Berto Jongman: Heather Marsh on The End of Economics

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The catalyst effect of COVID-19

Heather Marsh

Given all of this, we have three goals we ought to pursue right now. One, consider collaboration free of trade economy norms. We don’t need cryptocurrency, or even basic income, as much as we need institutions of sharing and free services like transit, medical care, education, food and housing. Develop these ideas, even if they seem far-fetched right now – they won’t for long.

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Mongoose: Vaccines as Legalized Crime

03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies.

Safety studies are typically only performed on individual vaccines rather than the combination of vaccines, which are routinely given by care providers. In fact, there have been no safety studies performed on the comprehensive vaccine schedule.

A comprehensive PDF of following studies can be downloaded here.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Vaccines as Legalized Crime”

Mongoose: Medical Malpractice is 3rd Leading Cause of Death in USA

07 Health, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don't want you to know about

  • A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.
  • Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.
  • Advocates are fighting back, pushing for greater legislation for patient safety.

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Yoda: Is Earth Facing Asteroid Attack?

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

Once again, I have such a hard time with the real numbers and the unprecedented overreaction by most countries that THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE going on.  And what Masters states makes as much – if not more – sense than a plandemic instigated by Pharma and M.I.C./deep state worldwide. Weird thing is… no one touches it.  My list of things that do not add up for a non-existing pandemic but give credence to Planet X/Nibiru grows by the day.  And Masters remains very optimistic regardless.

Videos and links below the fold.

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Penguin: Open Source CL02 Against COVID-19

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Earth Intelligence

Alert Reader (MD/PhD) writes in:

I took several hours to transcribe this video because this talented gentleman is a scientist who clearly understands the pathophysiology involved in malaria, COVID-19 and why chlorine dioxide works so well in both diseases. As an MD/PhD, I can follow every part of his reasoning and explanation. Because the video was so good, I wanted to be able to help regular folks decode or clarify some of what he is saying. Tomorrow morning I will be teaching this information to my young medical student.

I think many lay people will even be able to understand this mechanism.

We do what we can to continue to help others,

VIDEO, Transcript, and Graphics Below the Fold.

Continue reading “Penguin: Open Source CL02 Against COVID-19”