US Government Lies Part I [one source, one day]

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
DefDog Recommends....

U.S. official cites misconduct in Japanese American internment cases

By David G. Savage, Washington Bureau

Los Angeles Times, May 24, 2011

Acting Solicitor Gen. Neal Katyal says one of his predecessors, Charles Fahy, deliberately hid from the Supreme Court a military report that Japanese Americans were not a threat in World War II.

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: We are totally fed up with this”Empire of Lies and Secrecy.”  Anyone who has sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies domestic and foreign, who LIES to Congress or the Courts, should be indicted for treason [just as individual members of Congress should be IMPEACHED for any abdication of their Article 1 responsibilities].  The US public needs to demand INTEGRITY of its officials.

Vote Now to End the Drug War–Regulate & Save

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
John Steiner

Please do consider sharing this one with everyone you know!

Phi Beta Iota: Actionable part right here up front, strongly recommended to one and all.  It's time we put the various “complexes” out of business.

If we can create a worldwide outcry in the next few days to support the bold calls of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, we can overpower the stale excuses for the status quo. Our voices hold the key to change — Sign the petition and spread the word:

Dear friends,

In days, a group of powerful world leaders will ask the UN to end the war on drugs and move towards regulation. But politicians say that the public will not support alternative drug policies. Let's give this unique opportunity massive public support and get urgent action. Sign below, and tell everyone:

In days, we could finally see the beginning of the end of the Œwar on drugs¹. This expensive war has completely failed to curb the plague of drug addiction, while costing countless lives, devastating communities, and funneling trillions of dollars into violent organized crime networks.
Continue reading “Vote Now to End the Drug War–Regulate & Save”

Wall Street Journal On Bin Laden Raid Planning

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

More that should never have been written

Wall Street Journal
May 23, 2011
Pg. 1

Spy, Military Ties Aided Bin Laden Raid

By Siobhan Gorman and Julian E. Barnes

In January, the chief of the military's elite special-operations troops accepted an unusual invitation to visit Central Intelligence Agency headquarters. There, Adm. William McRaven was shown, for the first time, photos and maps indicating the whereabouts of the world's most wanted man.

Adm. McRaven—one of the first military officers to be brought into the CIA's latest hunt for Osama bin Laden—offered a blunt assessment: Taking bin Laden's compound would be reasonably straightforward. Dealing with Pakistan would be hard.

A Wall Street Journal reconstruction of the mission planning shows that this meeting helped define a profound new strategy in the U.S. war on terror, namely the use of secret, unilateral missions powered by a militarized spy operation. The strategy reflects newfound trust between two traditionally wary groups: America's spies, and its troops.

The bin Laden strike was the strategy's “proof of concept,” says one U.S. official.

Read full article….

Continue reading “Wall Street Journal On Bin Laden Raid Planning”

Lessons Learned on National Security Reform

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Strategy, Threats

Terrorists To Protest Organizers: Lessons Learned From The Demise Of bin Laden and The Future Of U.S. National Security

Phi Beta Iota: Below the line is a very ably crafted press release from the Project for National Security Reform (PNSR) led by Jim Locher and Dennis Blair, long-time champions of inter-agency reform or “Beyond Goldwater-Nicols.”  This is a brilliant contribution to the dialog that points out that we no longer have money to win UGLY, we now have to win smart.  That is what we, the Phi Beta Iota collective, have been advocating since 1988.

Continue reading “Lessons Learned on National Security Reform”

Supreme Court Says Warrants, States’ Rights Unnecessary

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement

Supreme Court Says Warrants, States' Rights Unnecessary

Thomas R. Eddlem, 18 May 2011


States cannot grant their citizens wider freedoms from search and seizure than federal courts do, and police may manipulate events that allow them to avoid getting Fourth Amendment search warrants from judges for home searches, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled May 13 in the case of Kentucky v. King. The 8-1 decision included a stinging dissent from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, one of the most liberal justices on the bench.

Ginsberg argued in her dissent: “The Court today arms the police with a way routinely to dishonor the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement in drug cases. In lieu of presenting their evidence to a neutral magistrate, police officers may now knock, listen, then break the door down, nevermind that they had ample time to obtain a warrant.”

