Dutch Royal Academy Demands Open Data Plans

Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making
Michael Ostrolenk

Open Access, Open Data are rocking forward….

Tip of the Hat to Frank van Harmelen at Twitter for the leads.

The Dutch Approach to Research Data Infrastructure

See Also:

2004 Statement by Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science on Access to Research Data from Public Funding

2009 Open Government Data Netherlands Update

2009 Open Data and the Future of Funded Research

2011 Open Research Data Day 18th May

2011 Open data: an international comparison of strategies

2011 [PDF] A Global Perspective on Open Access Amsterdam, January 20, 2011

STOP US Government Loan Guarantees for Nuclear

05 Energy, 08 Proliferation, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
John Steiner


From Bonnie, Jackson & Graham: “We May Be on the Brink….”

Dear NukeFree.org supporter…We may be on the brink of stopping the US nuclear industry from building new reactors. 

We ask you to help make this happen.

The atomic industry desperately needs $36 billion in federal loan guarantees.

If we stop them, new reactor construction in this country will be severely restricted, if not ended altogether.

As the editor's blog currently posted at NukeFree.org explains:
( http://nukefree.org/editorsblog/americas-new-nuke-showdown-starts-now )
Japan and Germany have turned away from atomic power.

The first Congressional vote on these guarantees, as embedded in the 2012 federal budget, could happen in an Appropriations subcommittee as early as June 2.

We ask that you contact the White House and your Senators and US Representatives as often and forcefully as you can. You can do that on your own, or through the NIRS Action Alert linked through NukeFree.org:
( http://nukefree.org/loan-guarantee-battle-heating-take-action ).

Tell them it's time we scrap the failed atomic power experiment, and embrace the green-powered future we need to survive.

This is a battle that we can win. Defeating these handouts will have a HUGE impact.

Please join us. This definitive turn away from atomic power CAN happen.

No Nukes!

Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt and Graham Nash

First Habitable Planet Confirmed by French

08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Academia, Earth Intelligence, Strategy

Greg Tito | 17 May 2011

Escapist Magazine

French scientists believe that a planet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581 could sustain life similar to Earth.

Twenty light years away is a small red star. Orbiting this sun are six planets that range in size from slightly smaller than Earth to about the size of Neptune. Several of these planets fall within the star's “Goldilocks” zone, neither too hot from proximity to the star nor too cold from being too far. If a planet is too hot, all water would be steam but if its too cold then it would be ice, neither of which can support life. Luckily, a group of astronomers from the National Centre for Scientific Research in France believe that the fourth planet – unimaginatively labeled Gliese 581d – is just right.

Read rest of article….

Nuclear/Climate Change: CLOSED 17 May 2011

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, 12 Water, Communities of Practice, Corporations, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Technologies

ROLLING UPDATE from Beginning of Crisis

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/PBI-Japan-Update

Click on Image to Enlarge

16 May 2011

ALL:  Study: Seaports unready for climate change

CANADA:  Climate change threatens arctic coastlines

CHINA:  China’s Nuclear Arsenal: Status and Evolution

EUROPE-SPAIN:  Spanish Quake Jolts European Nuclear Debate

GERMANY-JAPAN-USA:  Nuclear Nations Turn To Natural Gas And Renewables

INDIA:  Manmohan Singh takes stock of country's nuclear arsenal

INDIA-PAKISTAN:  Towards An Indo-Pak Nuclear Lexicon: Minimum Nuclear Deterrence – Analysis

INDONESIA:  Strong earthquake strikes off Indonesia’s Java island

JAPAN:  Japanese Officials Ignored or Concealed Dangers

JAPAN:  Japan Sticks to Timeline for Solving Nuclear Crisis

Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. also acknowledged that one of the factors contributing to a rapid meltdown of reactor cores was the failure to keep emergency batteries safe from the tsunami, preventing a key emergency cooling system from performing its intended function.

Meanwhile, Tepco said one of the key causes of a rapid meltdown at Unit No. 1 was the failure of two emergency cooling mechanisms—the suppression pool and the isolation condenser—to perform their intended functions.

PAKISTAN:  Pakistan's nuclear surge exposed

Indian slam, satellite and video, 100% jump by 2021.

