to be warned about not drinking the local water from the tap. Today I would be more concerned about the tap water in parts of American than I would be in much of the rest of the world. Here's why. My suggestion to all of you is to have your water tested by a! n independent lab. It only costs a few dollars, and it may give you a surprise.

Unlimited Arsenic and Other Poisons Dumped Daily Into US Waters
DONNA LISENBY – EcoWatch/Reader Supported News

Right now there is another blown-out rig in the Gulf of Mexico, and FOUR major tar sands pipeline leaks in Alberta, Canada. We are experiencing a major continent wide slow motion environmental disaster going on within the carbon energy infrastructure and, as far as I can see, the only person in corporate media who is even talking about it is Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. And today! , the Republicans in the House gutted support for non-carbon energy.

Natural Gas Drilling Produces Radioactive Wastewater

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Blue Death (Poisoned Tap Water) + Radioactive Wastewter from Natural Gas Drilling”

Wolfram|Alpha on Calculations Related to Lowering Sea Level

12 Water, Earth Intelligence
Home Page
Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: We think very highly of Wolfram Alfa and its creator Stephen Wolfram.  Below is the beginning of a conversation about what it would take to lower sea levels and keep them constant so Singapore among other countries, need not worry, at the same time that we leverage solar power to desalinate water and create hydrogen energy.


What is the volume of sea water that would have to be desalinated and withdrawn for aquifer replenishment, deforestation, de-desertification, and general land use, to keep sea level at a constant?  Discussion:  the intersection of solar energy and water purification, desalination, and splitting to produce hydrogen power and oxygen is now reaching a tipping point.  We are very close to a price point where it makes sense to actually lower the ocean and restock our clean water, doing this on a world wide basis, a Manhattan Project to create 1000 massive water desalination and power plants world wide.


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Anthony Judge: Is There Never Enough? Religious Doublespeak on Population and Poverty

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Is There Never Enough?

Religious doublespeak on population and poverty

Mass distraction enabling Mass destruction?
Denial of “overpopulation” as a problematic factor
Overpopulation denial as promoted by religions and fellow-travellers
Deficient analytic capacity of religions
Blame-gaming: always someone else's responsibility
Withholding aid as a means of saving future lives?
Hypocrisy of current Papal focus on poverty?
Challenge for a poverty-focused Pope
Towards a realistic simulation of faith-based population policies
LETS indulge the impoverished!?