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: We don't make this stuff up.  The USA is down the toilet at multiple levels.

Secrecy News: USG Out of Control on Classification

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement


Government attorneys this week asked a court to dismiss a lawsuit brought by author Anthony Shaffer who claimed that his freedom to publish a memoir of his military service in Afghanistan had been violated.  The government said that Mr. Shaffer's book, “Operation Dark Heart,” which appeared last September in censored form, contained properly classified information which the author has no right to publish.

What makes the case doubly strange is that uncensored review copies of the book are in circulation, along with the redacted version that has become a best seller.  As a result, the case provides a unique opportunity for the public to assess the quality of official classification practices in real time by comparing the two (pdf).

The government has “unlawfully imposed a prior restraint upon the plaintiff by obstructing and infringing on his right to publish unclassified information,” author Shaffer stated in his December 14, 2010 complaint (pdf) against the Department of Defense and the CIA.

Not so, said the Justice Department in its new motion to dismiss (pdf), dated May 16.  The book contains classified material and “Plaintiff has no First Amendment right to publish classified information.”

This week the government also told Mr. Shaffer's attorney, Mark S. Zaid, that several previously censored words or sentences in the book could now be disclosed.  “While classified eight months ago, [they] no longer remain classified.”  So, for example, the Justice Department said that this sentence was properly classified last September but is now unclassified and may be made public:

“Dawn was an awkward time of day when night-vision goggles were not effective, and it was hard to distinguish anything more than gray and purple shapes.”

A listing of other newly declassified words and sentences in the book was provided by the Justice Department on May 16.

A side-by-side presentation of several censored and uncensored pages from Mr. Shaffer's book, including some passages that have since been declassified and some that have not, may be found here (pdf).

See also “Behind the Censorship of Operation Dark Heart,” Secrecy News, September 29, 2010.


The Public Interest Declassification Board, a White House advisory body, was asked by President Obama to develop recommendations for a “fundamental transformation” of the national security classification system.  The Board developed several proposals of its own and solicited others from interested members of the public.  All of those, including one from the Federation of American Scientists, have now been posted online for public comment.

The Board will hold a public meeting on May 26 at the National Archives to discuss the proposals.

While well-intentioned, the process suffers from several limitations.  First, the President did not specify what manner of “transformation” he had in mind.  This is problematic because the path selected for transformation naturally depends on the desired goal.  Second, the Board has no particular influence or leverage that it can exert to advance its ultimate recommendations.  Even at the White House, most relevant national security personnel seem to be unaware of or uninterested in the Board's deliberations.  Finally, there is no internal incentive to drive transformation and no visible leadership to compel it.

In truth, the classification system is undergoing transformation at every moment, but mostly in undesirable ways.  Thus, during President Obama's first full year in office, the number of “original classification decisions,” or new secrets, grew by 22.6 percent, according to the latest annual report (pdf) from the Information Security Oversight Office.

Phi Beta Iota: In combination with the now documented and incredibly unconstitutional belief of the Department of Justice that it has the right to lie to the Court anytime it wishes to, and a Congress that abdicated its Article 1 responsibilities right after Newt Gingrich led the “revolution” that ended any form of bi-partisanship, it can safely be said that the US Government is out of control–not just on classification, but on everything else as well.  This is UGLY.

See Also:

Reference: US DOJ Tells Court It Has Authority to Lie UPDATED to include Amended Order of 27 April 2011

Secrecy News: Executive Privilege–Thomas Drake, Whistleblower, as a Political Prisoner in the USA…

The Criminal Insanity of Both US Parties–Borrow One Trillion a Year, Debate About Tax Increases

Ninth Circuit Court Says Veterans Administration, Congress and President Seriously Screwed Up

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Sgt. Jacob Blaylock, seated left, one of four in his Guard unit to commit suicide, at the grave of Sgt. Brandon Wallace Photo: Clinton Gill - NY Time

Ninth Circuit Court Says VA, Congress and President Seriously Screwed Up

Tim King, 12 May 2011

Court decision will radically change VA's approach to Veteran's health treatment.

(SALEM, Ore.) – Never in my life have I read words so supportive of veterans.

Read entire article….