Ann Delap: Jesus Round Four – Plus Juan O. Savin (P) on Lucifer / Baal

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


Thank you for your support. I knew there would be a negative reaction to this series. I am NOT the creator of the series as you well know. I am just the reviewer – everyone can decide for themselves what they think of the content. Nobody is more brainwashed than those who have “studied” religion all their lives. ALL of their sources are tainted in some way – they just can’t see it. We are exposing the very heart and soul of the main mechanism the Illuminati/Cabal uses for planetary control.

Continue reading “Ann Delap: Jesus Round Four – Plus Juan O. Savin (P) on Lucifer / Baal”

Matt Ehret: The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret

Earth Intelligence

The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret

Recently I had the chance to joins the Discovery Institute’s Dr. Gunter Bechly and talk show host Zain Khan for a lively discussion on the failures of the Darwinian model of evolution to account for the evidence of directedness, creative leaps and order in the fossil records. We also discussed political agendas behind the origins and spread of Darwinism in the 19th century and why any honest scientist who cares about truth must recognize its invalidity in the face of empirical data.

Robert Steele: CountyCoin & CountyWeb

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

This is my “prior art” statement on CountyCoin and CountyWeb. Anyone seeking to trademark these terms will find themselves dealing with my lawyers.

This is also a foundational public statement for my private discussion of my plans and intentions in The Steele Report for Monday, 8 March 2021.

We are going to Make America Great one Constitutional County Community at a time.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: CountyCoin & CountyWeb”

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov Recommends Four Videos on Free Photon Energy

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov recommends four videos, all below:

  • Part 1: Free Photon Energy – Can humans fly?
  • Part 2: Free Photon Energy – Is physics the physicists' labyrinth?
  • Part 3: Free Photon Energy – Is physics manipulated by politics?
  • Part 4: Free Photon Energy – Confusion through disorder

Continue reading “Georgi Alexandrov Stankov Recommends Four Videos on Free Photon Energy”