John Whitehead: You’re Under Arrest, Cockroach — You Have No Rights….

09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
John Whitehead

You’re Under Arrest: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

What the First Amendment protects—and a healthy constitutional republic requires—are citizens who routinely exercise their right to speak truth to power.

What the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of line.

Read this full, masterful, enumerated indictment of the US Supreme Court.

Mongoose: Zionists are the Enemy — YouTube is Owned by Zionists — Only Zionist Approved Hate is Authorized in the USA — Say What?

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call

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Betty Boop: Dear TSA Are We to Be Naked From Now On?

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Police To Use TSA-Style Scanners To Spy On People In Public Places

TSA-style body scanners are coming to public spaces, and that should scare the hell out of everyone.

If you thought the NYPD’s Z-Backscatter vans and police mini-Z’s were intrusive, you have not seen anything yet.

Soon, nowhere will be safe from Big Brother’s prying eyes, as police prepare to use HEXWAVE to spy on people in public spaces.

Video below the fold.

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Berto Jongman: FBI Crisis — Playing Catch-Up on Cyber

Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman

Identity crisis: FBI plays catch-up as cyberthreats escalate

Now “every field office has a cyber squad” modeled after lessons learned fighting terrorism, said Ugoretz, speaking earlier this year at a conference in Sea Island, Ga. Some field offices are being assigned as leads for specific attacks or threat actors, she said. There is also a rapid response team that can be deployed out of headquarters in Washington at a moment’s notice.

Yet even as the FBI’s need for cyber experts is increasing, its ability to retain agents and employees with the needed technical expertise is under threat. According to interviews with over a dozen former FBI cyber employees as well as other national security experts, a cyber “brain drain” is taking place at the bureau that could hamper its ability to stem the constant flow of digital threats,

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