Mongoose: 5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Your Airplane’s Radar, a New Report Says

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Your Airplane’s Radar, a New Report Says

A white paper by the RTCA, a private-public aviation partnership that advises the Federal Aviation Administration, warns that 5G technologies could pose a “major risk…of harmful interference” to radar on business jets and other civilian aircraft.

Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?

Ethics, Government

Matt Taibbi deserves credit for opening my eyes to the possibility that everything we are watching is a Wrestlemania drama, with Joe Biden as the designated “heel” or loser.

Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi

The more I observe the calculated insanity of the Biden-Harris pedophile-transvestite team, the more I believe that President Trump has them under control and they are following a script.  Same for social media.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?”

Ray McGovern: John Brennan Is So Fucked – Robert Steele: Trade Him for Snowden?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government
Ray McGovern

RAY McGOVERN: What is John Brennan So Worried About?

Protecting “sources and methods” is a red herring. They can be redacted from a classified document. It’s the content of these files that has Brennan extremely nervous as they might reveal Brennan’s role in the Russiagate scandal.

Continue reading “Ray McGovern: John Brennan Is So Fucked – Robert Steele: Trade Him for Snowden?”

Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

I can confirm from multiple sources with proven access to President Donald Trump that President Trump will not concede and that he has all the evidence he needs to fry the Deep State financial, political, and media miscreants.

Just as I was writing the above, Ed Jewett came in with the below.  It is a game changer.  Somewhere in here Angla Merkle must have “made the deal” with our President.

#Breaking #BreakingNews
People on the ground in #Germany report that #Scytl, hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through #Spain, was raided by a large #USARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. Scytl Bankrupt
Continue reading “Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!”

Mongoose: Extra Info Off the Boards — Most Secure Election Yes Because We Caught Them Everywhere — “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”

Ethics, Government

Alert Reader, a Q Anon, sends this in via email:


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming is more than just a catch phrase. NCSWIC.

Did the Fake News take the bait with the bold text from CISA? Maybe they are telling the truth. Maybe this was the most secure election of all time BECAUSE, as Trump said, “they got caught.”

Continue reading “Mongoose: Extra Info Off the Boards — Most Secure Election Yes Because We Caught Them Everywhere — “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming””

Ron Paul: Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer – Col USA (Ret) Doug Macgregor Moves to Pentagon

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

In what may go down in history as a tragic example of “a day late and a dollar short,” President Trump today named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.  Read full article.

Continue reading “Ron Paul: Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer – Col USA (Ret) Doug Macgregor Moves to Pentagon”