Owl: US Pedophilia at Highest Levels — Catholic Archbishops as the Enablers — While FBI Turns a Blind Eye and Satanic Protestant Elite Syphon Kids from Child Protective Agencies with Insider Help

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

A very high-level protector of priest pederasts, Cardinal Mahoney of the LA diocese, is being kicked out of his job: “Archbishop Jose Gomez said he had stripped his predecessor, the retired cardinal Roger Mahony, of all public and administrative duties.” More details here:

Catholic cardinal stripped of duties as LA diocese child abuse files released

Boing-Boing said: “The Archdiocese this week…removed Cardinal Roger Mahony from his duties, for his role in enabling and keeping quiet the methodical and widespread molestation. The removal is “unprecedented,” but many victims and advocates believe Mahony deserves greater punishment. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Curry, who helped Mahony hide abusers from police in the eighties, has resigned his post as regional bishop in Santa Barbara, California.”

More significantly, 12,000 pages of files have been released by the diocese to the public “more than a week after church records relating to 14 priests were unsealed as part of a separate civil suit, showing that church officials plotted to conceal the abuse from law enforcement agencies as late as 1987.”

To access the released files, click at end of sentence, then scroll down the page to the section labeled “Clergy Personnel Files”,  and a list of names appears which link to the file of the named individual perpetrator priest:

Access Released Files

Most of the files are variously redacted, and many of the molesters have since died, but the files still offer some gruesome reading, given the victims were children and their molesters Roman Catholic priests.

Continue reading “Owl: US Pedophilia at Highest Levels — Catholic Archbishops as the Enablers — While FBI Turns a Blind Eye and Satanic Protestant Elite Syphon Kids from Child Protective Agencies with Insider Help”

Owl: Pedophilia as “Privilege” and “Pure” — Single Source Page for Glimpse of Chasm Into Hell — Coast to Shining Satanic Coast – FBI Complicit? 1.5

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Games Serious / Change, GigaNet, Government, Hacking, IO Deeds of Peace, IO Deeds of War, IO Gaming, IO Multinational, Knowledge, Law Enforcement, Security
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

A big problem in sharing even excellent, well-sourced information on the theme of pedophiles occupying the highest ranks of organizations, whether they be corporate, governmental or even religious, is not the sense of incredulity such information usually provokes in typically asleep middle-class readers who have lived relatively protected, cocooned existences oblivious to the innumerable black undersides of what some call reality.  That's to be expected from those who live in middle-class cocoons.  The real difficulty is in examining and sharing information on practices that are unarguably loathsome, depraved, vile, degenerate and in essence evil, and done by people we look upon as our highest and most respectable leaders. It's easy to accuse someone of evil, and it is insufficient by itself to do so. One has to provide evidence, and providing evidence entails describing something ineffably malign and almost unutterable in its horror – that's hard to do, by comparison, because except for those with a strong appetite or attraction to very, very dark things, a minority, no one else, understandably, wants to look at such things. People flee from what repels them, and what is more repellent than pederasts, especially those who have great power and privilege?

This undoubtedly largely has to do with living in a dominantly secular age. The influence of those who don't believe in a Divine Order or God is pervasive enough to compel the masses to assume the flip side: to take for granted there is no Devil, no source of deep, abiding non-human evil. Anything conveyed about people and their practices that smacks of a quality or degree of evil that puts the smug assumptions of modernity into doubt, that makes the Satanic much more plausible despite the stubborn persistence of modernity's assumptions about good and evil, is an object of terror and revulsion to the degree that modernity's values has descended into people's hearts and minds.  Not that religious “authorities” can be counted on to protect innocent children. Note the Catholic Church's endless calls to stop abortion, which victimizes innocent children, they say, which is all well and good, but its compulsive, monotonic repetition of this meme seems to be a sign of a compensatory spilling-out of a guilty conscience for having permitted and protected the many pederast priests in its midst. They seem to ignore the more concrete or real crime in exchange for protesting the more abstract one when it comes to their most repeated phrase: innocent children. This happens likely because the real crime is done by their very own, at the center of power and control in the Church, by priests and their bishops.

For these and other reasons, getting the message out about pedophiles who are very powerful is more challenging and daunting than getting out information on any other category of crimes performed by members of the Elite. Yet the task should be done, if only as a microscopic, belated effort to help get some chance of justice for the countless and truly innocent children victimized and even tortured and killed by pederasts, especially those in the highest places, plus to help prevent new such crimes by the high and mighty especially.

