Penguin: Why is West Point Studying Domestic Movements? Led By an Israeli?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

(1) Why is West Point in the business of studying the domestic activities of Americans?

(2) Why is such an effort spearheaded by an Israeli?

(3) Is it any wonder America's good old boys do not trust their own government?

Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right

Arie Perliger

West Point Combatting Terrorism Centrer, January  15, 2013

In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics. These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition. To date, however, there has been limited systematic documentation and analysis of incidents of American domestic violence.

This study provides a conceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks and their associated trends. Through a comprehensive look at the data, this study addresses three core questions:

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Wayne Madsen: CIA Report on Pollard, Israel-South Africa Nuclear Proliferation, Israel Trading US Nuclear Secrets to Russia

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen

CIA Report: Israel Guilty of Nuclear Proliferation

Israeli spy was central cog in nuclear weapons proliferation alliance

It is clear that during the middle of December of last year that the Obama White House had settled on former Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense.

The U.S. Intelligence Community and defense establishment was told to come up with a strategy to combat the expected strong opposition to the nomination of the critical of Israel Hagel by that nation’s lobby in the United States.

The pro-Hagel circles needed a secret weapon to counteract the Israel supporters who would stress that Hagel was not supportive of the «special relationship» between the United States and Israel.

There was no better way to demonstrate that Israel was no special ally of the United States but a longtime hostile intelligence threat to America by declassifying a large part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Damage Report arising from the intense espionage carried out by one-time U.S. Naval Intelligence spy Jonathan Jay Pollard on behalf of Israel.

The declassification of the long-classified Pollard report was made on December 16, 2012. However, the first substantial media reports on the report began around December 26.

The Jewish media, including Yeshiva World, Tablet Magazine, and Jewish Week, contended the report only showed that Pollard disclosed classified information on Arab and Soviet military capabilities, ignoring the fact that Pollard’s disclosures revealed the nature of U.S. intelligence sources and methods in obtaining such information, thereby putting U.S. civilian and military assets in extreme jeopardy.

The one major explosive revelation in the declassified report is Pollards’ involvement in a highly-classified Israeli-South African program to test a nuclear weapon in the South Atlantic/South Indian Ocean region in September 1979.

The Pollard Damage Assessment was prepared by the Director of Central Intelligence’s Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee and issued on October 30, 1987.

The report reveals for the first time that Pollard began working as a U.S. naval intelligence watch officer the same month that Israel and South Africa, possibly with the financial support of Taiwan, detonated a nuclear device in the South Atlantic/South Indian Ocean near South Africa’s Prince Edward Islands.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Wayne Madsen: CIA Report on Pollard, Israel-South Africa Nuclear Proliferation, Israel Trading US Nuclear Secrets to Russia”

Honoring Martin Luther King — With Truth

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement
cover act of state
Amazon Page

William F. Pepper

An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King

April 12, 2008

Host of Air America’s Clout, Richard Greene, hosts the author of An Act of State, William Pepper, who represented James Earl Ray on behalf of the Martin Luther King family and is now representing RFK patsy Sirhan Sirhan.

Listen 00:36:23

MP3 file:

20080412 pepper.mp3

Read more about trial that found US Government guilty of conspiracy to murder Dr. King.

Also: video talk of William Pepper from 2003 and the audio file version.

Continue reading “Honoring Martin Luther King — With Truth”

Marcus Aurelius: Military Seeks to Disarm Unstable Soldiers — But Only When They Are At Home

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

As much as I admire GEN(R) Chiarelli, I disagree profoundly with his position.  It ((IS)) about Second Amendment.  Admission of possession can be a form of registration.  And registration can lead to confiscation.  It is also about personal privacy.  Except for cases where privately owned weapons are stored on military installations in either married quarters or unit arms rooms, DoD has zero need to know whether or not a Service member owns firearms.  Suicide prevention  concerns, while heartwrenching, must absolutely yield to personal privacy and Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms.

U.S. military worries about guns, too

Stephanie Gaskell

Politico, 17 January 2013

One provision in President Barack Obama’s gun-control plan already has played well in Congress and with the National Rifle Association: being able to ask people with mental health issues if they have access to guns.

Last month, Congress passed a little-noticed provision in the National Defense Authorization Act that allows commanders and ranking officers to ask troops who are struggling with mental health issues if they have access to firearms.

The NRA, a big supporter of the military, did not try to block the provision. But it was not immediately available for comment Thursday.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: Military Seeks to Disarm Unstable Soldiers — But Only When They Are At Home”

SchwartzReport: Criminal Insanity in America – TSA, Monsanto, Scientologists

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportTSA to Remove Controversial X-ray Scanners
JOSHUA FREED , Business Writer – The Associated Press

We spent several billion dollars on this this ill-conceived program, and it has come to this.

Monsanto Versus the People
CHARLOTTE SILVER – Aljazeera (Qatar)

Prop 37 went down in California thanks to a million dollar a day ad campaign funded by the pro-GMO corporate interests. But the fight against GMOs has not ended. Here is the latest on this trend.

15 Scientology Revelations From Lawrence Wright’s ‘Going Clear’
The Daily Beast

Scientology is such a bizarre organization, and so obviously the creation of a man with serious mental health issues, that it has always been hard to understand how some very competent people get involved — I had several scientist friends who got completely embroiled in it, much to my consternation. Lawrence Wright who is a meticulous journalist has searched out the truth about Scientology ! and produced an extraordinary non-fiction work of investigative reporting, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief.

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook, Israel’s “Art Students” in Purple Van, Greenwich Safehouse, Nurse’s False Testimony — Four Competing Narratives

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Obama “Gun Address” Misses Real Terrorism Threat

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Despite attempts to blame a seemingly endless group of lunatic mass murderers for the equally endless number of devastating mass killings now plaguing the United States, our government, our “protectors” and, most damnably, our president, are failing to react to real terror attacks that are becoming an almost daily occurrence.

Ambassador Susan Rice was “sacrificed” for failing to cite the Benghazi attack as terrorism.

However, when something worse, when a dozen “somethings worse” happens, not in North Africa, but here at home, our schools, movie theatres, military bases, college campuses, the use of the term “terrorism” is forbidden.


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The US Army has recognized a pattern of terrorist activity in several of the recent mass shootings, based on timing, type of target, control of media, lost evidence, poor investigations, a pattern that shows signs of the involvement of a military type operation against “soft targets” in the US.

Sandy Hook, we are told, is a total failure as an “false flag” terror attack, having left too many “loose threads.”  Some are listed in the video below.  In truth, there are hundreds:

Initial suspicions led investigators to extremist groups in the US, the National Socialist Movement, the US Border Patrol and the Hutarees.

However, investigations found these groups to be both almost entirely inactive or with a majority of members FBI informants.

Read full article with video and photos.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Sandy Hook, Israel's “Art Students” in Purple Van, Greenwich Safehouse, Nurse's False Testimony — Four Competing Narratives”

Warren Edward Pollock: Ann Barnhardt on the Record — SENTINEL & Other Frauds Stealing Your Future

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Warren Edward Pollock
Warren Edward Pollock

Published on Jan 16, 2013

Ann Barnhardt – August 14, 2012 – reposted by request

This was the 2007 pre-fraud, with full complicity from the US Government which “did not understand” and therefore “went ahead and signed off.”  As Ann calls it, “evil incompetence” combined with malicious auditing and malicious litigation used to silence critics.  Customer segregated funds no longer off limits, allows banks to use customer funds as collateral to fund proprietary bank speculation.

Phi Beta Iota: This is a video that should go viral. Bottom line: the US legal system is corrupt to the bone and no longer represents “Justice.”