Todd Gitlin: The US Press — Corrupt & Controlled

Corruption, Media
Todd Gitlin
Todd Gitlin

Todd Gitlin, who teaches journalism and communications at Columbia University, is the author of The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left, Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives, and many other books including, most recently, Occupy Nation:  The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street.

Is the Press Too Big to Fail?

It's Dumb Journalism, Stupid

Cross-posted with

Everyone knows this story, though fewer and fewer read it on paper.  There are barely enough pages left to wrap fish.  The second paper in town has shut down.  Sometimes the daily delivers only three days a week.  Advertising long ago started fleeing to Craigslist and Internet points south.  Subscriptions are dwindling.  Online versions don’t bring in much ad revenue.  Who can avoid the obvious, if little covered question: Is the press too big to fail?  Or was it failing long before it began to falter financially?

In the previous century, there was a brief Golden Age of American journalism, though what glittered like gold leaf sometimes turned out to be tinsel.  Then came regression to the mean.  Since 2000, we have seen the titans of the news presuming that Bush was the victor over Gore, hustling us into war with Iraq, obscuring climate change, and turning blind eyes to derivatives, mortgage-based securities, collateralized debt obligations, and the other flimsy creations with which a vast, showy, ramshackle international financial house of cards was built.  When you think about the crisis of journalism, including the loss of advertising and the shriveled newsrooms — there were fewer newsroom employees in 2010 than in 1978, when records were first kept — also think of anesthetized watchdogs snoring on Wall Street while the Arctic ice cap melts.

Deserting readers mean broken business models.  Per household circulation of daily American newspapers has been declining steadily for 60 years, since long before the Internet arrived.  It’s gone from 1.24 papers per household in 1950 to 0.37 per household in 2010. To get the sports scores, your horoscope, or the crossword puzzle, the casual reader no longer needs even to glance at a whole paper, and so is less likely to brush up against actual — even superficial — news. Never mind that the small-r republican model on which the United States was founded presupposed that some critical mass of citizens would spend a critical mass of their time figuring out what’s what and forming judgments accordingly.

Read rest of article with many links.

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Chuck Spinney: America’s War Games — to the Death

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Almost 23 years ago, I wrote a short pamphlet, Defense Power Games.  My aim then (as it is now) was to explain why the end of the Cold War would not produce a peace dividend in the form of reduced defense budgets that were substantially lower that those averaged during America's Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Take a quick scan of Defense Power Games … now watch this 25 minute video — America's War Games — (also on youtube here)  just released by Aljazeera for its People and Power segment.  The video explains why the end of the War on Terror will not, like the end of the Cold War did not, result in a peace dividend

Santayana wrote that those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.  After watching “America's War Games,”  ask yourself two simple questions:

  1. “What has changed since the Defense Power Games pamphlet was published in 1990?”
  2. “Will the end of the War on Terror produce a dividend?”

I submit the answers are self-evident: (1) “Nothing” and (2) “No”

But one thing that has changed: Our economy is in far greater trouble today than it was in 1990, although the seeds for the current disaster were being merrily planted during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, as well as in the 1990s, not to mention the first decade of the 21st Century.  And this time around, it ought to be clear that continuing to assign grossly excessive amounts of scarce resources (capital and skilled labour) to defense spending will make America's current economic problems worse.

So, how can we reduce the defense budget to free up the funds needed by both the private and public sectors to reinvigorate our economy?

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: America's War Games — to the Death”

Theophillis Goodyear: Time for an Open-Source Truth Blitz on CNN and the Boston Bombing Story — Calling All Bloggers — Kick the Crap Out of CNN, Fox Et Al on Boston NOW — May the Force Be With You!

