Worth A Look: Indictment of the FBI as an Accomplice Before and After the Fact to the 3,000 Plus Murders — Robert Mueller Particularly Indicted

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Did you know that FBI agents knew all details of September 11 in advance, including the date, the targets, the means, the perpetrators? Did you know that their hierarchy forbade them to warn the public under threat of prosecution?

Did you know that the FBI lost, manipulated, and even made disappear, evidence of what really happened?

And that is only the beginning of this book. The time for an independent investigation on 9/11 and the FBI's (mis)conduct has come.

Continue reading “Worth A Look: Indictment of the FBI as an Accomplice Before and After the Fact to the 3,000 Plus Murders — Robert Mueller Particularly Indicted”

Charles Hugh Smith: American Rot – Law for Sale

09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Charles Hugh Smith

How Deep Is The Rot In America's Institutions?

How deep has the rot of corruption, fraud, abuse of power, betrayal of the public trust, blatant criminality and insiders protecting the guilty penetrated America's key public and private institutions? It's difficult to tell, as the law-enforcement and security agencies are themselves hopelessly compromised.

Continue reading “Charles Hugh Smith: American Rot – Law for Sale”