Click on Image to Enlarge

SWEDEN:  Sweden's Holding Tank For Nuclear Waste

“We have here about 2,000 tons that you are looking (at), and you can stand here as long as you want to,” she tells me before quickly adding, “If we take one of these bundles out of the water I will give you 20 seconds to leave this room alive.”

USA:  US reactor outages 50 pct above late-spring average

USA:  U.S. Nuclear Output Falls as Entergy, Progress Shut Reactors

Twenty- five of the nation’s 104 reactors were offline.

USA:  75% of Americans Have Never Heard of Climate-Gate, Study Reveals

Prior Updates, Graphics, and Original Overviews Below the Line

Continue reading “Nuclear/Climate Change: CLOSED 17 May 2011”

Event: Free Online Download Why Stone-Age Instincts Run Your Life & How Science Can Change That

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process, Strategy, Threats
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

I’m excited to let you know about an upcoming free teleseminar by colleagues of mine, Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow. This couple is well known for their work in translating the various evolutionary sciences into practical wisdom for meeting the challenges of everyday life.

The focus of their hour-long audio seminar will be, as they summarize it: “Why the Stone-Age instincts we’ve all inherited can so often challenge us in our modern-day settings—and how new discoveries in the evolutionary and human sciences offer perspectives that are both practical and profound.”

Michael and Connie were the ones who launched me into my own evolutionary perspective, which expanded and deepened into the vision in my book REFLECTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM.

I'm beginning to see an emerging whole-life curriculum to bring actionable evolutionary understandings into virtually every aspect of life, just as feminist and ecological understandings have spread into every niche.  The first rough outline of such an “evolutionizing” curriculum might look something like this:

*  Evolutionize yourself and your relationships:
Connie and Michael's class
*  Evolutionize your groups, organizations and communities:
*  Evolutionize your society and social systems:
Robert Wright's NON-ZERO
Paul Ehrlich and Robert Ornstein's NEW WORLD, NEW MIND
*  Evolutionize your worldview
Elisabet Sahtouris' EARTHDANCE
Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme's THE UNIVERSE STORY

There are many other dimensions that could be included in such a curriculum — evolutionizing technology, education, heatlh care, you name it — and dozens of other really fine books and other resources that could be used — but the general idea in this outline intrigues me and, I hope, others who might act on it.

I invite you get a good whiff of how this perspective could play out in your own life.  Check out Connie and Michael's free evening teleclass this Wednesday (May 18th) — “Evolutionize Your Life: The Science of How to Decode Human Behavior, Eliminate Self-Judgment, and Create a Big-Hearted Life of Purpose and Joyful Integrity”.   You can read more about it and register at http://bit.ly/EvolutionizeLifeClass .



3D Images of the Structure Inside Material

03 Environmental Degradation, Academia, Analysis, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process, Policies

Three-Dimensional Orientation Mapping in the Transmission Electron. This image shows the arrangement of crystals in a 150nm thick nanometal aluminium film. The crystals have identical lattice structure (arrangement of atoms) but they are orientated in different ways in the 3-D sample as illustrated by the labels 1 and 2.

The colours represent the orientations of the crystals and each crystal is defined by volumes of the same colour. The individual crystals of various sizes (from a few nm to about 100 nm) and shapes (from elongated to spherical) are clearly seen and mapped with a resolution of 1 nanometer.

(Credit: Image courtesy of Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy)

ScienceDaily (May 16, 2011) — Scientists from Denmark, China and USA have developed a new method for revealing 3-D images of the structure inside a material.

Read complete article….

Plastic Bottles & Plastic Bags: Massive Scam & Threat

03 Environmental Degradation, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Policies
John Steiner

Please spread link to this short [4 minute] video if you feel inspired!

From Kyle Thiermann, Surfing for Change:

Hi Everybody,

I'm excited to announce the release of my new movie “Where is Away: Solving
Plastic Pollution in 4 Minutes”.   It tracks a plastic bag that I use in my hometown of Santa Cruz California, all the way to the north shore of Oahu, demonstrating both the destruction and solutions along the way. Famous musician Jack Johnson, and Story of
Annie Leonard join me in this fast-paced journey to highlight the power we all have to end plastic pollution.

Where is Away: Solving Plastic Pollution in 4 minutes

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Poisons, Toxicity, Trash, & True Cost