Continue reading “Owl: Pedophilia as “Privilege” and “Pure” — Single Source Page for Glimpse of Chasm Into Hell — Coast to Shining Satanic Coast – FBI Complicit? 1.5″

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook a Complete DHS Fake? Substantial Compilation of Actors, Drills, No Real Blood, Database Conflicts, Etcetera….1.1

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook

By Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer)

Veterans Today, 30 January 2013

Sandy Hook poses so many uncertainties and even contradictions that it should come as no surprise that virtually every aspect of whatever happened is being subjected to the most minute scrutiny. I have now published multiple articles about it here at Veterans Today, including “Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and anti-Gun ‘Psy Op’”, where others, such as historian of science and expert on 7/7, Nicholas Kollerstrom, have addressed the parallels between those events. On one web site, I have even been asked by a serious but skeptical reader whether it is even possible that none of the children were actually killed.

The question is not as unwarranted as most of the public might believe. If this had been a real shooting of children, there would have been a sense of panic and of hysteria. EMTs would have rushed into the school building. The children would have been rushed out on stretchers and into ambulances and other vehicles and rushed to a hospital for doctors to treat them and formally pronounce the death of those who had been killed. Nothing remotely like this happened. The police cordoned off everyone from the school. No one was allowed to see the bodies. They were transported in the dead of night. It was simply bizarre beyond belief. A resourceful student has turned up visual evidence that Sandy Hook was not even an operating school, which, if she is right, discloses the stunning enormity of the hoax:

YouTube (7:02)  Sandy Hook was not an operating school? Comparison of schools on Bing map

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Sandy Hook a Complete DHS Fake? Substantial Compilation of Actors, Drills, No Real Blood, Database Conflicts, Etcetera….1.1”

Paul Craig Roberts: The End of Truth & Law in America

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts

Phi Beta Iota:  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a Reagan Republican and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has also been a columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate.  In other words, a man with a brain and a devotion to facts.  He is very angry.  This specific article adds weight to the view that the Department of Justice is no longer able to actually focus on justice, or truth, only on ideologically and financially motivated vendettas.  The average America appears to be trapped in the midst of multiple competing crime family, all of them with pieces of the US Government at their beck and call.

In Amerika Law No Longer Exists: the extermination of truth

In the 21st century Americans have experienced an extraordinary collapse in the rule of law and in their constitutional protections. Today American citizens, once a free people protected by law, can be assassinated and detained in prison indefinitely without any evidence being presented to a court of their guilt, and they can be sentenced to prison on the basis of secret testimony by anonymous witnesses not subject to cross examination. The US “justice system” has been transformed by the Bush/Obama regime into the ”justice system” of Gestapo Germany and Stalinist Russia. There is no difference.

In an article available here Stephen Downs, formerly Chief Attorney with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct and Kathy Manley, a criminal defense attorney and member of the New York Civil Liberties Union, report on how the US government destroyed a charity, the Holy Land Foundation, which provided money for feeding the poor and for building schools and hospitals in Palestine.

The charity, aware of the perils of being based in the US and doing anything for Palestinians, relied on the US State Department and the US Department of Justice (sic) for guidance on where to send humanitarian aid. The charity sent its aid to the same aid committees in Palestine that the US Agency for International Development and the UN used to distribute aid to the Palestinians.

In the first trial of the Holy Land Foundation, the US government admitted that none of the charity’s donations had gone to terrorist organizations, and the federal prosecutors failed to achieve a conviction. So the prosecutors tried the charity again.

In the second trial, the judge permitted the prosecutors to call an “anonymous expert” to tell the jury that some of the committees used by USAID and the UN and approved by the US Department of State were controlled by Hamas, the elected government of Palestine that Israel requires the US government to brand as “terrorist.”

As Downs and Manley point out, an “anonymous expert” cannot “be challenged because he is unknown.” There cannot be a cross examination. The “expert” could be anyone–someone paid to lie to the jury, a Jew who believes all help to Palestinians comprises “aid to terrorists,” or a member of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service that has throughly infiltrated the US according to US intelligence experts.

Read full article.

Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?



2012-03-07  Lyndon Johnson was bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother – Ray Hill read LBJ's sexual history interview at the Kinsey Institute in the mid 1960's

2012-10-16  Madeleine Brown, LBJ & Driskill Hotel – 12/31/63

2012-01-28  Bibliography of 1000 Books to read on the JFK Assassination, aka 1963 Coup d'Etat

2010-12-23  The LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK

Gen. Edward Lansdale, the CIA's expert on coups and assassinations, was identified onsite at Dealey Plaza by Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak both who worked closely with Lansdale. Lansdale was photographed 5 feet west of the Texas School Book Depository in one of the famous “3 tramps” photographs. I think it is a near certainty that Lansdale, the CIA's expert on coups and assassinations, was in Dallas to organize the JFK assassination. Lansdale had run the Operation Mongoose covert operations against Castro for the Kennedys – an experience that Lansdale found to be extremely frustrating.

Oliver North, who was being run by GHW Bush, was a great admirer of Gen. Lansdale and even described himself in the 1980's as being “Landalized.” There is also a picture of Ed Lansdale with Oliver North in the 1980's. Edward Lansdale and Oliver North specialized in covert operations and unaccountable shadow government actions.