Corruption, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Governance, Media, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Transparency
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

This is a response to Owl's post Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

CNN is having ratings problems. If their subterfuge in Boston becomes common knowledge they will loose credibility and even more viewers. It would be a shot fired across the bow of every other news network. All the prominent muck-raking journals, like Mother Jones, the Nation, etc., should work together and make it happen, just like a blitz in football where everyone goes after the quarterback at once. They're already doing it, but they need to hit CNN hard, gang up on them! It may be a long time before there's another golden opportunity like this. CNN is down right now. With a behemoth like that, this is the best time to kick the crap out of them. And there's no mistaking the fact that they deserve it and in fact are inviting it by their repeated breaches of journalistic ethics. If the shoe was on the other foot they would be kicking the crap out of the little guy. It goes with the territory. They knew the rules when they started playing the game. The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Continue reading “Theophillis Goodyear: Time for an Open-Source Truth Blitz on CNN and the Boston Bombing Story — Calling All Bloggers — Kick the Crap Out of CNN, Fox Et Al on Boston NOW — May the Force Be With You!”

Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

The Boston bomber official “narrative” just keeps on keeping on falling apart, and virtually on a daily basis.  After the full article below, I have put a commentary from someone else drawing parallels between 9/11 and the Boston bombing.

Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart

Posted on by WashingtonsBlog

Chechen Brothers Did NOT Rob 7-11

We have no idea whether or not the Chechen brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were the Boston terrorists.

But several parts of the official narrative are already falling apart.

Continue reading “Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….”

Jim Fetzer: Boston, Truth, Justice, & the Shift

09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call
Jim Fetzer
Jim Fetzer

Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights.

Of all the tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”—C.S. Lewis

This is an all-out psy op at this point with bizarre claims of “double agents” and future attacks in the works.  Having been caught with their pants down–where the younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, was even photographed while leaving the scene with this backpack intact and spent his week as a normal college student–and  and now they are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink, including fantastic stories of him and his brother, Tameran, as “double agents”, which is nearly as ludicrous as the original story.

Continue reading “Jim Fetzer: Boston, Truth, Justice, & the Shift”

Theophillis Goodyear: Boston Suspect Has Throat Injury Cannot Speak — Lawyer Provided, Zero Proof?

Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

That's quite convenient for his prosecutors. Of course that doesn't mean that he can't write. But it means that he'll have difficulty communicating even with his lawyer, if he gets one, because it will all depend on how well he can communicate his thoughts through writing. And it means that there will be a hard copy of everything he says unless it's destroyed.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Remains In Serious Condition, May Have Suffered Throat Injury

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Owl: Re Boston & Social Media The Washington Post is Sooooooo Ignorant and Unprofessional

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 11 Society, Corruption, DHS, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Media
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Just finished reading the front page stories in today's Washington Post on Boston bombings. One of the stories mentions the role of crowd sourcing and social media, referring to what they call “vigilante detectives” who propound wildly “irresponsible” theories of what happened. I think it well represents what the Post thinks of web sites such as Phi Beta Iota. Especially interesting is they quote the mother of the Chechen alleged bombers regarding the FBI knowing about them for years. However, they say nothing, zero, zilch, not a word anywhere in the paper about her or father saying the FBI framed them. Very selective quoting.

Also, while the article rants about innumerable vigilante detectives with their cell phone cameras getting in the way of professional investigators, analyzing the photos for clues, they omit any mention whatsoever of vigilante detectives noticing the Craft operatives with their backpacks, and have many pictures to prove it. Whatever one thinks of the significance of those pictures, it is utterly irresponsible journalism to omit any attention to them. Very, very selective reporting, and clearly shows the most powerful propaganda works especially by omissions of facts, of avoiding notice or mention of what is right in front of one's eyes or ears..

Police, citizens and technology factor into Boston bombing probe

But for 102 hours last week, nothing seemed certain in the manhunt that paralyzed a major metropolis, captivated the nation and confronted counterterrorism operatives with the troubling and unforgiving world of social media and vigilante detective work.”

Continue reading “Owl: Re Boston & Social Media The Washington Post is Sooooooo Ignorant and Unprofessional”