The midlevel murderers (including field operations) of JFK would include CIA guys like, James Angleton, David Atlee Phillips, David Morales, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero, William King Harvey, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Bernardo De Torres, Richard Helms and perhaps Cord Meyer. Deputy Harry Weatherford is a good candidate to have been on the Records Building as a sniper. Influential mobster Johnny Roselli was especially close friends with the CIA’s William King Harvey, a rabid Kennedy hater. The most likely mafia godfathers involved would be Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante, particularly in Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald and perhaps in the JFK Assassination as well and other murders in the post assassination cover up.

2011-07-31  Video Interviews with LBJ Mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown

2010-07-09  “George Reedy, longtime LBJ insider, on what a narcissist, sadist, bully & lout Lyndon Johnson was.”

1983-11-22  The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al”

Rickard Falkvinge: “Terms of Service” Are Evil

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Routine Dismissive Agreements To Terms Of Service Are A Real Problem (Poll Inside)

Infopolicy:  The habit for companies to write terms of service to a length and complexity nobody can understand, coupled with the subsequent habit of everybody of agreeing to them without reading them, has become a real problem. It undermines the concept of contracts as such, and it enables corporations to undermine citizens’ rights without democratic oversight. Maybe regulation is needed.

People are agreeing to anything with a “yeah, whatever” shrug today. A particular website’s terms of service may well include signing away their entire inheritance and house, and it’s likely nobody would notice. This is a real problem, as our ancestors fought hard to give us the rights we have today – rights that are routinely signed away just to play the latest game.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  The law is no longer the law.  At the top, governments legalize crime and government agencies become partners in crime with cartels and other forms of organized predation.  At the bottom, “terms of service” are so contrived as to waive all existing rights, e.g. to a jury trial, in favor of arbitration or worse, no standing at all.  The law has become stupid and irresponsible.  Under such circumstances, the law lacks legitimacy.  This is a much bigger problem.

Mini-Me: Wall Street is Untouchable — No One Goes to Jail

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Phi Beta Iota:  Only Iceland has demonstrated the combination of intelligence and integrity to actually serve the public interest.

See Also:



January 23, 2013, 6:04 pm ET · by Sarah Childress.  Lanny Breuer is leaving his position as head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. As assistant attorney … Continue reading →

Did Wall St. Get Away With It? Live Chat Wed. 2 pm ET
January 22, 2013, 10:52 pm ET · by Nathan Tobey.  Join us for a live chat on “The Untouchables” with producer Martin Smith and New York Times DealBook reporter Peter Eavis at 2pm ET on Wednesday, January 23rd. You can leave a question now.

Blowing the Whistle on the Mortgage Bubble
January 22, 2013, 9:44 pm ET · by Azmat Khan.  Well before the 2008 financial meltdown, mortgage industry insiders discovered a ticking time-bomb that they say went up to the very top of Wall Street. What did they find? Who did they warn? And what happened to their warnings?

Too Big To Jail? The Top 10 Civil Cases Against the Banks
January 22, 2013, 9:44 pm ET · by Jason M. Breslow.  In nearly every major legal case to emerge from the crisis, government prosecutors have won multi-million dollar settlements, but companies and officials have not been required to admit wrongdoing.

Were Bankers Jailed In Past Financial Crises?
January 22, 2013, 9:43 pm ET · by Jason M. Breslow.  Not one Wall Street executive has been prosecuted for fraud related to the subprime crisis. How does that compare to past downturns?

Phil Angelides: Enforcement of Wall St. is “Woefully Broken”
January 22, 2013, 9:42 pm ET.  The current system of enforcement in the financial services industry has done little to deter pervasive fraud, says the former chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.

Lanny Breuer: Financial Fraud Has Not Gone Unpunished
January 22, 2013, 9:42 pm ET.  Prosecutors are holding Wall Street to account for the financial crisis, but success should not be measured solely by the number of convictions to date, says the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division.

Ted Kaufman: Wall Street Prosecutions Never Made a Priority
January 22, 2013, 9:41 pm ET.  The lack of high-level prosecutions from the financial crisis can be traced to the Obama administration’s ambivalence to upset the banks, the former U.S. senator told FRONTLINE.

As Deadlines Loom for Financial Crisis Cases, Prosecutors Weigh Their Options
January 22, 2013, 9:40 pm ET · For more than four years, regulators have struggled to successfully prosecute a Wall Street bank or its executives for alleged misconduct during the financial crisis. Now, time may be running out.

“Fraud Was … the F-Bomb”
January 22, 2013, 10:29 am ET · by Jason M. Breslow.  Well before the housing bubble burst, alarm bells were beginning to sound among key players in the mortgage industry: due diligence underwriters.